
telogen effluvium

  1. R

    Any suggestions?...28 months on finasteride and yet this

    No, this is not hairline or crown. This is the region we're most hopeful about, and that too on treatment. ;/
  2. S

    Telogen effivium or bald?? Any thoughts?

    NW1? No crown balding, individual hairs are thick. I suspect it's Telogen effluvium but I have no reason to trigger it, unless I have Chronic disease,If it is Androgenetic Alopecia which medication should I take?
  3. H

    I think I have DUPA/DPA or am is it just Telogen effluvium 18 btw

    Hey I’m a male and 18yrs old and I’ve been suspecting my hair has been thinning for maybe six months but I don’t know and it seems to be only the sides of my head the top of my head doesn’t seem that bad at all I also went to the doctors and she said “ that it was just the way the light hit my...
  4. N

    24yo male/ Diffuse thinning/ Telogen effluvium or Androgenic Alopecia?

    Never thought that I would've had to deal with such issues in my early twenties but 2020 seemed to surprise me at the last minute. Not a native speaker for pardon me for any possible spelling mistakes. So long story short, I've always had a strong widows peak since I was born and never had an...
  5. O

    6 months mark on FINA and lost so much density need help guys please !!

    Hello guys ! First of all, I'm a french guy, so please don't be too hard with my English (: So actually I'm totally hopeless, and I really don't know if I have to quit immediately fina or if I should stay with it... I've taken my first fina's pill (0,25, not 1mg) 6 months ago. I have started...
  6. S

    Diffuse Thinning - 32 Yr Old Male - No history of male pattern baldness - PLEASE HELP!

    Introduction: I am a 32 year old male, in overall good health, and I exercise regularly. I maintain a healthy diet full of good fats, high protein and vegetables. MBP isn't prevalent on either side of my family. About a year ago, I had the thickest, healthiest hair. I had absolutely no concern...
  7. C

    Okay Probably Last Post (for A While At Least). What The Hell Is This?

    Alright so in my last post I mentioned that I’ve given up the fight. I’m kicking the pills and I’ve just decided to start shaving it because I did finasteride for over a year and things got dramatically worse within that year then I hopped on dutasteride and after 3 weeks it gave me gyno so...
  8. V

    Hair Loss Due To Male Pattern Baldness Unmasked By Telogen Effluvium

    Hello. I have noticed excessive hair shedding since January 2019. I have been diagnosed with early mild male pattern baldness accentuated by Telogen Effluvium. My Telogen Effluvium was triggered on 2 occasions in November 2018 and May 2019 and before the first one, I didn't have any signs of male pattern...
  9. S

    Any Insight Would Be Appreciated Regarding My Hair Loss :)

    On October 20th I noticed a significant increase in hair shedding per day. I noticed it after brushing after the shower, on my clothes throughout the day, on my pillow, and in the sink. It seemed as if every time I ran my fingers through my hair I could pull out a strand or 2 no matter what...
  10. B

    Really Hoping It’s Just Telogen Effluvium

    Please tell me this is Telogen effluvium I totally had a trigger in July and at first I lost 150-175 hairs a day and 200-400 in the shower and now I lose about 30-75 hairs everyday and 100-175 in the shower. Here’s what my hair looks like please tell me if you think this is Telogen Effluvium...
  11. W

    Im In Doubt: Is This Telogen Effluvium?

  12. C

    What Is Happening On My Head? Cysts, Bumps, Acne And Hair Thinning

    friends, I need your help. I noticed a few days ago some bumps on my scalp that are painful and general itching. I’m also experiencing increased shedding and hair loss at hairline and throughout. Dermatologist ran a bunch of tests and I have a positive ANA (antinuclear antibodies) with 1:320...
  13. A

    My Telogen Effluvium Improvement Journey With Pictures

    Dears I begun a new routine to treat my telogen effluvium disorder , and i’ll keep updating this thread on quarterly basis with a pictures , this attached picture after one week of the treatment My treatment : - Ducray anaphase shampoo and conditioner daily after showering - ducray...
  14. A

    Dermatologist Says I Have Telogen Effluvium But I'm Doubting Him Due To Anxiety And Bdd Please Help.

    Hi all, im 21 and seem to only have hairloss on my left temple and my right temple is totally normal, i notice since nearly 1.5 years now but it seems i had this hairloss since 2.5 years ago. i went to my derm 3 times and another skin specialist and they all say its telogen effluvium and i show...
  15. I

    Losing Hair Or Not? Telogen Effluvium? Help! Tia

    Hi, I used to have thick hair all round but lately I'm experiencing slight thinning in crown area. I've been stressed from January due to work stress and stress due personal reasons. Is it temporary or is it MBP? Thanks
  16. M

    Minoxidil Use /side Effects In Telogen Effluvium

    Hi ladies, lost about a third for my hair December last year after using methotrexate (cancer drug). I was put on Minoxidil and it grew back quickly, but I grew hair on my face, back, arms etc so I stopped taking it in January. My doctor said because the original hair loss was caused by a drug...
  17. M

    Am I Suffering From Male Pattern Baldness Or Telogen Effluvium ?

    My hair started to shed a lot after I took a lot of stress after 2 bad exams in the space of 4 months and it has now calmed down, but I still remain skeptical over if it's male pattern baldness or telogen effluvium as at a certain point a lot of hair was shedding. Could anyone clarify what has...
  18. W

    Recovery From Telogen Effluvium ? Or Am I Deluding Myself?

    Hi all Back in the mists of time or November 2018. I came back from a holiday know affectionately as the god forsaken place. I went to Mexico and Guatemala and on my way back I bought a passenger back with me in the form of an amoebic parasite. It is as disgusting as it sounds. To spare you...
  19. S

    Is It Called A Telogen Effluvium ?

    It’s been happening for last 6 months! I’m loosing hair like a disaster! When I pluck my hair 4-7 sometimes 10+ hair comes out with a white bulb in the end. Even I find some small hairs as well those also have white bulb in the end. Is it telogen effluvium?