really don’t know if i’m losing it or not didn’t notice this until i starting using rogain because my family has a history of baldness been using for 6 months last photo is before rogain
Hi im 18 years old and i was wondering what yall think about my crown i havent really looked at my crown in like forever but when i saw it latetly i was shocked thinking i was going bald.
Since this is my first post I dont really know how it works anyway i hope pics are down below.
one of the...
I have lot of thick curly hair but i noticed i get a lot of hairloss when i am oiling and tried to take the pictures of ny scalp and started noticing the exposed scalp spots i was pretty sure i was balding at first and accepted my hairs fate until recently i learned about the concept of...
I have lot of thick curly hair but i noticed i get a lot of hairloss when i am oiling and tried to take the pictures of ny scalp and started noticing the exposed scalp spots i was pretty sure i was balding at first and accepted my hairs fate until recently i learned about the concept of...
Hey this picture was taken about two months ago and im still paranoid about my crown. What do you guys think?
I have a history of balding in one side of my family.
And honestly i dont know if my crown has always been like that.
I get an itchy tingly burnning sensation in my crown and temples...
17. Been balding since about 15 according to parent. Confirmed by derm at 17 (Never looked at back of my head though just hairline and temples). No treatment yet. I am about a Norwood 2 but the back of my hair looks strange. I used to keep my hair shorter. There are times when it looks like...
I'm 18 and worried. I don't seem to be losing that much hair when I wash it but I do find any where between 5 and 20 hairs on my pillow every night. (now that it's been very hot for a couple of days it's been around tweny but notmally it's way lower.
The last 3 pictures are from 2 to 3 years...
I'm 18 years old and lately I've been worried that I might be losing my hair. My dad is bald but my grandfathers both have a full head of hair so I'm confused. A few weeks ago I noticed a lot of hair in my towel after drying my hair. I also find avout five to ten hairs on my pillow every night...
This normal for a cowlick? I never part my hair down the middle, and when it's side swept I just see a little hole for a cowlick and no visible thinning spots.
A bit of context: my dad is bald on the top of his head, his baldness started when he was 25 or so. My grandfather (on my mom's side) had a full head of hear until the end of his life. Im now 18 years old and im scared that im already starting to bald. Can you guys give me your opinion please
Hi, I'm a 22 yo male from Spain. I've ever had two big cowlicks in the back of my head. First time I worried about them I was 17, but my worry got more serious like two years ago. My forehead hairline hasn't changed so much, but I don't know if my cowlick/baldspot is a sign of male-pattern hair...
I've had a cowlick and a high hairline for as long as I can remember, but my OCD has really kicked in lately and I've spent a lot of time worrying about the future of my head. It's immediately obvious when I hold my hair back (I usually wear bangs) how much higher and more receded my hairline is...
My hair stylist has always told me I have a cowlick that runs through my crown and I was wondering if it looks normal or is crowning? (Also my hair is wet in this pic) I think I have a fairly thick head of hair and when I mention thinning my stylist laughs at me but she’s been my stylist all my...
Hoping someone can help with some answers. I’m 24 and have been told my several barbers I have a cowlick on my crown. However, noticed in a supermarket camera that it appeared to be thin? I have very thick hair everywhere else that grows very fast. Hoping someone can answer my question thanks in...
20m, I’ve always had my cowlick but I’ve recently began to worry about it.
Just wanted some opinions, thank you. Two first pictures are from last night, 5-10m after a shower, last pic is from a year ago.
I haven’t had any balding in my family on either side and dad has full head of hair at 60 grandfather on both sides all had plenty of hair. I shouldn’t be balding I’m 23 and doctors have told me I’m not. I have had a bad cowlick my whole life. Tell me what you guys think
Hi all,
I am a 26 year old male and I am pretty sure the hair on my crown is thinning, I have a cowlick on the back of my head so it might be the natural formation of my hair though. Can anyone verify?
The first pic, I have dried Lipogaine in it so my hair looks a bit clumped, the other pics...