Can anyone please tell me what I have telogen Effluvium or pattern baldness or anything. Is this permanent. I'm 23 and I'm experiencing hair loss. Please help me guys.
ive been shedding 100-150 hairs in the shower since july. It hasnt stopped or slowed down since then. Ive finally decided that im going to try and use either minoxidil or finasteride. However both has been noted to cause an initial shed. My question is, do you think these treatments will make my...
I’m 25 & were exercising mainly cardio & dieting extremely with very poor diet & loss 13 KG weight in 2 months. I started dieting+exercising in July Aug and then stopped exercising & came to normal eating routine in Sep. In mid Oct my hair started to shred heavily. I don’t have family hair fall...
I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to see what's going on with my hair. In July I went through a very difficult period of extreme stress (unexpectedly lost my dad) and DAYS after he passed away, my hair started shedding excessively in large amounts. It has been consistently shedding ever...
Hi guys,
Im currently experiencing hair loss for the first time Im 22 years old, student and my family history with baldness is none on my mothers side and my dad still has good hair for 60 no obvious bald spots but thinning and my Grandad eventually went bald in his 30 or 40s I think. At...
Here goes: 31 years old, finas user 10+ years. No sides. Started young from a place of paranoia rather than any sort of shed that required immediate action. Have always had a pronounced widow's peak/"five-head," always self-conscious of it but hair had enough texture that it was not difficult to...
I'll try to sum up:
· I've been losing hair on my pubis, eyebrows, chest, armpits and of course my head for about 2.5 years.
· There is no miniaturization, i even went to the derma just to be sure and he confirmed it.
· I've been on finasteride for 6 months and it's done absolutely nothing as...
My Doctor just said my hair would grow back eventually, I'm not so sure, to me it looks like male pattern baldness. I started a vegan doet about a year ago around the same time I started shedding so maybe deficiencies have some thng to do with it? Also have been straightening my hair almost everyday I was 15.
Hi guys, I just got my biopsy results in a while ago. It seems to suggest that I have Telogen Effluvium... but also prominent sebaceous units, which in turn apparently suggests Androgenic Alopecia.
My doctor didn't spend much time explaining these results to me and I'm still very confused. So...
Ive been on dutasteride 0.5 mg for 4 months or so and recently started 1mg a week ago. I used to use minoxidil for 2 years since 17 but stopped 2 months ago then restarted this month again 2.5 weeks in and I'm shedding crazy. So crazy it scares. Can pull out hairs so easily everywhere on...
Hello, On 3/3, I cut all of my hair off bald. I had a full head of hair. By the beginning of April, certain sections of my head were growing back slowly (especially on the right side of my head) A friend told me that I was shedding and thinning. So in April I got a real low even all over (near...
Hi guys,
I´ve had a long time battle with hair loss the last years, with ups and downs but without knowing exactly my kind of hair loss. I don´t want to say more as you can see it for yourself in the pictures.
My regimen consists of 5% minoxidil, B-complex supplements, nizoral shampoo...
Hi all - thanks so much for taking the time to read this. Hopefully someone is able to relate to my story. Please let me know if you have any advice.
Around September 2016, I went in for my yearly gyno appointment hoping to refill my prescription of yaz birth control that I had been on for...
I am 19 years old and have lost around 50% of hair on the top of my head in the past 10 months. It has started to become noticeable at the front. I don't have male pattern baldness and confirmed with my GP as my hairline has not receded or followed the norwood scale. From August 2015 to April 2016 I lost...
Hey. I'm 20 years old, in the past 2 weeks mostly, I've been noticing my hair shedding a lot more than it ever has. About a month ago, or two months ago I would have practically no hair falling off my head.
In the beginning/mid of January, I went through an extremely stressful period...
So I've been to 2 dermatologists. Both say I have Telogen Effluvium due to a high amount of shedding within 3 months. Went from a perfect hairline to this. ( pictures down below) but the thing is, it's in a Androgenetic Alopecia pattern, no thinning on crown though. I really don't understand why my hair loss developed this fast...
I have been experiencing thinner hair for the past year. I went to a few different dermatologists and none of them have been too helpful. The first one said I'm fine, the second one plucked a hair out of my head and said I had "male pattern baldness", and now the third one has told me all my...
Hello guys, I really would like some feedback from anyone here. I'm 19 years old, I've always had full thick looking hair. Just a few months ago, like 3 months ago, I noticed my hair was thinning a bit. Then literally a week later I started shedding out of nowhere. It feels like it all happened...
Visited a dermatologist today who after examining my hair said that I most likely is suffering from diffuse hair loss brought on by some external trigger (disease, stress, infection). This is the second doctor I've been to who have claimed I have diffuse hair loss, should I believe this...
To start off, I have very little recession on my hairline. It could easily be seen as a mature hairline.
Anyways, I'm fairly certain I have Androgenetic Alopecia as it is prevalent on one side of my family. But I was wondering if there was possibly another cause on top of it such as telogen effluvium, AA, or...