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Since the last time i had cut my hair(2.5 months) i am noticing some hair loss.Every time i move my hair with my hand +- 5 strands of hair fall, and if i go on, it continues falling. When i take a shower (i wash my hair 3 times a week) i think i loose +- 150 strands of hair, and i think if i go on my entire head can fall, it dont stop falling. My hair is approximately 7 cm right now but most of the hairs that fall are 2-5 cm, and some even 1 or 2 mm. It seens like it stopped growing or it's growing very slow. I think 80% is falling from the top and i'm also noticing some thinning (my hair is curly so i can only notice that on the borders).My dermatologist said (she said it before even looking at my hair and i will go to another doctor to have another opinion) it was because of dandruff (i have a lot of it), but i have it since a long time and i am have only noticed hair loss in the past 2.5-3 months, and she ordered Noriderm Cetoconazol (I live in brasil so maybe you dont know it). Im using it for like 2 or 3 weeks and my hair loss still the same.Please i want your opinion, do you think it's male pattern baldness?And if so what can i do with only 15 years?
I look hideous with hair (i have acne and a "fabulous" face) and i don't have any GF, i don't want to imagine myself without hair.

Some photos of my hair and receiding hairline.

Baby.(My hair starts approximately at the photo end.)
7-12 Years.
12-13 Years.
13-14 Years.
14-15 Years.

I will be posting some better photos tomorrow to show the "miniaturization", i dont know if it's normal because my moms also have a few small hairs on her head.Her hair is falling BTW, but she is 50 and her hair is falling for soo long and she continues with it.

Sorry for my english im Brazilian.
Thank you.


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It does look like you are experiencing male pattern baldness and to be honest you are rather young but it isn't uncommon, Best thing you could do is go to a hair loss clinic or doctor and get them to confirm it and to check if it is something other than male pattern baldness.

Also look at photo's of your grand father and father to see if they went bald at a young age, then you would know. And also take photo's every 3 months and compare them to see if it is getting worse.

You are also too young for minoxidil or Propecia.


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Reminds me of the footballer Wayne Rooney, even at a very young age he had a very high/receding hairline.

And I'll just second what Dazzel said. Keep an eye on it for sure (which it seems like you have been doing).

Good luck.


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Also do thyroid profile test to check whether you have hypothyrodism or hyperthy by doing T3,4 Tsh test.
You have dandruff, so you need to cure it as soon as possible
Also make sure you take all vitamins from food intake..

Make an appointment with MD medicine and trichologist.


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Thanks for answers. Im trying to cure dandruff for long but it only get worse. My dermatologist asked for a Hemogran and i will do it in 15 days i think.

My grandfather died with 52 and he was balding a little bit worse than this.I have one uncle that is bald, and his son and grandson are bald too, i dont remember of any other bald uncle(i have 6 uncles i think), my father is not bald but he has high hairlines like my i "think"(i don't see him a long time, maybe he's balding but i don't think so), my mother is balding too(her case is way worse than mine) and my grandmother has a low density hair, i don't know why but it's too easy to see her scalp(anywhere on the head).

I will talk with my mon about doing another exams and visiting a specialized doctor.

Below here is a "better" quality view on my hairline(sorry this is the best resolution i have right now), i don't now if those miniaturized hairs are normal, but i think i have much of them.

3 Photos

Video (15sec)
Video (15sec)

Sorry again for my english.


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I'm in the same boat as you mate, started around the same time as you, and a couple of years later still sitting here without having acted upon it.


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Yeah it's been a slow progression. I haven't had hair fall out in clumps, but ever since 15 it's been going from fine hair to just overall thin. I've grown it out longer so it's harder to tell to the untrained eye. I could use concealers because it's not terribly obvious, but when you take pictures it is. Your hair actually seems to be relatively thick and to me it looks like a matured hairline, but I am no dermatologist. They can give you a better diagnosis as well as treatment options. If you want to at least feel like you're doing something though, you can use Nizoral shampoo 1%. It's mild and helps a lot more than it can harm.