20M. I took these pictures on direct sunlight and um Very deppresive


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If bald people couldn't date or get any pussy at all, none of us would be on this forum because baldness would've been wiped out as none of them would've been able to reproduce.
Bald people can't reproduce anymore because raping is no longer allowed. Also with abortions being legal, baldness will cease to exist in 2 generations


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Bald people can't reproduce anymore because raping is no longer allowed. Also with abortions being legal, baldness will cease to exist in 2 generations
Why do normies like you are like that. You talk as If u were a truecel who cant reproduce,when in reality you are a hightier normie fakecel


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Bald people can't reproduce anymore because raping is no longer allowed. Also with abortions being legal, baldness will cease to exist in 2 generations
You forgot FEMALES are also the carriers of balding genes. Maybe bald guys won't get mating rights anymore, but girls with balding genes in their blood will still mate with full-headed guys and give birth to more future baldies or male pattern baldness gene carriers that will stay the gene pool forever.
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If bald people couldn't date or get any pussy at all, none of us would be on this forum because baldness would've been wiped out as none of them would've been able to reproduce.
Maybe bald guys won't get mating rights anymore, but girls with balding genes in their blood will still mate with full-headed guys and give birth to more future baldies or male pattern baldness gene carriers that will stay in the gene pool forever.
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You forgot FEMALES are also the carriers of balding genes. Maybe bald guys won't get mating rights anymore, but girls with balding genes in their blood will still mate with full-headed guys and give birth to more future baldies or male pattern baldness gene carriers that will stay the gene pool forever.
This annoys me about women in general. Women have deal breakers that men cannot control whereas women really don't.

Deal breakers women have:
Iq, Balding, Height, weight, Face, hygiene, race

2/7 you can control the rest is genetic.

Dealbreaker for men is just don't be obese.


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Pussy I'm not really into it...
I'm mostly gay
How do guys react when they find you are wearing a system and went bald? Any different than women? When you say "mostly" what does that mean?