
Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread

Rick Grimes

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For what it's worth, I haven't had any sides on Seti... I'm using 2 or 3 ml of 5% topical twice a day, but perhaps more telling is that on days when I am out of my mixed topical and I'm in a rush, I just eat the 1000 mg they are taking orally in the trial right now, sometimes twice daily... I've never noticed any sides and I'm pretty sensitive to sides as a general rule


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For what it's worth, I haven't had any sides on Seti... I'm using 2 or 3 ml of 5% topical twice a day, but perhaps more telling is that on days when I am out of my mixed topical and I'm in a rush, I just eat the 1000 mg they are taking orally in the trial right now, sometimes twice daily... I've never noticed any sides and I'm pretty sensitive to sides as a general rule
What about your hair? Any sign? (shedding down, less itch/inflammation/sebum, etc)

And what's the vehicle you're currently using? You were testing two different solutions.

Also, it would benefit us to share your side effect profile with previous treatment. Thx


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For what it's worth, I haven't had any sides on Seti... I'm using 2 or 3 ml of 5% topical twice a day, but perhaps more telling is that on days when I am out of my mixed topical and I'm in a rush, I just eat the 1000 mg they are taking orally in the trial right now, sometimes twice daily... I've never noticed any sides and I'm pretty sensitive to sides as a general rule

on ~450mg per day (half of it b.i.d.) since some months, and no sides that I can tell.

RU serious

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ok, so no way to support your initial statement (i.e. "if you had sides with finasteride/RU/CB then you're likely to have with seti").
And with aspirin? :)

Personally I had quite severe sides with even a super low dose of finasteride (0.25mg every 3 days) including ED, irreversible gyno, and possibly brain fog. However I have had absolutely 0 side effects from setipiprant other than a dry mouth after application.

Rick Grimes

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@WMQ lets see, its been about 4 weeks since i added Seti to my regimen... for me i'm trying to find synergistic combinations... so i restarted minoxidil about 4 months ago after a long break ... phased off about 8 months of RU about a month ago... and i just did my third weekly treatment of microneedling with a bit LiCl of afterward and a periodic mid-day stemox a few days a week ... anyway, right now, no itch, very little sebum, no inflammation except post needling ... so it's a bit too early to tell how effective these changes will be, but the hair i do have feels and looks great... the minoxidil put me thru a pretty good shed but now i'm hard pressed to find shedded hair... so i think i would say i'm maintaining for sure, with a bit of thickening of diffuse areas... but what i am really going after is regrowth, especially at the hairline, so for that its too early to tell: i don't see anything yet... i just got CB, so i'll be adding that this week to replace the RU

the vehicle for seti? i go for 5% concentration of seti...sometimes i'll do the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO vehicle but lately i've been mixing into minoxidil for 3 day batches to consolidate two topicals in one... i am hoping, earlier in this thread, that the report where somebody mentioned this combo had beern tested and both chems were found to be still intact and pure is legit... at some point i'll have that test done myself ... seti takes a lot longer for it to dissolve in minoxidil for sure, so i try to make it ahead of when i'll need it... on trick i discovered: if u make a 10 ml batch, you can do 9 ml of minoxidil, 1 ml of DMI and the seti will dissolve quicker... not as quick as the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO, but significantly faster than just minoxidil

side effect profile with prev treatment? this is what sucks the worst... years ago i did finasteride and minoxidil and got half inch regrowth at the hair line... might not seem like much to some people, but for me that was a miracle ... not only to gain back a half inch, but to know you had moved forward instead of backwards... feeling wind hit hair that had not been there before was pretty rad, i still think about that... there was a spot at my gym where i would cool down and just feel the wind from this fan hit that new hair... only problem: immediate sides... the polite way to say it is amalgamation ..happened within days of first dose and stayed..... i put up with it till i just couldn't take it anymore, it was too high a price to pay for me... quit finasteride, slowly lost my gain over the next couple years and started receding again... fast forward to late last year and i found all the experimental sections of the forums... i did RU, as i mentioned, for about 8 months... didn't get any regrowth, but i also didn't lose anything ... then at about month 7.5, i started to see the telltale signs of the same sides as i got on finasteride... not as bad, but unmistakable ... i knew where that was going so i flushed that sh*t down the toilet: it had finally gone systemic

