
bernstein medical

  1. Bernstein Medical

    Bernstein Medical Norwood Class 3a Fut Hair Transplant Patient

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient CTC was a Norwood Class 3A, with medium weight, brown hair with a slight wave and a donor density of 2.2 hairs/mm2. Results after one hair transplant session of 2,395 follicular unit grafts. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  2. Bernstein Medical

    Artas Robotic Fue Before And After Patient Photos Including Donor Area And Testimonial

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ODO was a Norwood Class 3 with wavy, dark brown hair of medium weight and a donor density of 2.2. He had one ARTAS Robotic FUE hair transplant of 1,411 follicular unit grafts. Patient ODO has also written a letter to Dr. Bernstein regarding...
  3. Bernstein Medical

    Hair Transplant: Fue Procedure Using Artas Robotic System

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient LKI has straight, light brown hair of medium fine thickness. He had two hair transplant sessions using the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System totaling 3,379 follicular unit grafts. His results photos were taken one year after his second...
  4. Bernstein Medical

    Fue Hair Transplant 35 Y/o Norwood Class 2 Male

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient KZK was a Norwood Class 3 before his ARTAS robotic FUE hair transplant. He has slightly wavy, brown hair of medium thickness and a donor density of 2.2 hairs/mm2. His “after” photos were taken one year following his robotic hair transplant...
  5. Bernstein Medical

    Norwood 6 - Advanced Hair Loss - Hair Transplant Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient IOI was a Norwood Class 6 with medium thickness, straight brown hair and a donor density of 2.0 hairs/mm2. The patient had one hair transplant consisting of 2,116 follicular unit grafts. The “after” photos were taken one year after his hair...
  6. Bernstein Medical

    Patient With Dpa Receives Artas R-fue Hair Transplant

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient CFQ has Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA), a type of androgenetic alopecia that manifests as diffuse thinning in the front, top, and crown, with a stable permanent zone. He has straight, brown hair of medium thickness. His surgical hair...
  7. Bernstein Medical

    Fut Hair Transplant Photos On 46 Year Old Male

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ACB was a Norwood Class 6 with straight brown hair. He had a hair transplant consisting of 1,788 follicular unit grafts. Results photos were taken 10 months following his hair transplant. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  8. Bernstein Medical

    Fue Procedure Using The Advanced Artas Robotic System

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient HLE had a robotic FUE procedure using the ARTAS Robotic System. He was a Norwood Class 5, with medium-fine, straight, brown hair and a donor density of 2.1. Results photo was taken after one hair transplant of 1,886 follicular unit grafts...
  9. Bernstein Medical

    Bernstein Medical Fut Hair Transplant Photos After 2,144 Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RFR came to us as a Norwood Class 5A, blond hair. He had one hair transplant of 2,144 follicular unit grafts. His transplant resulted in light coverage that nicely framed his face. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant...
  10. Bernstein Medical

    Patient Rsi Photos Of Artas Robotic Fue Including Donor Area

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RSI had a Robotic Hair Transplant using the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, consisting of 1,930 grafts. He was a Norwood Class 4A with brown, wavy, medium-fine hair and a donor density of 2.7. Overview: Before / After...