

  1. S

    IF you are going to use a natural regime, what would it be?

    I've seen the study on peppermint oil being more effective than MXD on rats, yes I do know that the rats lost their hair on the bottom of their necks. But there must be a BEST possible natural regime that you can follow and i'd like to try it for a month+, if I see improvements I will keep going...
  2. S

    Is Vitamin deficiency a possibility for my hair loss?

    I have been battling hairloss for 2 years now, gradually getting worse. For the first year I had severe itching and everyone said it was all in my head because they couldn't see my hairline or crown thinning. During the second year I sometimes get people saying that my forehead looks bigger...
  3. T

    Throw away your FDA products and go natural

    I am 27 now as of June. Since I was 19 I've noticed my hair was getting thinner and it was so obvious because of the long hair I had at the time. It must of been around 19 when I finally went short and things looked good until the years went by and my hairline started to recede and hairs got...
  4. B

    Trying to figure out the name of a natural supplement I tried several years ago

    Several years ago, I started trying to fight hair loss with natural supplements. I started out with one that I can't remember the name of. You take one capsule twice a day and used the shampoo which smelled like coconut. When I was doing research, the 3 best options seemed to be Procerin...
  5. F

    Has anyone heard of or tried Trichozed? Stories etc?

    There's a product called Trichozed, it has been around for a while it seems and claims considerable growth within 1-3 months. As well as that it is natural with no side effects. The problem is that I know the stigma surrounding natural treatments and when I have researched this product, almost...
  6. C

    Can I expect regrowth or just more thinning?

    So I've been dealing with male pattern baldness for roughly 2/3 years. I'm only 19 so yeah, I got it really ****ing early which sucks. But hey - what can you do? Anyway, I'm starting to get the feeling that this whole time my hair has gradually been worsening. Me and my optimistic self however have been thinking...
  7. A


    Hello everyone, For other medical conditions outside of hair loss, but in some ways related, I have been prescribed a daily medication that I have been taking for years, along with the following two vitamins as a adjunct supplement.
  8. H

    Checking up on shedding with respect to Natural Remedy shampoos and drops

    Dear all, First of all, for me to be here opening up about my hair loss issue is big. I have never opened up to anyone about it except from where I buy the products. I started with very very mild barely noticeable hair loss in August 2012, and started on the treatment listed below from end of...