so yeah, i've had my share of sides, and i effing hate them, but with Seti? no discernable sides what so ever... i just ate another morning dose of 1000 mg a couple hours ago, because i didn't have any topical mixed, and i feel great... everybody's different, but i'd say seti is pretty damn safe from what i have read and from what i have experienced...seti is a different type of drug than the finasteride/ru type of stuff... i get way more sides from cold medicine with benedryl in it (groggy as sh*t the next day)... so i'm like a canary in a coal mine: i don't do well with a lot of molecules... but seti? smooth sailing, no sides what so ever.... i just hope as part of a multi-angle regimen i can get it to work for me
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@WMQ lets see, its been about 4 weeks since i added Seti to my regimen... for me i'm trying to find synergistic combinations... so i restarted minoxidil about 4 months ago after a long break ... phased off about 8 months of RU about a month ago... and i just did my third weekly treatment of microneedling with a bit LiCl of afterward and a periodic mid-day stemox a few days a week ... anyway, right now, no itch, very little sebum, no inflammation except post needling ... so it's a bit too early to tell how effective these changes will be, but the hair i do have feels and looks great... the minoxidil put me thru a pretty good shed but now i'm hard pressed to find shedded hair... so i think i would say i'm maintaining for sure, with a bit of thickening of diffuse areas... but what i am really going after is regrowth, especially at the hairline, so for that its too early to tell: i don't see anything yet... i just got CB, so i'll be adding that this week to replace the RU

the vehicle for seti? i go for 5% concentration of seti...sometimes i'll do the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO vehicle but lately i've been mixing into minoxidil for 3 day batches to consolidate two topicals in one... i am hoping, earlier in this thread, that the report where somebody mentioned this combo had beern tested and both chems were found to be still intact and pure is legit... at some point i'll have that test done myself ... seti takes a lot longer for it to dissolve in minoxidil for sure, so i try to make it ahead of when i'll need it... on trick i discovered: if u make a 10 ml batch, you can do 9 ml of minoxidil, 1 ml of DMI and the seti will dissolve quicker... not as quick as the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO, but significantly faster than just minoxidil

side effect profile with prev treatment? this is what sucks the worst... years ago i did finasteride and minoxidil and got half inch regrowth at the hair line... might not seem like much to some people, but for me that was a miracle ... not only to gain back a half inch, but to know you had moved forward instead of backwards... feeling wind hit hair that had not been there before was pretty rad, i still think about that... there was a spot at my gym where i would cool down and just feel the wind from this fan hit that new hair... only problem: immediate sides... the polite way to say it is amalgamation ..happened within days of first dose and stayed..... i put up with it till i just couldn't take it anymore, it was too high a price to pay for me... quit finasteride, slowly lost my gain over the next couple years and started receding again... fast forward to late last year and i found all the experimental sections of the forums... i did RU, as i mentioned, for about 8 months... didn't get any regrowth, but i also didn't lose anything ... then at about month 7.5, i started to see the telltale signs of the same sides as i got on finasteride... not as bad, but unmistakable ... i knew where that was going so i flushed that sh*t down the toilet: it had finally gone systemic

so yeah, i've had my share of sides, and i effing hate them, but with Seti? no discernable sides what so ever... i just ate another morning dose of 1000 mg a couple hours ago, because i didn't have any topical mixed, and i feel great... everybody's different, but i'd say seti is pretty damn safe from what i have read and from what i have experienced...seti is a different type of drug than the finasteride/ru type of stuff... i get way more sides from cold medicine with benedryl in it (groggy as sh*t the next day)... so i'm like a canary in a coal mine: i don't do well with a lot of molecules... but seti? smooth sailing, no sides what so ever.... i just hope as part of a multi-angle regimen i can get it to work for me

What do you mean by "amalgamation"? What were the symptoms?

sh*t sucks man, stuff works for you but you get sides. I get zero sides but finasteride doesn't work for me. I'm thinking of RU or CB, or maybe even seti...

