I've gotten quite proficient at extending/at-home-repairing my systems/toupees for the past 2 years, so I probably only purchased 1 in 2020 and maybe 1 in 2019. (For background, I've been wearing since 2016 and the prices were the same from 2016-2020 essentially) I only wanted to peek at the...
I haven't gotten into hair systems yet but hope to this year, I don't live in a city where I could easily go to a place to be professionally cared for regularly but for my first time getting fitted and installed and matched with hair textures I definitely will be flying somewhere to get it done...
Hey Guys!
My first post but have been lurking around forum threads for a little while.
I’ve managed to create a template and get a hair sample sent off, bought a medium/light density full french lace system, bought all of the stuff needed to maintain/take off/put on the system BUT I’m now...
I'm looking for my first hair system and would like recommendations on a reliable place? I'm in the North of England but don't mind travelling.
Read reviews, watched videos and so far I feel a bit lost with which place to go with that will offer a really good system.
I don't want to DIY...
Hey guys,
Longtime lurker here. I'm hoping I can get you guys' input on what it's like to use a hair system, particularly for a young guy (I'm 24). Are any of you more on the introverted/self conscious side? I'm a bit concerned wearing will play on my mind 24/7...
I have a bit of hair, however...
Hi all,
23 year old Swede here. I've been diffuse thinning for a few years now and its going in a NW5 pattern. I've managed to keep a hold of things with Toppik, Min and finasteride but the latter has been causing side effects recently that I can't handle. I'm weaning off and will restart with a...
Anyone seen Scott Haze (Child of God, Venom)? Have you ever seen a hairline that perfect? Dude, with that hairline, be sure to land some leading roles! Does anyone know is he on finasteride?
May 2017 (aged 18):
April 2020 (aged 21):
In less than 3 years, I appear to have aged almost 30. I've lost my personality and sense of self-worth. I'm lazy and uninspired to invest in my future self these days because 'What's the point? I'll be bald whenever I get to benefit from doing this...
Hi guys, I'm a 21 year old who's been at university this past year and my hair loss has advanced way quicker than I thought it would. I always thought there were no fully-bald men in my family so I was relatively hopeful that my situation would slow down, but I recently found out that there was...
Hi guys,
With current events in China with virus and stuff, do you experience any difficulties getting your orderered systems?
I've been buying from Lordhair, however now I have doubts regarding the shipping times. Anyone could comment on that?
Also are there any reliable EU system suppliers...
I’m just wondering any of you guys who wear a hair system/hairpiece/wig what style and length you go for? I’ve been wearing for a couple of years and really want a short style, like as short as possible and wondered who wears a really short style and if it’s possible? Pictures a bonus!
Hi, I just bought a french lace hair system, and I was wondering if there are any good places in the LA area that will help me with installing my first system! I'm sure this question has been asked hundreds of times, so I apologize in advance.
Any advice for someone located in a more rural area? I was interested in using a salon that worked with Hairskeen but it is 2.5 hrs away and they want me to come back every 3-4 weeks for maintenance which is frustrating. That was after I asked about self maintenance. It would be $500 for the...
I just had a cut-in done a week ago on a new unit. It has a poly perimeter with the front being french lace and the center inside of the poly being mono.
There is a one inch cut from a pair of scissors where my stylist made a mistake when cutting my unit to fit. Currently, I'm using a...
Hey guys so this is my first time posting here. I am a 19 year old guy who’s always had a huge density and amount of hair. A year and a half ago I noticed I was starting to lose my hair at the front so I went to a dermatologist and I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. I started taking...
I visited a dermatologist today. I am 21 and she said I was about a NW1 but probably starting the journey downhill. I definitely agree because I have seen the temples recede over the last few months and have had a lot of itchiness all over the scalp, particularly around the hairline and crown...
Hi guys,
I'm starting to accept my hair is going to go one way and that is straight up the Norwood scale.
I am just finishing up uni so regardless of what I choose to do it's not happening till that is done with. But am researching options now so I can make an informed decision when I have the...
What do you think.
I have been using the system now for 3 months, now I think it will be fine for up to 2 - 3 months.
But, would be interested in me if I buy a 3 (hair) pack, how long do you think can be stored, if I don't open the wrap ?
Because I cut the hair system into two parts, soooo the...
Hi guys I really need some advice as this has been playing on my mind for some time, Ive been talking to this girl online for 6 months but havent yet met up with her, She clearly has no idea about my hair and most probably will naturally think its mine. My question to you guys is when is the...