So ive noticed that my hair whorl and the hair around is very thin, and it you can clearly see my scalp. Am i going to be bald in the future or is this normal?
Hello, Im 17 and have had very thick hair since I was able to grow it. Recently I have noticed that my hairline is receding my right temple has receded the most my left one not so much and it appers to be thinning in the middle very slightly (I habe anxiety so I may just be seeing things)
I'm 16 years old, and for about a year or so I've been noticing that I have quite a large forehead, and I also have a bit of a widows peak. I was wondering if my hairline is receding, or if it is just mature. If it is receding, is there anything I can do to stop? In any case, is there anything I...
Hey everyone, I'll keep this breif. I'm a 16 year old and a few months ago I noticed my hair seemed a lot lighter(weight) than usual and a little thinner. As the summer passed it seemed to get worse and now it to the point that my hair is totally different, thin, and embarrassing. Because I'm so...
Hi y’all, I’m 19 years old and have noticed diffused thinning. I swear during the summer my hair seemed completely thick until early-mid august. Now I believe I clearly have diffused thinning. In college now, not sure what to do, advice? Any hope? (would not be able to get any medical stuff...
So I noticed significant hair fall since June and decided to cut my hair. I'm Iot too sure if my crown is thinning or not but I attached some pictures below. Any response is appreciated.
I've also noticed that sometimes I have a double whorl. I remember my parents telling me I had 2 as a child...
So I recently cut my 9 inch long hair I order to check for thinking, and noticed this massive patch. I have been very stressed from April this year onward, and have noticed quite a bit of shedding. Any response is appreciated.
I am currently 17 and I am having diffuculty describing my hairline. It's not straight but also doesn't have the charactersitics of a widows peak either... I'm confused and am wondering if it's a sign or bad things to come?
I’m 18 and I never really payed attention to my hairline a friend of mine recently, a friend of mine made a joke about my hairline and it made me kind of self conscious about it. No balding on my mom’s side, my father passed away at 30 but his hairline was pretty similar to mine. So is...
So I recently got a haircut and just noticed infront of the ears on both sides of my head are seemingly thin. I am 17 years old, and have noticed the affected area to be quite itchy. Also if decide to lightly pull the hair on the affected areas 1-2 hairs come quite easily. Any opinion is highly...
Since last year I've noticed some very early signs of crown thinning, and after confirming the presence of miniaturization, I got a prescription and started microdosing on finasteride in August 2017 (0.25mg twice a week). Right away I started shedding about 30-40 terminal hairs in the shower...
Hi, I’ve had a widows peaked hairline (or at least noticed it) since i was 11 which was a very strong V but now at 17 i’ve noticed it’s definitely gotten more pronounced (sides have risen). both my mums side and my dads side of the family have hair, albeit both sets of grandparents feature...
Hey so this is my first post here and I just wanted to get people’s opinion on my hairline. It’s always been shaped weirdly and now at only 15 I’m wondering if it’s receding. I don’t know and I didn’t even think that it was possible, but lemme know what you guys think. Ask me any questions.
I'm 19 years old and my hair is very thick at the top. My dad is 58 years old and his head still got full of hair but got higher hairline. My forehead is really big since i was kid haha. Can you guys give your opinion about my hair condition? Thank you. Btw, i got a lot of dandruff and now im...
I just turned 17 about a week ago so I'm really worried as to whether I have started male pattern baldness. My hair is naturally thick but its been getting thinner, and those creases in my hair have been getting larger. Planning to go to the doctor soon for a physical so I'll confirm with him...
I've been on finasteride for nearly 8 or 9 months now and I have just seen my hair get worse. Before I was just worrying about my hairline, now its the crown too.
I've seen some pretty convincing stuff about dutasteride recently, most notably:
Been a while since i last posted since august when i asked about my situation. If you dont know, i am 15 and been experiencing hair loss since i was around 12. Dont know the cause and ive come to terms that it may not be that important. I shaved my head in june in hopes of something but got...
I started taking finasteride sometime around May, and I feel like it has done nothing. I've honestly wondered if I got fake finasteride since I ordered it online from over seas but I'm not sure. I hadn't had any side effects until up about a week ago I started to not get erections as easy or as strong. I don't...