19 Years of age: Norwood 2-3 (is there anybody out there).

Agustin Araujo

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FUT is just old and thats why cheap.FUE is new and has MUCH more potential in a giving a better and more natural coverage to a bald spot.Also a FUT surgery gone wrong is THE worst punishment a guy can get.FUE is much easier to solve abd regraft.


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Thanks for sharing your blog, sorry that your first hair transplant didn't go well.

Definitely go for an FUE, not FUT. There's a member here by the name of 'FredTheBelgian' and had a successful FUE. You should message him and ask him what you should really do, he'll help you out with your options.

He did actually comment on my thread on "hairrestorrationnetwork". His balding is much more advanced than mine, although I have diffuse thinning on top and some on the sides, which really blows, but it's not completely hopeless a situation. He advised me to laser of the implanted hairs, something I think is a good still bad option. Bad because I would lose the hairs forever, good because I would avoid any scarring from fue on my forehead and get rid of the unnaturally low hairline. According to the "rule of thirds", my hairline is now complimenting my face more, because it reduces the forehead a bit, but this is not what I want at all. Even if the fue technique leaves me with scarring on my forehead, there is a possibility I could cover it with make-up or some such. I've chanced upon some people claiming the fue method did not leave visible scarring after having their low hairline moved up or having their low plug-grafts re-positioned. I'd rather make use of the hairs (I'd estimate a good 1000 grafts out of 2000 survived, and some are still growing in) and have scarring, than laser them off and not being able to use them again. Aren't fue's more sensitive to the environment and prone to dying off than fut's? Some recommend me fue, others fut. Should I get another fut, Dr. Feriduni might be able to improve on the linear scar in the back of my head. I think its best leaving this in Dr. Feriduni's capable hands. A high hairline I will fully accept. Take Chris Cornell for example, his hairline is quite high actually, but he still looks damn good. Tis' differs from person to person, I know. I don't look nearly that good though, haha. What godlike hair! Hey, at least I can pull off his beard style! :)

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