
10 Month Finasteride + Minoxidil Hair Loss Treatment Progress Story


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@Diego96 ; hey man , still maintaining?

Yeah more or less maintaining. I just had a 2 week break from min just because I got a bit paranoid about it impacting my skin where I apply it (slight discolouration/ dried out scaly appearance) . Also I heard that it's good to take breaks from it as your body can build a tolerance to it.

I apply min twice daily (about 0.5 ml each app- 1 ml total) on weekends and once every week day. Still taking finasteride daily (miss a day here and there) after not taking it regularly for about a month due to financial issues.

Still don't believe that I've got my original hairline back though.


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Would you all consider the "before" pics to be a mature hairline basically. That's kind of where I'm at (mine's gone up a bit higher) but I would consider that totally normal for a non-high schooler...


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Yeah more or less maintaining. I just had a 2 week break from min just because I got a bit paranoid about it impacting my skin where I apply it (slight discolouration/ dried out scaly appearance) . Also I heard that it's good to take breaks from it as your body can build a tolerance to it.

I apply min twice daily (about 0.5 ml each app- 1 ml total) on weekends and once every week day. Still taking finasteride daily (miss a day here and there) after not taking it regularly for about a month due to financial issues.

Still don't believe that I've got my original hairline back though.
Hey man i'm from Australia as well, i was wondering where do you buy your finasteride from and how much does it approximately cost?


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My hair has more or less been the same , however I feel like it is slowly retreating back to baseline (if not below). Not sure if this is just an extended shed but it almost feels like my regime of 1.25 finasteride + 5% min applied topically twice a day is not effective for me anymore.

I also tried derma rolling for a few months but that didn't do anything for me except irritate my skin.

A bit confused right now and not sure if I should possibly look to upping my dosage of finasteride or maybe change to dutasteride?
I'm going to try applying minoxidil 3-4 times a day and see how that goes for now.

Right Temple:


Left Temple:


As you can see, I still have a lot of miniaturised hairs in my temples, I'm hoping that by upping my minoxidil application frequency I can possibly wake those up?


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I would attribute your growth to minoxidil. Most people find minoxidil results fade over time. Congratulations, you have Zayn Malik hair and I hate you for it.


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You're not back to baseline. However do appreciate that you literally have the hairline of a Teenage girl. The chance of that maintaining (assuming you have male pattern baldness) even on finasteride is very low.


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I've been on Finastride 1mg for about 7 months now and trying to get my temples back exactly like you.

Mine seemed to be going good at the 3 month mark but since then it's got worse and even effected my hairline a bit now too.

I've been told to hold out until 9 month mark. (I'm 34 btw)


I've had one Dr suggest to me the same what you did, 1.25mb and cut into quarters. Who told you to do that? did you research it youself?

I also use minoxidil. twice a day, topical version - Been on that for 2 years

I hate my hair, every morning it's so hard to style


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Hi bro.I think ur hairline is perfect.U just need to keep it.I have a question for u.After 2 years on fina.Did u have blood test ?You took the first pill since 19 years old.Is everything all right.Good luck.Btw.Ur hair is really great.