My hairline is pretty straight
But I am scared about my temples
Does this mean I am going to go bald
I am 18 and my father and grandfather both have a good head of hair
More of a query than anything else, does anyone have any experience or knowledge of how hair genes (with specific reference to hairloss) tend to play out? So for example in my family, my brother shares my maternal Grandfather's hairline however he did not take his hairline from his maternal...
I am posting a picture of my right temple....please tell me it is a start of balding..or not..I am 19 years old...I started loosing my hair back from about 6 months it a mature hairline???...should I start usin Dr reddy minoxidill with a derma roller..?? Please answer me....I am...
Hello everyone, I just turned 19, and I figured it was time for me to begin to think about hair loss and male pattern baldness. Growing up, I always thought that I was in clear of the condition, and when looking at the surface levels of my genetics, that would seem to be right. both of my...
Can anyone please tell me what I have telogen Effluvium or pattern baldness or anything. Is this permanent. I'm 23 and I'm experiencing hair loss. Please help me guys.
Genetic mutation helps Amish families fight aging, diabetes and even baldness
Scientists at Northwestern University have discovered a genetic mutation in an isolated Amish population that helps them live longer and healthier lives, and protects them from diabetes and other age-related...
Have dense hair since childhood. Noticed what looks like bald spot on top. As much as I Remember, my hair has been like this since a long time. Is this due to my hairstyle or something or could this be baldness? Hair normal and dense everywhere else, just little less in temple region, but on...
Having spent a decent amount of time on this forum, it seems like nobody here really tries to hinder the perpetuation of fear surrounding balding, if anything you all make it way worse. This place is loaded with bitter, insecure people who not only perpetuate paranoia about the slightest hair...
Have been stressing for a while now whether it's a mature hairline/ a weird hairline or whether it's a receding one also have had a gap in the middle for a while now hasn't got bigger I don't think but am still unsure about it no sign of family baldness. Very stressed as I'm only 17, and I have...
I read the whole article and before after pics look convincing. I am thinking of preparing a cetirizine solution and use it nightly. Anyone here tried this before? I still havent decided what to use as vehicle. Cetirizine is highly soluble in water...
Hey Guys,
As it says in the title, I've been struggling with male pattern baldness since around summer 14 and about this time last year it began to accelerate drastically and I currently stand at about a Norwood 3.5. About 6 months ago I noticed what appeared to be a small degree of facial hair loss, which up until...
Haven't seen it posted yet, so I figured I would have the honors:
Obviously something that's years from doing anything, probably, but still good to know.
I know @ThatGuy recently made comment about a study (probably the study referenced in this article) about the correlation between male pattern baldness and prostate cancer, but I figured it was worth sharing. It seems odd that this correlation should be drawn and male pattern baldness should continue to be considered cosmetic and...
Hi, I'm new to this forum and I would like people who are experts in these topics to help me tell me what treatment I can start to stop the hair loss and if it is possible to recover what was lost
This hair loss has made me tired and stressed so I need to start an urgent treatment before I lose...
Since I began to bald at the tender age of 18 (and fully realizing it at 19) I grew up a lot.
I am now 21 and NW3.5, with grown out hair. I think hair is part of a man as much as his nose or his eyes.
Buzzing it all down.. it would make me a bald loser, who pitifully tries to 'hide' it by...
and its the thing that makes it the worst. bald men are perceived as less aggressive and threatening, which i feel might have something to do with them being perceived as less attractive.
however that's a good thing sometimes! i was walking around at 3 am and got to thinking about the whole...
This case in this late 2015 study quite impressed me / "Topical Diclofenac 3% Gel for Actinic Keratosis May Induce Terminal Hair in Male Androgenetic Alopecia: A Report of Three Cases"...