I wish you would be right and your argument is totally logical (I have read similar stuff) but the fact is, my hairline has receded a ton after being off finasteride for 1,5 months. I cannot deny what I see.
Some theories: it could be that I have very aggressive hair loss in the hairline area or it could be that minoxidil and microneedling cause hair loss (as I started minoxidil and microneedling a month ago after quitting finasteride). Or it could be catch-up hair loss from earlier on when I took less finasteride (0,5mg).
Impossible to lose so much ground in the hairline after 1 month off Finasteride...
But as you describe, it's most probably caused by Minoxidil. Actually you are in a shed which can take 4-6 weeks cauded by Minoxidil...