You are studying your hair so closely that you are noticing every little imperfection with you hair, which we all have.
My hairline was never perfect, ever, and I still have a full head of hair at 41.
No offence but your hair is similar to a lot of girls and women. This is common in a young man. If you were to study the hair of many females under such close scrutiny, you will notice the same.
What you have along your hairline is what some people refer to as ‘baby hairs’ which are with you from a very young age. They are fine hairs found along the hairline of young and adolescent children.
The biggest thing however that you are noticing is the high contrast between dark hair light skin on your scalp. Again, you will notice this in other non balding people if you look close enough. I see this so confused with perceived ‘thinning’ on this forum.
No offence to the egg guy you refer to, but I do not agree with one comment he made. I have seen multiple people with full heads of hair posting on here and there will always be someone who says “ I think you might be balding” - As I’ve said before, you are not balding.
In addition you appear to be of east asian heritage - east asian men very rarely loose hair at such a young age, if ever at all in their life.
Can I ask, what triggered this whole obsession? Was it a comment a friend or family member made? Is your Dad bald? What set it off?