1 in 10 men shaves his head; 40% of women find it sexy?


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"Totally bald by age 19, gracious and self-abnegating, Sir Patrick [Stewart] has long appreciated that his roles captivated so many fans: “It's always gratifying to me that this bald, middle-aged Englishman seems to connect with them.â€￾ Perhaps that’s his allure. In 1992, TV Guide voted him the Sexiest Man on Television.

Today, 1 in 10 men actually shaves his head, and very few top it with a rug. Baldness, like glasses, has begun to carry its own sex appeal. Stewart probably deserves some credit for this.

Just 1 in 100 women believes a full head of hair is necessary before a man can be considered handsome, and among women 18 – 34, 1 in 2.78 describes a shaved head as "sexy looking."

Baldness has been virtually re-branded today as virile or manly. Just look at the soon-to-be-released über-action movie The Expendables: its cast, which consists of almost every major action star still living, includes Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, and “Stone Coldâ€￾ Steve Austin, all of whom are balder than most babies."

Full article: http://www.bookofodds.com/Health-Illnes ... -Beautiful

Is baldness becoming more and more acceptable? 1 in 10 men shaving their heads must be more than ever before. What's more, 1 in 2.78 women say it is "sexy looking". What do you think? Is baldness now virile and manly?


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Re: 1 in 10 men shaves his head; some women love it?

It's sexy on the right guy.

If you're not the right guy, though, it isn't.

In my view, when women think of baldness they think of Patrick Stewart, Vin Diesel, and Jason Stratham.

If they were rating Joe Norwood on the street, they wouldn't say it was so sexy.


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Re: 1 in 10 men shaves his head; some women love it?

toocoolforhair said:
Just 1 in 100 women believes a full head of hair is necessary before a man can be considered handsome, and among women 18 – 34, 1 in 2.78 describes a shaved head as "sexy looking."
Although as you know I do not have the generally negative attitude about baldness as many here do, I find these numbers suspicious especially in that age range. If it was 1 in 5 or 7 that would seem more credible (to me at least), but 1 in 2.78? Holy crap! Perhaps phallus parallelism with an idealized man prototype? It seems biased anyway.

toocoolforhair said:
Baldness has been virtually re-branded today as virile or manly.
Yes, today and depending on the culture. In antiquity virility and physical power were associated to abundant and long hair. Look at the example of Samson and of the Greek warriors.

somone uk

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Re: 1 in 10 men shaves his head; some women love it?

you forgot to include this photograph that came with the article that demonstrated baldness at it's best :thumbdown2:

toocoolforhair said:
(Patrick Stewart) In 1992, TV Guide voted him the Sexiest Man on Television.
You're trying to tell me they voted a 52 year old man as the sexiest man on telivision......Pure bollocks

toocoolforhair said:
Just 1 in 100 women believes a full head of hair is necessary before a man can be considered handsome, and among women 18 – 34, 1 in 2.78 describes a shaved head as "sexy looking."
so the other 1.78 don't think it's sexy, a condition that affects 50% of men i see the future gene pool moving 1 way
toocoolforhair said:
Baldness has been virtually re-branded today as virile or manly.
i personally despise the concept of "virility", not only it stereotypes an entire gender but it socially imposes that stereotype on the entire gender
i am about as virile as david mitchell and i would never want to depict myself differently
and i am sure this forum will have a lack of people who want a virile image because it in no way suits their personality


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Re: 1 in 10 men shaves his head; some women love it?

I wouldn't mind being described as virile if these are the definitions:

vir·ile (vîrl, -l)
1. Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an adult male.
2. Having or showing masculine spirit, strength, vigor, or power. See Synonyms at male.
3. Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent.



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Re: 1 in 10 men shaves his head; some women love it?

toocoolforhair said:
Just 1 in 100 women **believes** a full head of hair is necessary before a man can be considered handsome, and among women 18 – 34, 1 in 2.78 describes a shaved head as "sexy looking."

LOL "believes", what a bs statistic! :) they mean "says that she believes"... me as a balding man (us as balding men), we (!!!) dont believe you can be handsome without a head of hair for the vast vast majority of men, this is why we are all here, this is why its a billion dollars a year industry, this is youll see guys do EVERYTHING in their powers to stop this.

q: so what do I make of this statistic?
a: that 1 out 100 women doesn't full of sh*t. (tyvm statistic for approving what i already know for years)

ask any guy about obese women... i highly HIGHLY doubt that 99 out 100 guys BELIEVES that not being fat is not necessary before a woman will be considered attractive.

(and i dont even belong the pessimists stream on the forum here)


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As much as the pessimists would love to deny it, shaved heads in white men are way more accepted as they were years ago. Partly because newer generations are not afraid of very short haircuts or just simply shave to the bone.

I would love to see the demographics of the poll, because there is no secret that black culture does define a clean shaved head as a sign of manliness and virility

And by the way. One thing is a reported preference and other is reality.
I have seen many polls where the vast majority of women report that they don't like to be near a muscle head. Yet for some reason, heavy steroid users in my gym are chicks magnets, not even heavy girls, just girls that mostly do cardio. I went to a bodybuilding contest two years ago and I couldn't believe the kind of partners the heaviest bodybuilders had. I don't believe they have it so hard.


