No but seriously I don't understand why they experiment hairloss stuff on animals if only humans and some monkeys have it. Loss of time.
I'm really excited for 2017; this is the year (I am sure) that they will finally cure hairloss in frogs. I can't f*****g wait
Holy f***, I legitimately just had the thought "even the frog looks better with hair" and it's absolutely insane but y'know what, he f*****g does.
I'm losing the plot.
The issue is that not all animals react in the same way to the same substances. For instance, morphine excites horses while it relaxes men. Before you test the thing on men, what can you predict?I think it's more of a safety thing. If the mices die, the potion might need some modifications. Though it's cruel, imo.
Even the "sad" frog meme looks like he's filled with tears of joy at his flawless Norwood-1
Holy f***, I legitimately just had the thought "even the frog looks better with hair" and it's absolutely insane but y'know what, he f*****g does.
I'm losing the plot.
I am terrible with Photoshop
Anyone cares to make a bald male lion and a long haired cat?
Ha! Even the lion looks like a loserHow's this?
You've been eating me for decades and decades f****r... now you ain't got no hair, but me, groin groin, I DO!
Getting huge is your only saving grace at this point.
Get Huge
Choose 1
Unless you post a recording of your voice, she won't.
Come on.