
7 months after quitting propecia, side effects persist...


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-Low/zero libido, decrease in sensitivity

I also wake up every morning with severe dry mouth and a bad taste in my mouth. This never happened pre-propecia.

I'm convinced my hormone levels have been permanently skewed.

Has this happened to anyone else? Should I go to a doctor, could they tell anything from a blood test? I've "waited" these out long enough.


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Dude - go to a doctor big time.... get things sorted out ASAP as this doesn't sound healthy.

dutasteride has given me gyno big time (b**ch tits) and whilst I'm taking all sorts of libido supplemements I now only ejaculate about an 8th of what I did previously.... there's no quantity there at all.

Haven't taken any for a month now and I'm scared sh!tless that these sides are continueing.

This week I'm booked into a feritlity clinic to go get some tests done on the old sperm count and hormones to see if things can be rectified.

I'm 28 and my sex drive used to be very high.... now it's not there unless I force it out and nothing comes out!

Never again will I f@#$ with my hormones for vanity...

I'd prefer to be/go bald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those who say dutasteride and finasteride doesn't have sides.... well they can go.....


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That is what happens when you take a drug and use it for something it isnt meant for. While all of us have seen how dutasteride could potentially be much better than finasteride, no doctor would in their right mind prescribe dutasteride for hair loss. A few months ago I saw articles for the first time about dutasteride and how its much better than finasteride. Than I read up about the side effects. I have been on propecia now for 11 months and I am yet to have a side effect. Imo its stupid to even think about dutasteride at this point. Its just not worht it as u said 1750....


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kaner529 said:
That is what happens when you take a drug and use it for something it isnt meant for. While all of us have seen how dutasteride could potentially be much better than finasteride, no doctor would in their right mind prescribe dutasteride for hair loss. A few months ago I saw articles for the first time about dutasteride and how its much better than finasteride. Than I read up about the side effects. I have been on propecia now for 11 months and I am yet to have a side effect. Imo its stupid to even think about dutasteride at this point. Its just not worht it as u said 1750....

I'm not on dutasteride.


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I stupidly went on dutasteride as others have said that often you don't get the sides from dutasteride that you do from finasteride....
well yes you do.... only in a much larger dose (I did anyway).

You can do a few things.... get to a GP who can test your hormone levels through a salivery test, blood tests and I believe even urine samples....
or go to a doctor and get a referral to go to an actual fertility clinic.

Naturopaths also might be able to help restore the balance and will do iridology tests (look at your eyes), a hair analysis etc, etc and then give you herbal concoction to fix your system up (if you prefer a more alternate route).

Accupuncturists can sometimes also help restore the natural balance of testosterone in your system.

The whole issue here is that your hormones are out of whack....

Hair or no hair I want my hormones, sex drive and life back on track as I do want kids etc in the future and both these drugs can actually shrink your testes as well as giving you a limp wang, low libido etc, etc.
Smaller testes = less sperm and less chance of conceiving.

Thankfully nearly all of the probs are treatable.....

apologies if the above reads a bit scare mungerish....good luck restoring your balance

Guy Legend

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And this is the scary type of sh*t why I'm hesitant to take a hormone affecting pill for the rest of my life....


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Guy Legend said:
And this is the scary type of $#iT why I'm hesitant to take a hormone affecting pill for the rest of my life....
Same here. My dutasteride should be arriving in the mail any day now and I'm still wondering if I'll be taking it. Ball shrinkage, erection problems, low libido, breast growth, puffiness, god knows what else caused by messing with your hormones......I just don't know if it's worth it.


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Fat-Elvis -

I know I'm one of the cases whereby things just f#@$ed up for me....
Others may have success without the sides and unfortunately I am one that gets nailed by sides (have always had one of those metabolisms whereby if I take even herbal supplements their effects worked on me almost instantaneously).

From the few weeks of taking dutasteride all my frontal hair is as thin as sh!t and I had far too many sides to stick it out and wait for regrowth (my hair now resembles homer simpsons 3 strans at the front with thick sides and back!!!)

dutasteride works topically and is still (to some degree) absorbed sytemically when applied topically.... this might be an option for you if you're hesitant to immediately start taking it internally...

It's strong sh!t so ease your way onto it is MY PERSONAL advice/opinion......... we all know others have a varying viewpoint - they're the lucky ones who haven't had as many sides


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SweatHorse -

I should get my results back this week from my salivery tests....
I haven't made another appointment yet with my Doctor to get the blood tests from pathology.... I'm trying for wednesday....

The Doctor seems to think that once my hormones are back in balance my sperm volume and my libido should return....