2 weeks into oral minoxidil so far so good

michel sapin

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according to you, is 1.25 mg safe? is it more effective than topical? is there a big risk of hypertrichosis?


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2.5mg a day should be safe dosage. 5mg is a lot more effective, but side effects go way up. After that it becomes too dangerous IMO
The sides appear to increase more or less geometrically past ~5mg while the addition to results is well, arithmetic. I have had no sides at 12.5mg that should concern most men--my beard fuzz got fuzzier and the hair below my waist got thicker, eyebrows got thicker, lashes got really thick--that's a feature for me, not a bug.

Most of the non-medicinal sides have to do with hypertrichosis as is pretty well known. I think that minoxidil is not used much any longer for hypertension but they probably dose ~ 40 mg.


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Not that I disagree with you at all, but when thinking about dosing a drug like minoxidil, we should plan ahead for decades. You are correct that minoxidil is highly dose dependent. While 10 mg might not kill you/cause bad sides short term, it doesnt say anything about longterm dangers of it. I myself wouldnt use more than 5mg..25
I am at ~6.25 because that's easier to measure on the dropper but Rob Winter recommends no more than 5.0 mg and I think that is solid advice particularly since we all vary on here in terms of our knowledge as to how medications work or can malfunction...I am a lawyer, not a doctor so nobody sue me... but ignore me at your pleasure<winks>


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Is 1.25 mg safe? is the risk of hypertrichosis really high with this dosage?
If you mean sides related to it being a hypertension medication, then I would say no, at that mg level. Most of the sides are bad for females and neutral for males, I would say.



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i wan't to avoid hypertrichosis, will i get this with 1.25 mg?
I doubt it but if you are drinking topical min, then this is about one drop daily on the back of the tongue so it is basically the lowest you can go unless you are using loniten where you can score the tablets.

michel sapin

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yes i am using loniten.
I have been on topical min ( huge dosage for years , like 5 ml per day beause of diffuse thinning), and this doesnt work at all and i get hypertrichosis from the topical that is why the oral version scared me. But 1 mg seems a low dosage?


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yes i am using loniten.
I have been on topical min ( huge dosage for years , like 5 ml per day beause of diffuse thinning), and this doesnt work at all and i get hypertrichosis from the topical that is why the oral version scared me. But 1 mg seems a low dosage?
Of course, the best advice-giver would only use loniten. I take female hormones that probably diminish my hypertrichosis but at 12.5 mg (12 to 15 drops) my beard was definitely getting scratchy again and I saw "eyebrow" hair that required more wide-scale plucking but oral min does seem to supercharge even my HRT effects so I am enduring the hypertrichosis but I did go down to half of that. I would give it a go because Rob Winter is pretty good in his analysis of most things for most people and even some females (not sure what I am, for dosage purposes) go up to 2.5. With the pills, you are in control more so so just keep titrating downward if 1.5 mg is too much. Because it increases sulfurotransferase, it might make once daily topical work better too but I haven't seen any studies on overall increases in sulfurotransferase.

Also, @bridgeburn used to take 10 mg every other day so you could consider 1.5mg every other day as well if titrating lower is a hassle.
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It's still not clear if oral minoxidil is always more effective than topical particularly for good responders to topical

Wish i could get a clear answer


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Unless there's a reason otherwise, you can do each once per day. I take 6.25 mg orally each morning and use topical on problem areas and after microneedling. It might be synergistic by increasing sulfurotransferase in general.


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Unless there's a reason otherwise, you can do each once per day. I take 6.25 mg orally each morning and use topical on problem areas and after microneedling. It might be synergistic by increasing sulfurotransferase in general.
I’m doing 2.5 and then topical at night. So I’m guessing I’m basically doing 3.5 mg pretty much


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@JaneyElizabeth thoughts on it always being more effective?

It's not possible topical could be more effective for some people?

I might do this cover both bases
I don’t think it’s a person to person thing. When you take it orally, it goes through first pass through the liver. This does not happen when it is applied topically. This means it’s not a person to person thing; it’s a biological process.