

  1. V

    Weirdly Shaped Cowlick Or Balding? Really Need Your Help

    Sorry for bombarding you with so many pics, but i really can't tell if I'm balding or not. First 3 pics my hair is wet. Last 3 are from a year ago when i had a short haircut. None of my brothers are bald(ing) AFAIK. None of my mother's brothers is bald except one who has diffuse thinning. My...
  2. J

    Is My Crown Thinning? Or Is This Just A Cowlick?

    Male 23yrs old No family history of male pattern baldness I have thin and less hair density from my childhood. I do have fairly good amount of body hair :( [I don't know whether it is a factor or not] Just wanted to get some of your guys' opinions. Thanks :)
  3. N

    Is This A Cowlick (naturally Thin Hair)

    hello Idk what to call this at the back of my head, I’ve had it for years and Idk if it’s a cowlick or something, I have a weird cowlick on the front of my hairline too which bothers me but idk what to to call the thing on the back of my head, a whirl ?, cowlick ? As I’ve mentioned in the title...
  4. A

    Thinning Crown Or Just A Normal Cowlick?

    Hey guys, I've been looking at the mirror for 2 months already and I can't stop thinking about it since the first time I saw it. Not to mention that my hair barely fall so I'm curious. I heard somewhere that this is an early sign of baldness. Sorry for the poor quality of images. By the way, I'm...
  5. C

    Is This Early Stages Of Male Pattern Baldness?

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum. I'm posting, because I worry that I might be suffering from early stages of MBP. I am 27 years old, and I started noticing a bit of recession on the temples around 6 months ago, and a few weeks ago I discovered what I believe is a sign of thinning around a...
  6. H

    Help Is My Crown Balding!?!?! Or Is It My Cowlick

    Please help me out!!! I just would like to know if the pictures I'm posting look like I may have hair loss or it Is just my cowlick? I keep it short on the side and back (a long with my cowlick) I'm 25 years old if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance.
  7. Seeker988

    Perplexed Whether It's Cowlick Or Thinning

    Is this normal cowlick or thinning?? Hair is cut half inch short.
  8. A

    Can Someone Tell Me What's Going On With My Hair Please?

    Recently, I got drafted so I went ahead to shave my head about 2 months ago (July 2017). My hair is currently about an inch long at the top and I started noticing what seems to either be a bald/thinning spot or a cowlick on the crown of my head. I have noticed a whorl at the back of my head last...
  9. A

    Am I Balding Or Is This Just My Cowlick?

    Hey there, 20 year old male here. I have always had a large hair whorl/cowlick on my crown and so the scalp area there appears to be quite prominent. Recently I shaved my hair out and it is slowly growing back again, however I noticed that my hair whorl looked quite large. I was wondering if...
  10. E

    Am I Going Bald At 17 Years Of Age?

    Is it my cowlick or am I balding Two of photos are normal lighting and other two are with flash
  11. C

    Help, Very Anxious About Possible male pattern baldness. Cowlick Crown?

    Hey guys, this is my first post here and it's a lengthy one, hope you bear with me. Ever since I was a teenager I was afraid of losing my hair - my Dad is bald but the men on my Mother's side all have their hair, ultimately I always chalked it up to 50/50. I'm now 22 and I'm really paranoid...
  12. T

    Am I Going Bald, Or Is This A Cowlick?

    Hi. It's my first post here. I'm a 26-year-old male, and recently I've been worrying about my hair. I've had a high hairline, and it's always bothered me. I've always had lots of thick hair, but since I've been having cut shorter I've noticed my crown looks a little thin, and I can see more of...
  13. T

    Cowlick Or Hair Loss/crown Thinning?

    I am 22 years old and have been getting sunburnt on the top of my head recently, and I noticed a rather large spot without hair on the top of my crown. I have attached a picture. Would you say this is simply a cowlick with my hair going in different directions, or is this the beginning of hair...
  14. Z

    Is My Crown Thinning Or 'cowlick Crown'??

    Okay, so since late February/early March this year I have been paranoid and noticed my hair has been shedding and hair recession on my temples. But I'm worried that my crown is balding. I even went to my GP not long ago who told me that 'its in my head'. I even went to Boots pharmacy to...
  15. N

    Am i going bald?

    I'm 20 and I'm getting paranoid. I have pretty fine hair. I took some pictures of my crown and it looks awfully thin but my hairline hasn't shown any sign of receding either. I showed my some of my friends and relatives and they say i'm just exaggerating, they just say its the way my hair grows...