

  1. J

    19 Years Old, Mixed Responses In Need Of Advice

    hairline looks somewhat thin but is still fairly straight across the crown in direct light with hair brushed away from center I'm really confused with what i should do, I've been told to hop on finasteride right away, I've been told I'm fine and to stop worrying but also have been told to just monitor...
  2. A

    Is there anything wrong? PHOTOS

    So I've been monitoring my hair since last year. I have ZERO, NONE frontal recession, but I've noticed quite some scalp in the top of my head. Pictures: Those are just from a shower. Also I've been, while not "shedding" in a compulsive way, noticing more hair in my...
  3. N

    Oily scalp(sebum) - my root cause to hair loss?

    Hi Guys, I was using finasteride for more than a month(great results almost no empty temples on short hair), but I stopped for a week+ due to sides(I took 1mg everyday). In the last 2-3 days I notice that my scalp getting oily again(like before finasteride treatment) and along that pretty massive shedding...
  4. M

    Hard Water making me bald!

    Hello Friends! First of all sorry for my bad english. Before 1.5 years i was living in Dubai , UAE . Soft water was supplied to the residants and my hair were very strong and thick. My friends wished to have hairs like me .. But in 2013 i migrated to Islamabad , Pakistan. Here we use Bore water...
  5. B

    [18] Asian Male. Maturing hair line or male pattern baldness?

    Hello, fairly new to this forum. I've been recently monitoring my hairline for some time now and need help determining if I am suffering from male pattern baldness. I have very mild dandruff and I have this scalp irritation, but no redness. I use to lose up to 20-30 when I shampooed my hair, but now it's down to...
  6. P

    Washing Hair Daily

    What's the general consensus on washing hair daily? Should we alternate EOD, take a day off once a week? Does frequent washing affect hair loss and vise versa? I know it depends on the amount of oily production on your scalp so lets just assume I have a moderately oily scalp.
  7. Firehawk

    Small Dry Red Scabs, What are they?

    When I run my fingers through my hair I occasionally feel a crusty tiny bump on the temples or vertex (back top) of my scalp. If I pick it off, it doesn't hurt and it's usually a small crusty red cluster/dot. What is this? Is it normal? I don't use conditioner, only Head and Shoulders...
  8. B

    Help with sudden thinning on the crown with burning and itching

    Here is my story. I am 42 years old. I grew up with very thick hair, so thick the barber would comment on it, saying it clogged his clippers. On my father's side of the family, all 3 of my uncles have very thick hair and they are in the 50s and 60s. On my mother's side her brother has...