
mature hairline ?

  1. D

    Just Looking For A Bit Of Advice, New To All Of This

    So I followed the normal trajectory of beginning hair loss, had long curly hair for a long time and didn't notice how my hairline was farther back until getting a shorter haircut 6 months ago. The first picture is from 5 months ago and the second one is from this week. Based on this evidence how...
  2. W

    Is This Receding Hair Or Mature Hairline?

    I’m 14 years old and I already have hair loss, how bad is it?
  3. J

    Help Me! I'm Loosing Hair On My Temples I Don't Know What To Do

    Guys I'm freaking out! I'm only 17 and I don't know if balding or mature hairline 8
  4. G

    [21 Yo Male] Does This Look Like male pattern baldness Or Just A Mature Hairline?

    Hey guys so over the past two months I have started to notice that my hairline looks like it’s receded. My family on both sides have good heads of hair and there is limited MBP in the family (my dads brother has it but that’s it). I looked at pictures from a year ago and my hairline looks more...
  5. S

    Early Signs Of Hair Loss Or Mature Hairline?

    Hi, I can not tell if I’m starting to lose hair or just have a maturing hairline. I’ve had a widows peak all my life but it was never as prominent until my 30’s. Wondering if I should start using any products and which based on members experiences. Thanks
  6. J

    Do You Think I Am Balding, Need To Know

    So I have been getting really paranoid about if I am balding or not, so I was wandering if somebody could clear it up Note: I have always had a horrible hairline with a very tall forehead,no previous medical conditions, mums dad bald on top , dad full head of hair, dads dad full head of hair...
  7. R

    Im 19, Receding Hairline Or Maturing Hairline?

    I'm 19 years old and my hair is very thick at the top. My dad is 58 years old and his head still got full of hair but got higher hairline. My forehead is really big since i was kid haha. Can you guys give your opinion about my hair condition? Thank you. Btw, i suffer scalp infections and now im...
  8. A

    Am I Going Bald Or Is My Hairline Maturing?

    Thanks for your help guys
  9. D

    Just Give It To Me Stright. I’m Balding Right.

    I have accepted the fact I am balding and to be honest I am pretty bummed out. I posted on this forum before and people said it didn’t look that bad but I just wanted another set of opinions. I read there is no such thing as a maturing hairline and it’s just the denial stage talking if I believe...
  10. J

    I’m 18 Years Old And I’m Experiencing Thinning Hair

    Hello I’m 18 years old and I’ve been experiencing thinning and shedding at my temples for the past year now and every since I’ve started experiencing it I’ve been watching my temples and not until recently does my temple show receding can someone tell me where I stand on the Norwood scale and...
  11. J

    Mature Hairline Or Am I Balding ? Help