Rick Grimes

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What do you mean by "amalgamation"? What were the symptoms?

sh*t sucks man, stuff works for you but you get sides. I get zero sides but finasteride doesn't work for me. I'm thinking of RU or CB, or maybe even seti...

hahaha ok, i was hoping to avoid saying it out loud by using the medical term, and still will to a certain extent... but here it is since you asked: for me, on finasteride, it meant your man seed is effected: part of it would get clumpy plus overall slight yellow tint ... not fun... besides being grossed out and reluctant to live out certain types of my previously favorite p**rn fantasies with my wife, i wanted kids... fertility Doctor said there were an abnormally high amount of swimmers with two heads and two tails and we were having trouble conceiving... Doctor said dump the finasteride ... so i quit ... finally we started being able to have kids after about 6 months... it took it about two years to go all the way back to normal... i don't want to fear monger: if you can take finasteride with outsides, it seems like it can be really effective for some.... but for me, its a no go... i researched a bit to see if anyone had sides on finasteride, but not avodart... i found one dude who reported that... obviously, i am really hoping not to resort to that... i think that is what drives a lot of guys to the experimentals: those that can deal with finasteride... i am hoping CB will work... i got away with RU for a while, and CB is supposed to have much less risk of sides ... again hoping Seti can be part of my my new side effect-free regrowth regimen...if i get any regrowth, i will of course report it


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hahaha ok, i was hoping to avoid saying it out loud by using the medical term, and still will to a certain extent... but here it is since you asked: for me, on finasteride, it meant your man seed is effected: part of it would get clumpy plus overall slight yellow tint ... not fun... besides being grossed out and reluctant to live out certain types of my previously favorite p*rn fantasies with my wife, i wanted kids... fertility Doctor said there were an abnormally high amount of swimmers with two heads and two tails and we were having trouble conceiving... Doctor said dump the finasteride ... so i quit ... finally we started being able to have kids after about 6 months... it took it about two years to go all the way back to normal... i don't want to fear monger: if you can take finasteride with outsides, it seems like it can be really effective for some.... but for me, its a no go... i researched a bit to see if anyone had sides on finasteride, but not avodart... i found one dude who reported that... obviously, i am really hoping not to resort to that... i think that is what drives a lot of guys to the experimentals: those that can deal with finasteride... i am hoping CB will work... i got away with RU for a while, and CB is supposed to have much less risk of sides ... again hoping Seti can be part of my my new side effect-free regrowth regimen...if i get any regrowth, i will of course report it

Haha thanks for sharing, and congrats to you and your wife! (did you name the kid Carl?)

Do you have a source for CB? Yeah for me, dutasteride is a possibility too, which I'll turn to only if I need to

Rick Grimes

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last night i discovered a new trick for mixing seti and minoxidil (new to me anyway)... ok say you want to make a 10 ml batch.. here is what i tried last night: put 1/2 ml of DMI and the first 1 ml of minoxidil in a dropper bottle. next, add 500 mg seti. swish that around for a minute. finally, add the remaining 8.5 ml of minoxidil, screw cap on and shake. the seti mixed instantly. previously it could take a long time dissolve the seti, but with this method, it was pretty much instant.... instamix! Next time i'll try to drop the DMI down to 1/4 ml to see if that still works


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last night i discovered a new trick for mixing seti and minoxidil (new to me anyway)... ok say you want to make a 10 ml batch.. here is what i tried last night: put 1/2 ml of DMI and the first 1 ml of minoxidil in a dropper bottle. next, add 500 mg seti. swish that around for a minute. finally, add the remaining 8.5 ml of minoxidil, screw cap on and shake. the seti mixed instantly. previously it could take a long time dissolve the seti, but with this method, it was pretty much instant.... instamix! Next time i'll try to drop the DMI down to 1/4 ml to see if that still works

Hey Rick,
So, I haven't read through this too thoroughly and honestly haven't researched Seti that much, but it seems like you're pretty damn knowledgeable about all this. Can I ask a couple questions.

- finasteride caused incredible scalp inflammation and rapid hair loss for me after one year. I know seti works differently, but do you think it would be worth a try?

- Where do you get your Seti? Do you personally feel Kane is legit?

