
Recent content by Rick Grimes

  1. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    I think so but I am not positive... way earlier in this thread someone else mentioned that a guy had it tested... I think he may have even provided a link or reference to another forum thread on the topic... ... I remember checking out at the time and thinking I was mostly satisfied with the...
  2. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    the ratios i used, back when i used that mix is pretty typical i think: 50% Eth - 30% Polysorbate80 - 20% DMI ... same here about the polysorbate... so i when i used to use that mix, it was a before bedtime only thing for me.... but now that i'm mixing in minoxidil, with a tiny bit of DMI, its much...
  3. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    yeah in my experience, the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO stays very moist throughout the night... i think that is mostly the Polysorbate 80.. so i am guessing the fact that it never dries out must help with absorption, in addition to the other absorptive actions of DMI and DMSO... its worth noting...
  4. Rick Grimes

    Has Anyone Had Success From Pge2 Alone

    Does anyone have a source for PGE2? If so could you PM me or post here? Any help would be greatly appreciated... right now I'm doing minoxidil + seti + microneedling and want to see if adding PGE2 will help... so far I'm thickening what I've got but I am trying to go for a little regrowth in front...
  5. Rick Grimes

    Trying To Figure Out Castor Oil, Need Help Figuring Out Vehicles

    Ok, so last weekend, i decided to start adding castor oil to my regimen.. i've tried mixing a 80% castor oil + 20% DMSO and also 70% Castor + 30% DMSO ... this leads to my first question: if i apply this mix at night, do you leave it in all night or wash it out after a while? Second question...
  6. Rick Grimes

    Can Castor Oil Limit/impede Hair Growth?

    @champpy i am far from an expert, but i think i've read many posters talk about the fact that castor oil needs a absorption enhancer to penetrate, and without one, little to none is absorbed... could it be that what @buckthorn said is happening: the rubbing in of the oil sheds hair that was...
  7. Rick Grimes

    Experience Of Using Kane / Whp Cb-03-01

    For what its worth, i am using Kane's CB presently, and i have not suffered any insomnia or other side effects... i am about 1 month in
  8. Rick Grimes

    It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish

    @hellouser right on, thanks for the heads up... Is it lame to check out the other one: hair loss help? It doesn't look like there is nearly as much activity as in this forum, but I thought some of the archival stuff might be of use... I was checking out a member, prettyfly something or other...
  9. Rick Grimes

    It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish

    So ima give y'all a trick if u want... If you want to reference another forum you can spell it backwards, unless the mods decide to block those too... I don't say this because I want anybody to go to that controversial site... I'm don't like Nazi stuff, that stuff is evil...Instead I say it...
  10. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    Yep, that's it... The exact procedure is a few posts back, but that's it... I've also dissolved it in eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO and that works... Either way it seems to precipitate out of solution after about 80 hours so small batches FTW
  11. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    Just reporting in about the seti + dmi + minoxidil ... 60 hours since I mixed my current batch and the seti is still perfectly dissolved... Something about the seti being bathed in a little dmi first seems to work wonders... I am sure it would help with seti if just mixing straight without minoxidil too
  12. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    awesome technique, awesome name! ima' try it! ... just finished my 5th week microneedling with derminator at 1.5 mm last night ... i can't get through it with out drinking vodka.. it was a frigging blood bath ... hope it helps.. it certainly makes you feel like are putting in effort ...
  13. Rick Grimes

    Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

    Hey @mdp101182 .... yeah that sounds like the stuff i get exactly... no i didn't get my seti from kane, i got it from another source.. i did get my CB from kane though... it was another guy in this thread who had got a "salted" form of seti from kane with the idea it would dissolve easier...and...