14 Month Update on the Big 3


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

wow dude... lol you must feel like a new man! looks great from the before and after pics.


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Hi all as I promised I am back after 7 month and I must admit it is working. Not only is my hair comming back but so are things in my life. For example the girls I am dating are getting hotter and hotter. I hope after a year that my crown will fill in. What do you guys think?

Many thanks for those that keep updates.


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Looks like your doing Really well with your routine! I just started mine about 2 weeks ago (Finasteride 1MG, minoxidil 2mg once each evening and I just started on Nizoral yesterday) I guess its kind of close to yours except for the vitamins. I was just wondering how long it took you to see results. I know it is too soon for me to see anything yet but I was just wondering what your experience was. and 1 other thing, Does'nt it get expensive using the shampoo every day? I paid like $10 bucks for a little bottle yesterday! Just Saying! Hope you continue the Success. Appreciate any tips you got whenever you get a chance. Thanks!


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Regarding the nitzoral I ended up buying 8 bottles of the 2% stuff online and I also use it every time I take a shower sometimes twice a day. I would switch to Rogaine Foam it makes your hair look more natural and it is 5%. Regarding the supplements I can say I have had many benefits 1. The past winter was the first time I did not get the flue or any other sickness. 2 my hair and nails are growing like weeds 3. The ever so dark circles under my eyes disappeared and 4. I have a very high level of energy thus started doing cardio every morning.

I doubt the supplements are growing back any lost hair but no doubt are compliment the other DHT inhibiters. For the cost and other benefits it is worth it.

Finally regarding the costs my theory is F it doing what it takes to get my hair back without surgery is priceless especially in the first year beta testing. You will make and spend a lot of money in your life, if wanting to fight nature and maintain your hair then the cost is nothing as long as your regimen works. But don’t take this wrong, if you can find generics like finpecia or others it is a no brainer. The Nitzoral is lasting me a while I use a quarter size for every shower but the Rogaine foam I use way too much. I go through a bottle that should last a month in 3 weeks but who cares its working!!!!


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Thanks for your reply! Really good information, I was just wondering how long it took for you to start seeing results. One other thing, What do you mean when you say Generic Finpecia? I ask because I was prescribed generic Finasteride, Is it the same thing?


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Yes it is the same thing. It took about 4 month. If you look at my first post you can see the before and after. But I am really seeing results now -- my hairline has grown back significantly and can flip it up again. I haven't been able to do this since 2000.


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

Hope you can keep it up and that it gets even better! With a lot of luck, hope I can get on here in 4 months and say the same thing. I might try one or 2 of those vitamins you talked about, whichever one you said helps your hair grow faster. Mine is still long(the hair that I still have anyway) its been breaking a lot lately, I used to wear it up in braids but can't do that anymore since this sh*t got worst. I do still want to keep it long if I can. Just one more thing, did you ever try the generic minoxidil? I ask because that is what the DR told me to use, Its allright so far I guess, the only thing is once I put it in my hair at night, I really can't go out after that because it looks real funny but it is a lot cheaper than that foam. I know you already said about the $$$ and you're right but I was just wondering if you had used both of them yourself??


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Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

I got mine at http://www.northwestpharmacy.com/ the prices seem to be decent and the shipping was fast.

Regarding Rogaine the liquid is worthless and makes your hair look greesy. The foam actaully makes your hair thick and is eaiser to use. It is worth the cost.


Re: 4 Months on the Big 3

any updates???? This i think is one of the best success stories on here thats current, such as sefreak and peapody


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One Year

All- this is my one year picture. I am still improving and have been consistent with my regimen. Does anyone know how to change the title?

I’m going to follow the treatment for one more year and access then my results. I was thinking about fue treatment after that for the crown after that. I will keep you posted. Anyone have luck with this treatment? I wear my hair short and am blond but do not want to show scars.


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14 Month Update on the Big 3

14 Months and going Strong


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That looks pretty amazing...It's hard to see your crown in that last photo though. How old are you by the way? Most people say that the big three works best on younger guys but a lot of the most dramatic success stories I've seen have been on guys over 30 (I'm guessing you're over 30, please don't be offended if I'm wrong)


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The crown is still thin and it fell out when I was 18. Interestingly my regimen is most effective at the hair line. I have some soft hairs but do believe the hair is gone where the hair at the hairline was more dormant. I might need surgery to replace that. I’ll give it one more year to see what happens. I am 35. I have a younger brother and he is shiner bald.


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Nice results, although I doubt that you will ever regrow the crown, a hair transplant will be your only option, but you have to think long and hard before resulting to surgery, and do lots of research, as there are plenty of charlatans in the hair transplant industry.

ps you could try a concealer like toppik or nanogen...