Appreciate your input and you’re like the 4th person who tells me to carry on, 6 month is deffo to early to conclude anything especially if I’ve added oral only a month ago... but yeah will deffo stick to the routine for at least ) monthsOP, ignore the idea that topical is no more effective than oral especially when taking both. You should keeo doing what you are doing.
It's true that finasteride has a very flat dose response curve with SERUM DHT but local DHT is a totally different story. Plus it's the tissue DHT that really matters, as DHT is highly autocrine/paracrine, meaning it's made where it's used. It also boils down to simple math: finasteride just like any drug has to reach a certain concentration to start working, and in our case on a highly localized hormone. How much more finasteride do you think is actually reaching your scalp after being killed by half by the liver through the oral pathway, and spreading evenly through your entire system, versus directly reaching follicles through scalp?
And of course, there is a reason why oral is the regular route of administration. It makes for a more stablized hormonal environment systemically. Therefore, a lower dose oral plus topical makes sense in my opinion.
I can say for a certainty that my scalp felt better on 0.25mg oral + 0.25mg topical than on 0.5mg oral.
Where did you get your minoxidil with topical finasteride though? I used to use promox but they are permanently closed now.
Since you order is the product good ? What’s your experience? And why thinking to change to Morr-f isn’t the same thing(or because is more cheap?) ?Appreciate your input and you’re like the 4th person who tells me to carry on, 6 month is deffo to early to conclude anything especially if I’ve added oral only a month ago... but yeah will deffo stick to the routine for at least ) months
Yeah I use the minoxidil max topical finasteride however I’m thinking of switching to morr F but I’m scared of the scammers since it’s eBay.
Never had a problem with it tbf, easy application dries fast but it’s so expensive, £35 per bottle whereas morr f I £15Since you order is the product good ? What’s your experience? And why thinking to change to Morr-f isn’t the same thing(or because is more cheap?) ?
No difference. 0.5mg will block your 5ar & DHT as much as 1mg. And topical finasteride won't do jack sh*t if you are already using oral.
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Stick to it. Antiandrogens (and minoxidil) are not going to magically regrowth all your hair overnight. 6 months is nothing.
Guys any response to this statement?That's a very bad interpretation of this graph. Finasteride half life time is 6 hours. Meaning 1mg is way more efficient at blocking DHT (and not 5AR) than 0.5 mg over a period of 24 hours
That's a very bad interpretation of this graph. Finasteride half life time is 6 hours. Meaning 1mg is way more efficient at blocking DHT (and not 5AR) than 0.5 mg over a period of 24 hours
Its literally impossible to say if switching from 0.5 oral + topical to 1mg oral would be better. It would likely be marginally better however the side profile isn't worth the change if you're not actively losing hair noticeably month over month. 1mg finasteride my sides are pretty bad (dead libido, dead dick) whilst 0.5mg whilst my libido still isn't good i have full function of my dick. I would stay on 0.5mg oral + topical where you need it and re-evaluate in 6 months.
How slow are we talking aboutStart low, then move up if sides are okay. There is no harm in this and quite frankly it would be stupid not to.
How slow are we talking about
I tried 1mg oral and did not have sides but I rather be on the safe side when it comes to taking finasteride as I’m scared about the long term effects of taking 1mg, additionally shouldn’t 0.5 oral +0.5 mg topical be just as effective
I'm having trouble posting a link, but I googled the effect of finasteride on dht in scalp skin. The study I found from 1999 had no results for .5 mg, but .2 reduced dht in scalp skin by 56% and 1 mg reduced it by 64%. You've got to figure that .5 would be somewhere in between, say around 60%.
I don't think there is a problem with taking .5 daily. If you're happy with your current routine, keep at it.
I can say I’m happy with it since I’ve been on oral for just over a month, I’m gonna have to stick to it for at least 6 months to evaluate if it’s effective
Hahah that’s true, But there always this thoygh of it not working and me losing group, but as I mentioned before, only few hairs fall out during the day, maybe 10-20 idk do t really count, since I started using the topical, went through the normal shedding phase and stuffi would start at .25 eod or even the topical solution for a month and then move up.
There is NOTHING to lose by starting this way. You probably won't gain much, but imagine growing tits and losing your dick for the rest of your life, it may be rare but get your body acclimated to the change and you have the best chance of not experiencing sides... like any other med.
Guys any response to this statement?
And what are your suggestions?
Thanks for the input man, technically I’m on 1mg since I use 0.5 topical and 0.5 oralTaking 1mg vs 0.5mg doesn't mean that hal-life is cut in half. Difference is minimal between .5 and 1mg. Doesn't really matter. I do 1mg then 2 days .5mg and repeat.
"Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by 13.0% with placebo and by 14.9%, 61.6%, 56. 5%, 64.1%, and 69.4% with 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg doses of finasteride, respectively. Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P <.001) by 49.5%, 68.6%, 71.4%, and 72.2% in the 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg finasteride treatment groups, respectively."
also scalp and serum seem to inhibit dht kind of the same amount.
just go with .5mg to be safe if you want. i don't see a problem with it.