

  1. Alexander Shenton

    16m diffuse thinning already, help!!

    i cannot believe i would have to worry about this early as i am, i’ve been worrying about hairloss for three years now nearly since 14 and my hairline hasn’t changed but i feel my hair isn’t as thick as it once was, and tbh i don’t actually know if i’m balding because my hair is a whole lot...
  2. G

    Hair loss or Not?

    I’m a 13 year old male, and I’m worried that my hair may be thinning. What are your thoughts?
  3. T

    Follow Up, Should I Be Concerned? 19yrs Old

    Wanted to post more pictures, although I’ve already been told I have nothing to worry about, it is something that is still bothering me, I am not sure if this is normal or just a change in my hormones, any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks
  4. T

    Is This Normal? Anything I Should Be Concerned About?

    Hello I’m 19, and I’ve noticed that I can see my scalp when my hair is up, not sure if it’s always been like this or if it’s something new, any input would be great even if it’s a “get off this site kid” thanks!
  5. A

    Possible Diffuse Thinning? Concerned Teen

    I'm currently 19 years old, and am somewhere between a Norwood 1-2. Over the last few days, I've noticed a bit more scalp than usual. I have fine hair, and have started to go back to the middle part after growing my hair out for close to a year. Any opinions appreciated. I've attached a pic...
  6. R

    I’m 17 , My Hairline Is Receding And I Can See My Scalp From The Crown

    Is this usually a sign of early male pattern baldness? My parents and grandparents still had a fair amount of hair
  7. C

    19 Years Old Balding, When Will I Be Bald?

    So I have been balding for a couple of years and currently im 19 years old. I just want to know when do you think will I be completely bald? At what age? You can judge from the pics
  8. J

    My Bald Spot After Getting Out Of The Shower

  9. J

    19 Year Old Am I Balding Or Is It A Mature Hairline?

    I’ve been really paranoid about this for a while now. A lot of people tell me I’m not balding but my hairline seems way too high for that to be true. I’ve included some pictures taken circa 2012, 2014, and this week.
  10. J

    Is It Normal For Hair To Thin Here (teen)

  11. J

    17 And I Think That I’m Receding, Need Second Opinions

    Mothers side are all full heads but father and his brother are balding/bald respectively in their late 40s Just wanna know if my hairline looks receded especially given my age
  12. J

    Should I Get On Minoxidil? 18 Years Old

  13. D

    Am I Thinning/balding? If So, What Level Of The Norwood Scale Am I At?

    On both sides of my family most males are bald/balding. I'm in my teens, so I don't know for sure if I'm balding or just overreacting. The pics below show my temples pulled to show skin, and also what my temples look like when they aren't being pulled on. The blacked out area in one are just...
  14. J

    20y/o Thinning Hairline Advice Needed

    Hi all, this is my first post here. I didn’t really realise how bad it was until I took some pictures today and I was wondering whether anyone with similar thinning to me has had a hair Transplant (when it is more advanced) I’m abit worried about tablets and foams due to the side effects and I...
  15. J

    Is It Normal To See My Scalp Through My Hair

  16. G

    Am I Losing My Hair? 19 Years Old, Pretty Nervous But Could Be Tripping.

    Hello I am 19 years old and would like to know if I am losing my hair. I have super thick and curly hair naturally from my mom, who’s side of the family all still has hair with a receded hairline. But my dad started to bald around my age and really always told me I would bald just like him. He’s...
  17. A

    Am I Thinning? 18 Year Old Concerned About Hair Parting

    The following picture is under a yellow lightbulb. My hair is also fairly long, and parted crudely down the middle. And the other is my crown.Any opinion is appreciated. I'm also 18 years old.
  18. A

    Taking Finasteride At 16 Years Old ?

    Im currently 16 and I am considering finasteride, im currently a norwood 1 but experiencing thinning on my sides and a bit on my crown , Im certian im going bald since my whole family ( male side) started at a very young age. Im considering propecia because although im still 16 and dht is...
  19. T

    Is My Crown Thinning/am I Balding? And Is Losing A Few Short Hairs A Day Normal? (18m)

    So yeah since a few months I notice that every day I lose a few short hairs a day about 3 cm or something. I have always had a high hairline with receding temples so I don't know if I'm actually receding. However, what concerns me the most is my crown and losing short hairs. I already went to...
  20. J

    I’m Balding On The Side Of My Head
