
Recent content by jayC99

  1. J

    My penis is not working right?

    I agree. I've been off of finasteride for a year now and still have the sexual side effects. Mainly NO sex drive and difficulty achieving an erection. Worst decision of my life.
  2. J

    7 months after quitting propecia, side effects persist...

    What ype of doctor am I supposed to go to?
  3. J

    7 months after quitting propecia, side effects persist...

    -Low/zero libido, decrease in sensitivity I also wake up every morning with severe dry mouth and a bad taste in my mouth. This never happened pre-propecia. I'm convinced my hormone levels have been permanently skewed. Has this happened to anyone else? Should I go to a doctor...
  4. J

    Erections and propecia!

    I stopped getting them, it's been over a year...
  5. J

    so these libido side effects...

    Why did I stop using propecia, then 3 weeks later my erections were fine? Just a coincidence for me and thousands of others I suppose, lmao. Serious can we ban this guy? He obviously works for propecia and spams for them on internet forums...
  6. J

    so these libido side effects...

    60% of the time, people are in that 2%...
  7. J

    so these libido side effects...

    Yep, ignorant people are the worst...
  8. J

    so these libido side effects...

    Wow, we're in the same boat...
  9. J

    Aplunk1 you have a FULL HEAD of THICK hair!

    Aplunk1 you have a serious psychological disorder, get checked out dude.
  10. J

    Going Blonde Mean Going Bald??????

    It means you're losing hair in that area... When my hairline started to recede its color got a light shade of blonde...
  11. J

    little white bulb on end of fallen hair

    The bulb indicates shed. Trust me, I had the same problem about 9 months ago.
  12. J

    I haven't jerked it in over 3 weeks.

    Check my regimen, I was on it for a while but stopped because I couldn't tell a difference. I started taking it again about 2 weeks ago, I'm taking 2 1000mg tablets per day (at the same time). Is that enough? Should I spread the dosage out throughout the day?
  13. J

    Nizoral could cause hair loss?

    Haha, BS. Where did you get this? More info? Links? Something?