I am a 14 year old guy and i think im losing hair. The hair on top of my head way thinner then below. My dad and grandpa and basically every male in my family is bald or going bald, and im really scared please tell me if i might need to see a doctor. I also have a lot of dandruff
Shed about 20 hairs when I comb hair. May lose more in shower. Left side always looks weird when I style it. I think is thinner. Think it is aggressive because my temples were thicker 6 months ago. I always had a little cowlick now looks bigger. Am I a Norwood 2 or worse?? And will...
The corners of my hairline are thinning and I hate the idea of losing my hair this young. It’s destroying my confidence and has been a worry for months now. My dads side of the family are pretty bad, my dad having the most hair of his brothers and his granddad having a full head of hair when he...
So I went to my derm and he said that i have "burning scalp syndrome" which he belives is the cause of both my scalp pain and my highly elavated sheding. He says i may still be balding, but that this has sped it up by upwards of 10×. Im not sure if this is good news, due to the fact that it is...
Hi, I am a 17 year old boy with no family history of balding becides one uncle who started thinning at 40. I have always had a "high forhead" but im pretty sure my hairline is going and im losing a very large amount of hair a day (like 100-300). My scalp itself is also VERY painful and itchy...
Hi, I am just turring 17 and have been tracking my hair for almost half a year. I started doing this because I started seeing alot more of my hair sheading and it started freaking me out. I started taking pictures to see if i saw a big difference but I just dont feel objective and would love...
Hello, currently I am 16 almost 17 and have been losing hair for around 9 months. In my family the only balding is on my mother’s side but they didn’t start balding until their late 30s. Recently, I crash dieted and consumed roughly 800 calories a day for a month (about 8 months ago). Ever since...
I just turned 17 about a week ago so I'm really worried as to whether I have started male pattern baldness. My hair is naturally thick but its been getting thinner, and those creases in my hair have been getting larger. Planning to go to the doctor soon for a physical so I'll confirm with him...
I believe I may have a receding hairline at the age of 16. My hairline has started To go inward slightly more so on the right than the left and my crown has started to feel finer despite not being visibly noticeable. My hair has also become easy to pull out especially near the hairline.
I am currently 17 years old, and am unsure if my crown is thinning. I have combed all my hair forward. (Hair is a bit greasy my apologies) I'd appreciate any advice. My hair is about 4 inches long, in case the parting is making it appear to be thinning.
I am 14 and never payed attention to my hairline ever. Recently when I've had my hair up I realised how strange my hairline was. I'm really scared looking at this now what can I do
okay so I know I have male pattern baldness everybody on my mom side has it I know my hair is going it started at 15 now I'm 17 im been on minoxidil since 15 once daily . And ketokonzal 2% of and on but I'm back on it full time now that my hair is shorter . my question to you guys are once I...