- Do you think mixing Seti in neogenic would work? Would it dissolve and penetrate the dermis properly? If not, I could just dump it in 5% liquid minoxidil.. I don't even know what DMI is. How does this help? Where could I get it?

I know these are probably annoying newbie questions, but I appreciate it. I have struggled in finding a regimen that doesn't completely f*ck me. I am just now going to start researching more. :)

Rick Grimes

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Hey Buckthorn,

Ha, i am not sure i am all that knowledgeable!.. definitely still learning after a lot of lurking and finally jumping in and sharing what i've learned and tried to far... i chuckled to see you asking me a question because i figured it be the other way around: i'd be asking you questions... some of your posts crack me up bro!

anyway i think seti might make sense as part of multi-angle regimen... i honestly am doing a bit of trial and error informed by other posters... i THINK i read somewhere that if you take minoxidil you should take Seti, but i cant remember where i read that and why (if anyone knows or saw this please remind us)... i think i've read that on its own, seti is not all that, but it seems to make it into a lot of folk's multi-angle regimens like that cat @westonci in his "it begins i purchased yada yada thread" ... i THINK i might see actual new hair coming in his latest photo... its hard to tell, hell it could be the blind leading the blind, but he seems like a good dude, so when he says he's getting encouraging results and showing pictures, i am thinking he is....

so yeah i think seti might be worth a try used in combo with something else... i am only 4 weeks into adding seit and 3.5 weeks into the needling to my regimin... definitely not losing ground but too early to tell about gains... i had read on another forum about this dude called "prettyfly something" that seemed to get good results needling + minoxidil (stopAGA forum)... so i am thinking add seti an antiandrogen and see what happens... i'm not nearly as smart as some of the other dudes here with a lot of knowledge.... i'm hoping if what i am trying is idiotic one of them would chime in and tell me why i'm being stupid :)

pm me and i'll tell you where i got my seti... but i got my CB from kane and i used to get RU from him... reading these forums, there was obviously some kind of big falling out / forum war... i don't want any part of that, i just want my hair back... so as much as i've read that kane's stuff is bunk, i have read its been tested plenty of times recently and there is nothing to worry about... i am, when i find the time, get his CB tested (this will be my first time getting something tested)

as far as your question about seti and neo, i am not sure.... i'm mixing it in minoxidil only because a guy mentioned someone else had had the combo tested... honestly i hardly know what the eff i am doing :) ... but what i have learned thru experimentation leads me to believe that if you mixed seti into neo, it would take a while to dissolve without a tiny bit of DMI added ... that stuff seems to make it dissolve when added to mixes in small amounts

DMI is Dimethyl Isosorbide and i got it at a place called ... it seems pretty safe and is a common ingredient in skin care stuff i think... i learned about it by trying "the official seti vehicle" that @westconci is using... i don't know how official it is or why, but it does work... you can just google that phrase... anyway that's what lead me to try and put a little in minoxidil to get the seti to dissolve and it worked...

dude, i'm the noob not you! :)


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Hey Guys,

Just thought I'd give you a heads up that I just received some Seti (will also be getting it from 2 other sources as well and eventually having them tested) and plan to start a regimen that consists of Seti (working up to 1g orally, I'm sick of all topicals and don't want to add another one), rogaine foam (in the AM), L'oreal Stemox 5% with PGE2 mixed in it (before bed), and oral castor oil (1mL 1-2x day). I'll also be doing a 1.5mm dermaroller every 10 days with LiCl after.

My seti seems to look right. Mustard/yellowish color, clumpy, jumps all over the place if you're not careful. The clumps a generally round and vary greatly in size. @Rick Grimes , Does this fit with what you have seen with yours? Did you say your got your seti from Kane?

I experimented and mixed 400mg in 10ml of eth/pg (70/30) and it looks like most of the images ive seen online. It dissolved with some shaking in about 1.5-2 minutes to a yellowish but clear solution. I may experiment and try using at night to supplement the oral route. I'll see if it un-dissolves in a few days like some of the reports I've read. I'll try to keep everyone posted to the best of my ability and take some pictures within the next two days.

