
bernstein medical

  1. Bernstein Medical

    Female Before And After Photos - Bernstein Medical Patient

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient GBE came to us with thinning at her frontal hairline. Her journey with hair loss began after menopause when she noticed her hair was thinning. Patient GBE tried using Rogaine and shampoos to help with the thinning but decided to have a hair...
  2. Bernstein Medical

    Dpa Patient Cfq - Artas Robotic Fue - 1,577 Follicular Unit Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient CFQ has Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA), a type of androgenetic alopecia that manifests as diffuse thinning in the front, top, and crown, with a stable permanent zone. He has straight, brown hair of medium thickness. His surgical hair...
  3. Bernstein Medical

    Norwood Class 3 Fut Hair Transplant Before And After Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ODQ has brown hair and a donor density of 2.3 hairs/mm2. He had an advanced Norwood Class 3 pattern of hair loss. The patient wanted to lower his hairline and thicken the forelock area. Results after one hair transplant session of 1,950...
  4. Bernstein Medical

    One Year Post-op Photos - Norwood Class 3 - 1,524 Follicular Unit Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ESR was a Norwood Class 3 with straight light brown hair and a donor density of 2.2mm2. Results photos were taken one year after his hair transplant of 1,524 follicular unit grafts. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant...
  5. Bernstein Medical

    Artas Hair Transplant System Before And After Photos - Bernstein Medical - 2 R-fue Procedures

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient LKI has straight, light brown, fine-medium thick hair. He had two robotic FUE procedures.The first one was of 1,833 grafts and a second hair restoration of 1,546.His second procedure was of 1,546, one year later. His results photos are...
  6. Bernstein Medical

    Bernstein Medical - Hair Transplant Patient - Norwood 3

    Bernstein Medical - Hair Transplant Before and After Photos - Norwood Class 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient HLE has brown hair and a donor density of 2.3 hairs/mm2. He had an...
  7. Bernstein Medical

    Artas Robotic Hair Transplant - Norwood Class 4a - 1,9300 Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RSI had a Robotic Hair Transplant using the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, consisting of 1,930 grafts. He was a Norwood Class 4A with brown, wavy, medium-fine hair and a donor density of 2.7. Overview: Before / After...
  8. Bernstein Medical

    Hair Transplant Repair Using Follicular Unit Transplantation

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ETI came to Bernstein Medical looking to repair a hair transplant he had gotten using outdated techniques. He had an extensive number of large plugs throughout his head, and a very unnatural hairline. To correct the pluggy transplant, we...
  9. Bernstein Medical

    Artas Robotic Fue Hair Transplant - Before And After Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient KZK was a thinning Norwood Class 3 before his hair transplant with medium thickness, slightly wavy, brown hair with a donor density of 2.2 hairs/mm2. He had one hair restoration session of 1,429 grafts. His “after” photos were taken one...
  10. Bernstein Medical

    Hair Transplant Gave Stronger Hairline And More Fullness - Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ZNQ had a receding hairline and thinning overall. He had wavy, dark brown, medium coarse hair and a donor density of 1.9 hairs/mm2. “Results” photos were taken one year after his hair transplant of 2,115 follicular unit grafts. Note the new...
  11. Bernstein Medical

    69 Year Old Hair Transplant Patient - Bernstein Medical (nyc)

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RIR has brown, fine hair with a donor density of 2.1. He had one hair transplant of 2,194 grafts. The after photos were taken one year after his hair transplantation. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant After One...
  12. Bernstein Medical

    Women Hair Transplant Patient - Before And After Photos - 1,640 Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient FPK came to us with thinning at the hairline. Her "after" photos were taken one year after a hair transplant consisting of 1,640 follicular unit grafts. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant After One Hair Transplant...
  13. Bernstein Medical

    Artas Robotic Hair Transplant To Crown

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient AVQ had thinning localized to his crown. He had one hair restoration session of 1,281 follicular unit grafts to his crown. His “after” photos were taken 14 months following his hair transplant. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  14. Bernstein Medical

    Hair Transplant Photos - 67 Year Old Patient With Dpa

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient HNZ had Diffusee Patterned Alopecia (DPA), which is a type of androgenetic alopecia that displays intself as diffuse, or unpatterned, thinning in the front, top and crown, but with a stable permanent zone in the donor area. Patient HNZ has...
  15. Bernstein Medical

    Hair Transplant Before After Photos - Norwood 5 - Thin Light Hair

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient GMZ was a Norwood 5 when he came in. He has straight, fine, light brown and salt and pepper hair with a donor density of 2.0. Patient GMZ had one hair transplant of 2,500 follicular unit grafts. His after photos demonstrate the results one...
  16. Bernstein Medical

    Female Fut Hair Transplant Surgery Before After Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ANJ came to Bernstein Medical for hair restoration with thinning at the frontal hairline and red hair with a slight wave. Patient ANJ had one hair transplant session of 1,745 follicular unit grafts. Her results photos were taken exactly one...
  17. Bernstein Medical

    Double Hair Transplant Fut Session For A Norwood 6 Male: Photos

    Patient BEO was a Norwood Class 5 with a donor density of 2.3 hairs/mm2. His results photos were taken after two hair transplants totaling 4,152 follicular unit grafts. Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant After One Hair...
  18. Bernstein Medical

    Norwood 6 - 70 Percent Bald - Hair Transplant Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient UTQ is a Norwood Class 6, with straight, white, fine hair and a below average donor density of 1.9 hairs/mm2. Patient UTQ had one hair transplant session of 2,556 follicular unit grafts. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  19. Bernstein Medical

    African American Fut Hair Transplant Patient At Bernstein Medical

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient IJC is an Norwood Class 4A with dark brown, textured hair and a donor density of 1.5 hairs/mm2. His Results photos shown are after one hair transplant of 2,275 follicular unit grafts. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  20. Bernstein Medical

    Diffuse Thinning Hair Transplant - Before After Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient QWE had Diffused Patterned Alopecia (DPA), a type of androgenetic alopecia that shows itself as diffuse thinning in the front, top, and crown of the scalp with a stable permanent zone. Patient QWE had one hair transplant of 2,435 follicular...