

  1. J

    Hair Transplant Are A Quick Fix And A Bad Idea Long-term?

    Internet discussion forums contain countless posts about people who have used Finasteride only to find that after a number of years it loses its effectiveness for them. With the significant amount of people that experience continued hair loss with finasteride, wouldn't it make it a bad idea for...
  2. A

    Fut Vs Fue; After First Transplant ?

    I got a 2000 or so graft FUT transplant about 8 months ago, things are going great but i want more hair coverage. I have read that you should only go for an FUE procedure if you've had 2 or more FUT surgeries and needed more density. Ive read that FUT usually gets more density if it were the...
  3. A

    Best Transplant Surgeons In Miami Fl / South Florida

    as the title states, im trying to get a second transplant for the crown and hopfully do more work in the temples. My first transplant (FUT) was done by natural transplants but im considering FUE since ive seen very good results in the past ... either way, what are the best hair transplant surgeons
  4. Bernstein Medical

    Double Hair Transplant Fut Session For A Norwood 6 Male: Photos

    Patient BEO was a Norwood Class 5 with a donor density of 2.3 hairs/mm2. His results photos were taken after two hair transplants totaling 4,152 follicular unit grafts. Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant After One Hair...
  5. M

    Considering An Fut (pics And Estimate Needed)

    Six months on Propecia (had some sides early, all have since gone away). Probably around a Norwood 2.5. Hard to tell is the Propecia is working yet, since my hair is a lot longer than it used to be when I started. I'll probably cut it to the same length it was to see if there is an improvement...
  6. Bernstein Medical

    Norwood 6 - Advanced Hair Loss - Hair Transplant Photos

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient IOI was a Norwood Class 6 with medium thickness, straight brown hair and a donor density of 2.0 hairs/mm2. The patient had one hair transplant consisting of 2,116 follicular unit grafts. The “after” photos were taken one year after his hair...
  7. Bernstein Medical

    Fut Hair Transplant Photos On 46 Year Old Male

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient ACB was a Norwood Class 6 with straight brown hair. He had a hair transplant consisting of 1,788 follicular unit grafts. Results photos were taken 10 months following his hair transplant. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair...
  8. Bernstein Medical

    Bernstein Medical Fut Hair Transplant Photos After 2,144 Grafts

    Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient RFR came to us as a Norwood Class 5A, blond hair. He had one hair transplant of 2,144 follicular unit grafts. His transplant resulted in light coverage that nicely framed his face. Overview: Before / After: Before Hair Transplant...
  9. A

    Need Advise On Regimen Fut Transplant 5 Months

    Hi, Im new to the forum but by no means am I new to hairloss, to give a bit of back ground i started losing hair when i was 19. I hoped on minoxidil for about 8 to 9 months and wasnt consistent, it didnt seem to help my temples at the time so i eventually got off of it. A year after at age 20...
  10. W

    Help Me Decide On Adding 1500grafts For Second Procedure

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me your input. I had 3400 FUT in January 2016, and things came out really well, but I am thinking about getting my crown and mid section filled in. I had 2400 in the front, and 1000 on the crown. I still wear a hat because I'm self-conscious about...
  11. W

    16 Months Post-op W/ Dr. Sharon Keene

    So I got an FUT 3400 with Dr. Keene 16 months ago. I always hated my blonde hair and light skin, and then when baldness descended upon me, it made me feel even more hideous. The one good thing was that blonde hair works well with a transplant. I'm not on finasteride, just lipogaine and Nizoral 2%. I...
  12. J

    Opinions Needed - Transplant Consultation Tomorrow

    Hi Guys, I live in Montreal, and am going to Ottawa tomorrow for a consultation with Dr Rahal. I had initially wanted an online consultation with Rahal but he suggested an in-person one would be better as he wanted to better gauge my donor area. I've also done an online consultation with...
  13. B

    Is Iamin Worth It? Online Sources For Purchase?

    I'm having an FUT surgery tomorrow, and am therefore probably making this post too late. Regardless, the doctor has an Iamin brand (copper) product that costs $300 that supposedly speeds healing. I saw the abstract of a study that said that copper (perhaps Iamin in particular) also regrows hair...
  14. W

    Check This Out (3400 Fut) Dr. Keene

    Hey guys, I wanted to post a pic to show you the illusion of density I have achieved at 6.5 months. I'm hoping to get more density in the crown and it might happen although it was only a 1000 grafts. Sometime it looks so good I'm shocked. Other times I'm extremely disappointed...
  15. K

    True & Dorin Nyc Fue 1700 Transplant And Scar Revision 2015 W/pics

    Hello. I have visited this forum before, but this is my first time posting. I have had hair loss for several years and have done FUT transplants since 2000 with different companies. In the fall 2015, my most recent FUE transplant was with True & Dorin (New York). The photos I am sharing are...
  16. W

    Why does it have to cost so Much?

    It really pisses me off that insurance will cover most mental health care yet when it comes to hair transplants its written off as elective. Society has set up a systemic shaming for those not having thick NW1's, and yet we are denied the possible therapeutic compensation. We are covered for...
  17. D

    New to the Forum. General Hair Transplant Questions?

    Hi all, i am 21 and my hair loss is really starting to become noticeable now. My dad was Norwood-5 by the age of 22. I have been taking finasteride for about 10 months now and have not noticed any results. My hairline and temples are receding noticeably now and there is a patch at my crown that is very...
  18. R

    Scar after 2nd hair transplant Question.

    A little background, started losing my hair since I was 18, I'm now 29 and I've slowed it all these years with the help of finasteride/rogaine/nizoral. I had my first hair transplant 2 years ago with Dr. Rahal of 3400 grafts. I'm very very happy with the results, it has changed a lot I do in...
  19. R

    Planning FUT treatment with Dr. Bernstein - Advice? Concerns?

    Hi Guys, I am new here. I am 31 years old and have been slowly losing my hair slowly since I was 20. Almost all of the loss is up front. I have attached pictures below. I have been taking Avodart and minoxidil for about 7 years and I feel like my hairline is at a point that it is now do the...