Rick Grimes

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Hey @mdp101182 .... yeah that sounds like the stuff i get exactly... no i didn't get my seti from kane, i got it from another source.. i did get my CB from kane though... it was another guy in this thread who had got a "salted" form of seti from kane with the idea it would dissolve easier...and he was concerned because his stuff dissolved so well that i wouldn't even un-dissolve after the typical time period others had reported... i dunno, if i could find out that a salted version is just as legit for usas the unsalted, then i would go for that, but i don't know enough about chemistry... at some point i want to buy some of his and check it out... maybe get it tested... but now that i've got my seti + a tiny bit of DMI+ minoxidil method, i'm thinking i am good for now... anyway, if you are taking your seti orally then i would imagine what you have is probably perfect... just for kicks i'd be interested to hear how you consume it... i hear some people make tablets, but when i take it orally, i just dump it in a shot glass, add a little water, and chug it... i'll fill the shot glass with water a couple more times and chug that too, to wash every down... it doesn't taste that great but its easy...

anyway good luck bro! i haven't been able to get my hands on PGE2, so i just added topical castor oil to my regimine...


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Hey @mdp101182 .... yeah that sounds like the stuff i get exactly... no i didn't get my seti from kane, i got it from another source.. i did get my CB from kane though... it was another guy in this thread who had got a "salted" form of seti from kane with the idea it would dissolve easier...and he was concerned because his stuff dissolved so well that i wouldn't even un-dissolve after the typical time period others had reported... i dunno, if i could find out that a salted version is just as legit for usas the unsalted, then i would go for that, but i don't know enough about chemistry... at some point i want to buy some of his and check it out... maybe get it tested... but now that i've got my seti + a tiny bit of DMI+ minoxidil method, i'm thinking i am good for now... anyway, if you are taking your seti orally then i would imagine what you have is probably perfect... just for kicks i'd be interested to hear how you consume it... i hear some people make tablets, but when i take it orally, i just dump it in a shot glass, add a little water, and chug it... i'll fill the shot glass with water a couple more times and chug that too, to wash every down... it doesn't taste that great but its easy...

anyway good luck bro! i haven't been able to get my hands on PGE2, so i just added topical castor oil to my regimine...

@Rick Grimes For right now I've been using "parachuting" to take it orally. You basically just put the measured powder on to a small cut of toilet paper or kleenex (about 1/4 of a single ply) then wrap it up so the powder doesn't fall out and chug with a glass of water. For the three doses I've taken so far, I haven't had to find out what the powder tastes like :) I keep two doses in a contact case for when I'm traveling. I just open one side up and dump into a piece of kleenex. Try it and let me know what you think. I need to look for some x-large empty gel caps online to make capsules, the ones they sell at my local health food store are too small to work with efficiently.

Like many have reported before, I was able to get the seti dissolved in eth/pg, but it started precipitating after about 14-16 hours at room temperature.

Rick Grimes

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awesome technique, awesome name! ima' try it! ... just finished my 5th week microneedling with derminator at 1.5 mm last night ... i can't get through it with out drinking vodka.. it was a frigging blood bath ... hope it helps.. it certainly makes you feel like are putting in effort ... interesting about the precipitation time ... i just made a batch with a little DMI and minoxidil... i'll count how long it stays dissolved


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Anyone had any experience with TM30089? Supposedly it's like a stronger seti but i cant find much info on dosage/experiences

Rick Grimes

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Just reporting in about the seti + dmi + minoxidil ... 60 hours since I mixed my current batch and the seti is still perfectly dissolved... Something about the seti being bathed in a little dmi first seems to work wonders... I am sure it would help with seti if just mixing straight without minoxidil too


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Just reporting in about the seti + dmi + minoxidil ... 60 hours since I mixed my current batch and the seti is still perfectly dissolved... Something about the seti being bathed in a little dmi first seems to work wonders... I am sure it would help with seti if just mixing straight without minoxidil too
When you say its dissolved, does appear cloudy or totally transparent?
Mine always seems to end up a whitush cloud that is totally opaque.


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When you say its dissolved, does appear cloudy or totally transparent?
Mine always seems to end up a whitush cloud that is totally opaque.
Cloudy means it isn't dissolving completely. What vehicle are you using and at what concentration?