

  1. M

    how to regrow hair on bald spot fast

    Balding is reversible Generally, baldness (or partial baldness) is considered irreversible unless it is caused by radiation or the like. However, baldness is not irreversible - at least not in every case. The hair follicles do shrink with prolonged inactivity, but they do not die. How does...
  2. R.Abumuaileq

    Finally the herb for baldness has grown, what astonishment "coffee is identified as the cause".

    Dear forum members, I bring you good news. A study has identified coffee as the cause of hair loss. This will create new understanding and new ways of treatment. Here is a link for the study...
  3. W

    Searching for family history and discovering new relatives is both depressing and hilarious

    Baldness runs deeply in my mother's family. Grandpa was bald, so was his father, brothers and cousins. All my 3 uncles have some degree of baldness, but none reached the NW7 yet and they're older than my grandfather was when he did it himself. 2 of my cousins are NW6-7 before 30. In the last few...
  4. A

    28 years old / alopecia- thank you for your advices !

    Hi everyone ! I'm 28 yo, and just noticed 2 weeks ago that my hair does not look the same as in my 20's. I'v never thought about balding before, as I always believed I would have the same hair as my father (60yo and full head of hair, and same for all his brothers). However, I had forgotten...
  5. S

    Сompletely Bald Man Reversed Baldness After Chemotherapy Intersting short article. Again we can see that Androgenetic Alopecia is reversible. Sometimes it seems to me It would be better if the hair follicles die completely, in this case it would be easier for us to come to terms with baldness. But this is not so...
  6. J

    Can You Use Oral Minoxidil And Topical Minoxidil At The Same Time?

    Hi. So I received the oral minoxdil 10% tablets I ordered online. But I still have 3 bottles of Kirkland 5% topical minoxidil that I want to use up. My question is, can I both use them at the same time? I'm planning to use lower dose of oral minoxidil and will only use topical once a day instead...
  7. D

    Baldness Pattern From Great Grandfather?

    Hi i am wondering on what stage of baldness im going to be (currently 23 years old Norwood 2 with noticed crown thinning only if you are aware of it). I am doing PRP for maintenance and some home remedies (mainly because i want to have a good scalp health). My maternal grandfather was Norwood 3...
  8. V

    Am I Going Bald Please Tell Anyone?

    I have no family history of balding on my dad's side and mom's side..but my front scalp area is noticeably visible but i have no receding hairline neither crown thinning..
  9. R

    What Do You Think About This Method

    I have question about you tube film "How to stop loosing hair" .Is somebody use the metod. Thanks for a lot.
  10. S

    Why Haven't We Found A Cure For Baldness - Video

    An interesting video on the BBC about baldness and the cures. It mentions some of the companies we talk about on here! Have a watch.
  11. Mitko1

    The Eternal Male Pattern Baldness Mistery - Solved

    I've been doing a research about male pattern hair loss because I wanted to know my chances of experienceing it and how to deal with it if this happens to me. I wanted to resolve the following paradoxes: Why most men start losing hair asathey older when their DHT production declines. - Why...
  12. F

    Finasteride Question - Casting Looking For Users

    Hi, I'm helping cast a national campaign and we're looking for everyday men who use Finasteride/Propecia. If you're selected, your participation in the project is very well compensated, and you don't need to be a model or actor to qualify (they want real people). If you're interested in getting...
  13. M

    Do I Suffer Of Pattern Balding? I’m 18

    Hi! Under the last 6 months I realized that my hair is thinning. In the last month I’ve been battling with dandruff and I can’t use anti-dandruff shampoos like Head and Shoulders because my scalp is very sensitive. Also, the crown of my head is always itchy and it sometimes hurts. Is this a...
  14. H

    Local Insulin Injections For Male Patter Baldness?

    Anyone ever tried it? Insulin has both wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects (look it up). I'm starting today, on my right lower temple, 2 units a day (don't trust doing it where I still have hair). I have a starting pic and I'll update when I feel like it's useful to do so.
  15. C

    Is This Early Baldness? Or Just My Hair Parting?

    Hi everyone, I stepped out of the shower this morning and saw in the mirror behind me, a bit of my scalp. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a vertical strip free of hair (seen in pictures).There are times I see it, and times I do not. So it's incredibly frustrating. I was wondering if...
  16. M

    Temple Balding Or Just Being Paranoid?

    Few days back i went for a hair cut and noticed that I might be balding from one side. I’m 21 years old and My father still has thick hair with no baldness and even from my mothers side,Her Father and brothers have no issues regarding hair. So is it a sign of MBP or I’m just being paranoid?
  17. Javert

    Javert's Story, 36, And A Bit Of A Rant About Dating While Bald

    Hey guys, I'm 36 nw4. Most of my life I've looked way younger than I am until recently the baldness hit hard. I noticed my hairloss at 24. By my early thirties I was obviously thinning and now it's obvious I'm bald. I use Minoxidil to slow it down and it does help, but its no miracle cure...
  18. M

    Need Help To Start My Treatment. Balding At 20

    Hi, I'm not an English speaker so I hope you forgive my mistakes. I'm 20 and definitely I'm balding. I think it started like 2 or 3 years ago when I started to feel my head itchy and maybe my hair was falling more than usual but I didn't give it any importance. Time passed, hair loss never...
  19. D

    Why Hasn’t George Lucas Gone Bald Yet??

    It’s a weird question I know, but this guy is 73! Yet hasn’t receded a single bit. I can’t help but wonder what the hell. I’ve attached pics from when he was young to him present day. WTF?