18 - minoxidil, Nizoral, Derma + Possibly finasteride In The Future.


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Hey, yeah I've improved. Currently been on finasteride for about a month now aswell. I'll update in a month or two if I see good results again.

Glad to hear brother, what made you decide to jump on finasteride? have you seen any side effects thus far?


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perfect head of hair bro ! You apply minoxidil to you whole head ?
no sides with minoxidil such as increase dark circle / body hair ?
No sides with fina ?

minoxidil only applied to temples and hairline. I got increased body hair but I just shave it off, no dark circles. maybe a bit of bloatiness at first but it faded away eventually.

finasteride, no sexual sides, no gyno etc, but MAYBE a stuffy nose? have you heard of this side effect? A week after I got on finasteride my nose got stuffy, I'm hoping its just my body adapting


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Glad to hear brother, what made you decide to jump on finasteride? have you seen any side effects thus far?

I jumped on finasteride due to minoxidil gains weakening. If there's a single tip I can give regarding minoxidil, it would be that the gains are extremely temporary. Without an anti androgen you're pretty much screwed.

I haven't had any sexual sides or anything like that, but have had a stuffy nose. I'm not sure if it's related to finasteride or not. Do you happen to know anything about it?


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minoxidil only applied to temples and hairline. I got increased body hair but I just shave it off, no dark circles. maybe a bit of bloatiness at first but it faded away eventually.

finasteride, no sexual sides, no gyno etc, but MAYBE a stuffy nose? have you heard of this side effect? A week after I got on finasteride my nose got stuffy, I'm hoping its just my body adapting

Thanks for the advice, its very much appreciated, as for the side effect I'm afraid I don't know, sorry.


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How's your situation?

My hair is thick all over and I'd like to say that my hairline is still a NW1 but one of my sides is definitely receding. I'm not comfortable with posting pics at the moment but once I start my regimen I most likely will.


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Thanks. I was considering adding a dht-inhibitor since I've read that they lose all their gains of Minoxidil after a year or so which has honestly made me a bit anxious. I'm just worried about stunting my growth for now tho since I'm only 18

Man, if what you're doing is working for you, stick with it while you can. Stunting growth should certainly be paid attention to as a possibility if you start a dht-inhibitor. But really, do yourself a favor and before you start anything like that research the best you can into the effects of DHT, and DHT inhibition, and the brain. Ignore all the idiots that tell you people are fatuous fear-mongerers for saying such a thing and just do it. Before you do something like that at such a young age, be sure you have as much a grasp as you can on the complexity of inhibiting hormones and just what that entails.


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Man, if what you're doing is working for you, stick with it while you can. Stunting growth should certainly be paid attention to as a possibility if you start a dht-inhibitor. But really, do yourself a favor and before you start anything like that research the best you can into the effects of DHT, and DHT inhibition, and the brain. Ignore all the idiots that tell you people are fatuous fear-mongerers for saying such a thing and just do it. Before you do something like that at such a young age, be sure you have as much a grasp as you can on the complexity of inhibiting hormones and just what that entails.

Hey man. I already jumped on finasteride, haven't grown for a while and I'll see what happens from here on out.