Hi, I've recently joined this forum so I can get some advice on what to do about my hair.
I've been told by my mother, that my hair is thinning on the top of my crown. The rest of my hair at the sides and back are fine with a bit of a mature hairline at the front.
Please see the attached...
I'm a 19 y/o with a significant amount of hair loss. I noticed when I was 16 and it progressively got worse (obviously) as time went on. I tried propecia and had horrible side effects including mood swings and the sexual side effect. I stopped taking that and used rogaine twice daily to slow...
Im only 17 I noticed my hair looks a little thinner towards my corners and i can notice my scalp more so then towards the center ik you cant tell in the pictures but from what i can see it definitely looks like it. The attached pictures are one from 4 years ago and the other is today.
So I believe I started to lose hair around April of 2016. I did not begin to notice up until summer, I began to notice the sides of my forehead thinning or balding. My stress was to blame, I basically stressed out over that whole semester, i dont know why but I just did. I not only stressed but...
Hey guys, I made a post the other day just before the roll out. So I'll post it again.
It seems to come and go, some days worse than others. Sometimes for a whole week or a few days it'll fade off.
Mostly on my hairline, I get crawling feeling or like the scalp is tightning or just the plain...
Hi Everyone,
I seem to have been having this debate with myself for a couple of years as to whether or not I am losing my hair. Many symptoms can be fabricated by the brain such as a sore scalp and retreating hairline (both of which I think are occurring). However, i seem to be losing more than...
So in March i experienced an itchy scalp and shed quite a bit of hairs. I'd say i was in denial because my hair was my best feature prior to this point and thought it must have been a condition such as temporary telogen affluvium and cut my hair short.
However now, I am coming to terms that i...
I am a 26 years old male.
I did not realize that I was suffering from male pattern baldness till my doctor told me that I have this problem. Only one uncle in my family has such problem and all of my family in both my mother side and father side has head full of hairs. My father still has head...
Hi All,
So after years of vowing never to use Propecia (due to fear of side effects), I am finally considering the possibility of adding it to my regimen.
A little background on my history with battling hair loss... I am 23 years old and first began receding at the age of 17/18 years old. I...