19 YRS old guy - hair loss - help


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Just keep doing what you're doing. You'll hopefully be able to notice if it's helping in a few months time, for now just keep your mind off the hairloss. When you get busy about something else the time flys, just make sure you don't forget to take finasteride or apply rogaine.

I hope it works out for you.


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I'm sure it will works, in thickening your hairs and maybe regrowthing some. At this point your hairloss doesn't seem to bother you too much thats a great point so into the BIG 3 you will only be happier in the next months and years!
Good luck bro !


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wait what? you lost hair over only a couple weeks, and your hair loss is THAT advanced???? that is absolutely cray-cray!


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Stick to the finasteride and rogaine whenever it will arrive. Your hair loss is pretty advanced but you're young so the follicles haven't been taking a beating for a long time now, meaning you might get some good regrowth there. Stay positive and keep on taking pictures monthly or so at least! Consistency and patience are the keys!