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Its the same old story Willis and Vin Diesel can pull it off but the average Joe cant.


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as has been said elsewhere

women like shaved heads, not bald heads. both heads might be lacking in hair but theres a world of difference.

having had both a shaved head since i was a teenager and now baldness, i can testify that it is 100% true.

uncomfortable man

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When responding to the question "Do women find bald heads sexy?" on Yahoo Answers, many of them say yes but most of them assume bald means by choice because they always follow it up with "hey it's only hair, it'll grow back.". But I've heard women frequently make the distinction between genetically bald and by choice, always preferring the latter.


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I don't blame them (women that is), I'm the same in that I couldot care less about a womans personality unless they are hot, I know fine I can go out and pick up as many fatties as I wanted as I've actually done it lol

Would I ever date one? Never.

If woman want a hot guy over an ugly guy then fair play to them. I know through the girls I work with that hot guys have to have incredibly stupid, creepy or wimpy outlooks on the world for personality to be an issue for them, to the same extent as it would be for us with women.

How thick, vain, idiotic would a properly good looking girl have to be, who was very interested in you, before being turned down?

Whatever the response I know in reality that they'd have to be pretty pretty bad, for women its EXACTLY the same for interested hot guys.

uncomfortable man

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I know what you mean Brighton. Like today, I went to the bank and as I was leaving, backing my car out of the spot where I parked and hit a car. The sun was blinding my back windshield so I couldn't see anything. So I parked the car again and got all my information to exchange. When I get out of the car and walked over to the car I hit I realized that it was two hot girls. Now I was wearing my grey baseball cap on backwards and was otherwise looking good and they were acting like they were so cool with it. They insisted that it really wasn't that big a deal but we exchanged information anyway. I apologized and admitted that it was totally my fault and they just ate it up so hard. I could tell that they thought I was cute because they were giving eachother these looks and giggling... especially when she asked for my phone number. I swear, if I had not been wearing my hat that day it would have been a different story all together. It would have been, "Hey, look where your going you bald a**h**!"


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you have no clue what would have actually transpired if you weren't wearing your hat...because in that situation, you WERE wearing your hat. So you can conjecture and hypothesize all you want...but the truth is, there is no way of knowing what would have happened because it didn't happen that way. Anything else is just you creating an imaginary scenario where you blame being bald for something negative. Can you not see that you are the only one creating any negativity here? Its not a sane way to live.


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he has a point tho, girls will act differently when an attractive guy around, they WILL tend to give him a "discounts" for being hot, same as each and every one of us guys... we would be nicer towards hot girls then ugly ones :) no need to be hypocritical about it. and as i mentioned on the other post, if it bothers you, get a hair transplant or a wig, there are options, just do a good research.


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Women do not find the hairless egg shape attractive. They only like shaved head on a man when its a Michael Schofield type... you know the men with those insanely straight hairlines that make them look like they're still at high-school.

Well they're actually very rare, but Hollywood puts such an emphasis on male actors having straight hairlines nowadays, that with many are getting hairtransplants, I think its becoming a standard for men in the media to have that youthful looking hairline with no recession, but some women fail to realise that in reality nearly all men experience some sort of recession in their lifetimes and they're developing unfair expectations.

Its the same with women in Hollywood being forced to trim down to a unhealthy size 0-6, even though this is way too thin for most women and way at odds with reality... Some men watch all this Hollywood and MTV and think they're woman should look like that, which is putting pressure on women too... so I guess it works both ways, you just need to meet a girl who is realistic and doesn't have Hollywood expectations with regards to your hair.


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I know what you mean Brighton. Like today, I went to the bank and as I was leaving, backing my car out of the spot where I parked and hit a car. The sun was blinding my back windshield so I couldn't see anything. So I parked the car again and got all my information to exchange. When I get out of the car and walked over to the car I hit I realized that it was two hot girls. Now I was wearing my grey baseball cap on backwards and was otherwise looking good and they were acting like they were so cool with it. They insisted that it really wasn't that big a deal but we exchanged information anyway. I apologized and admitted that it was totally my fault and they just ate it up so hard. I could tell that they thought I was cute because they were giving eachother these looks and giggling... especially when she asked for my phone number. I swear, if I had not been wearing my hat that day it would have been a different story all together. It would have been, "Hey, look where your going you bald a**hole!"

This is a good reason to keep an emergency hat with you whenever you can. Whether it be in the back of the car or in a bag you're carrying.

You never know when you might need it. This could have turned out very differently if you were just a bald guy.


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To be fair though Statham does look like sh*t there ^ and lets face it his fans are 90% 12 yr old boys who like silly martial arts/action movies. Just because he once dated Kelly Brook does'nt mean he's up there with the biggest NW1 heartthrobs in Hollywood, because I dont think he is.