
17 year old with worst hairloss you've ever seen

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I've been losing my hair since I was 15, and eventually this lead to me dropping out of school because I got bullied for losing my hair. Right now i'm basically going through an identity crisis, I don't know who I am, not long ago I was an Nw1. It's crazy how life turns out sometimes, but I'm hoping Replicel or some other company has if not a cure, then a super-effective treatment. It is way too early for me to be losing my hair like this, I have no confidence talking to girls, and my ex-girlfriend broke up with me because I started losing my hair, it wasn't noticeable until like 6 months ago. I don't know, I just felt like ranting, I hate hair loss so much. Here is my hair, it's not looking good for me right now.

First picture was only 6 months ago, I had a little bit of recession, but now it's just really bad. Especially me being only 17. Older people on these forums think they have it bad when they start losing hair at 25, try losing it in high school. Sorry for sounding like a whiner, but I can't pretend like me losing my hair isn't killing me on the inside. I hope I get through this, if you have any advice to get through this emotionally or anything, it's welcome. I've been on proscar 1.25mg for 3 1/2 months btw.


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Did you try propecia or anything similar? I think that would be a good start. Patrick Stewart started going balled as a teenager and look how many people love him. Losing your hair will only hold you back if you let it.
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Did you try propecia or anything similar? I think that would be a good start. Patrick Stewart started going balled as a teenager and look how many people love him. Losing your hair will only hold you back if you let it.
Yeah i've been on proscar 1.25 mg for 3 1/2 months, I can't really tell if its maintained my hair or not. But 1 good thing about using it is that my scalp barely ever itches anymore like it used to before taking proscar. Thanks for your kind words, but it's just so hard for me to overcome this right now. At least I can concentrate on a good career instead of girls right? Lol :)


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Its not too late, I think you should add minoxidil. Your hair should grow back becouse its only been 6 months since you lost it.
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Its not too late, I think you should add minoxidil. Your hair should grow back becouse its only been 6 months since you lost it.
Yeah, I tried liquid minoxidil for 3 days and my scalp starting getting pus filled bumps, ALL OVER. I heard some people's scalps don't tolerate the propylene glycol, so I could try the foam. Man, it seems like you and I both hope Shiseido come out with rch-01 soon.


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Not the worst I've ever seen, but not great for your age. You might want to consider dutasteride when you turn 18.
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Not the worst I've ever seen, but not great for your age. You might want to consider dutasteride when you turn 18.
Yeah I know it's not the worst hair loss ever, I should've clarified it better. I meant for my age it was the worst. Or was that what you meant. it isn't the worst you've seen at my age.


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Like mentioned above, not the worst, but I know the feeling as I was devastated when I started losing my at 21...Best thing is to try to get a prescription for dutasteride/finasteride and along with minoxidil. Give it time, hair doesn't reverse overnight! It absolutely sucks but worry about what you can control and try not to let hairloss get to you so much at a young age.
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Like mentioned above, not the worst, but I know the feeling as I was devastated when I started losing my at 21...Best thing is to try to get a prescription for dutasteride/finasteride and along with minoxidil. Give it time, hair doesn't reverse overnight! It absolutely sucks but worry about what you can control and try not to let hairloss get to you so much at a young age.
I've been taking finasteride for 3 1/2 months. Do you think taking a Dht inhibitor will stunt my facial hair growth? I know Dht is responsible for turning vellus facial hair to terminal, but I wonder if the 30 or so percent of dht that isn't being inhibited is enough to still stimulate facial hair growth. I definitely noticed that the "facial hair" I have, now grows back a lot slower.

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Whats your family history like with hairloss?
Well my dad is mostly bald on the top, he keeps the sides and back, unfortunately it looks like I might be going down that path. My moms side of the family has no hairloss, except due to old age, like age 80 and up. My grandpa was a nw2 at 55 years old when he died. I definitely got the f***** up hair genetics from my dad most likely.


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Finasteride didn't change my body hair at all. Still getting more damn hair on my body. Anyways, don't worry about facial hair. It will all come back to what it was supposed to if it had an effect if you quit.
You are probably allergic to the vehicle in liquid minoxidil. It can be harsh on the scalp. You should look into the foam. Much easier on the scalp, and dries in minutes.
Good luck.


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Break the shell.

It is way too early for me to be losing my hair like this said:
I'm 18 with receding hairline and I got male pattern baldness confirmed, bro, just don't let your confidence go...I mean just don't stay unhappy about hair, its not worth it. Looking good is very important as teenagers, but its OK, if you're really worried about hair, look for hair systems (it will take sometime for friends/family/society to accept your new look). If you're looking for some genuine relationship, confidence can be more sexier than your hair! My girl is okay with my receding hairline, she is even supportive to look for treatments. Stay confident, look for treatments, stay happy, stay positive :-D


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My hair was probably similar at around your age. Just continue with treatments and hope for the best. As an FYI ive been on finasteride since 2006 and my facial hair continued to develop. Contrary to you I wish it would have slowed mine down as my beard is way too thick.

another positive is you still look good with shaved head. You're still young so there is chance for more advanced treatments coming out while you're still relatively young.


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Yeah I know it's not the worst hair loss ever, I should've clarified it better. I meant for my age it was the worst. Or was that what you meant. it isn't the worst you've seen at my age.

I've seen a 15 year old with a more receded hairline before. It was ages ago though, so I don't remember the exact post.


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I started loosing my hair at 16 very rapidly but because of FDA approved treatments, I'm 19 with a full-head and the quality and thickness is still improving. For guys like us, I recommend Avodart(Dutasteride) with minoxidil. I encourage you to try my regimen.

Start university, be confident, make friends, study hard and earn yourself a decent degree. You can still turn things around :)
Oh and don't forget the Gym!