Been a while. Hair was doing terrific, however, I've been dealing with a bit of a health issue. Ended up coming down with a magnesium deficiency 6 weeks ago and have had major food allergies and light palpitations/skin/insomnia issues. This also lead to quite a bit of shedding, that I've only just started to notice. I've upped my magnesium, both oral and topical so let's see what happens. This sucks because I was actually pretty happy with the way things were going. Also, something potentially related to finasteride but it could also be from the magnesium deficiency. My swimmer count (aka sperm) is low and the motility is bad. I got it tested twice and it has improved with the magnesium so let's see where it goes. I never knew how important magnesium was and how many processes it is involved in, but the first night I put on the topical I was out cold for like 9 hours. I've been spraying it on top of my head once I found out it had relevance to hair loss. At this point I've changed so many things so I wont be able to make any conclusions as to what's doing what.
Not sure what the Immortal Hair regimen is, I assume it's just a healthy lifestyle program. If that's the case that's definitely what I'm doing.