
21ukheregoes's Story - (MODEL GETTING hair transplant/ THOUGHTS! (PICS)


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

PersonGuy said:
s.a.f said:
NW7 could only end up looking worse, any kind of hairline would look weird if the top does'nt meet the sides.

I've seen this and it's one of the indicative ways to tell someone had a hair transplant. Just another circumstance to f*ck with us.

Wouldn't most people notice anyway if you got hair in the front grafted back from an NW5/6 to a NW3 or that bald spot filled in?


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

Don't listen to any of these haters. Your career is far from over. You could definitely make a name for yourself as a model with a buzzed or even shaved head. There are plenty of bald models. One thing can be said about someone who rocks a sly head well; they stand out even more. I don't think everyone should go that route but I'm sure you'd look pimp! Keep your head up..


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)


What can i say... its been a crazy 6 months.

After not getting the head and shoulders commercial, things havent been bad at all.

Since then my hair has got much better, i only use finasteride and bumble and bumble hair powder spray to give my head a fully covered look which really seems to be working :) my hair has got much better just from the 6 months alone with no nizoral or minoxidil.

since last time we spoke, i got a contract with dfs sofa company and so do a commercial for them every 4 months, shoot for nokia, t-mobile ad, lloyds pharmacy commercial, a shoot for harrods tax free shopping and now, believe it or not, i'm not writing from London, I'm writing from sunset blvd, LA waiting to go on set for a coca cola shoot.

What I'm saying is that life does go on.... and stick to your meds!!!! I think that i only have myself to blame if i forget to take my meds sometimes, after 6 months i know feel like i have the right routine to get my hair looking at its best:

after washing it, i hair dry it into a very rough similar shape that i need it. i then spray the bumble and bumble hair powder in all the gaps and where ever i see my scalp. then i hair dry it again to get it all unstuck, and more volume. after hair drying the hair, because bumble and bumble can get quite sticky, its makes it manageable to work with the hair again. and so then i use american crew fibre wax to give it a matt effect look, and finally my biggest find was 'ojon restoritive hair treatment spray''. all of the 'ojon' products are great for hair -i use their shampoo and cond too but the hair treatment spray i feel is the best product they have. you use it like a hairspray to keep the shape and everything into place because afterall whats the point in spending a good 10 minutes on your hair when it gets messed up in the wind lol. normal hairspray ususally made my hair fall out more, but with this i think it just holds the hair and i feel like im doing my hair good by putting it on because its a treatment hairpspray so we get the best of both worlds!

if i hadnt of found the bumble and bumble hair powder spray and ojon hair treatment spray i think i would have def gone for the hair transplant. i'm just glad that these two products have given me more time to let the meds work. and they are slowly working. i am only using finasteride tablet and not other two.

so glad i came back to update you all. my plan is to move out her to LA perm from jan because believe it or not, there actually is more opp out here... even after all the bullshit people talk here lol.

i'll definately keep you all updated with my goings on guys. thank you for keeping me clear of a hair transplant at this point in my life. I will probbly still get one a lot later down the line, but with my personal big 3 of finasteride,b&b, ojon, i think i've found my own way of handling this situation within my own tricky circumstances.



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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)
Is the dude on the right also the guy in this thread? Hard to tell, I stumbled upon this coke site by accident and it reminded of his story. EDIT: The website has random pics I will just take a screen shot then


  • cokead.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 260


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

21ukheregoes said:
[...] however since turning 21,(july 08) my hair has been falling out rapidly. This first started when i was on a catwalk just before my birthday and used a cover spray. The minute i used the cover spray, i started losing hair, even though i stopped, it hasnt stopped falling out.

What spray was that?!

I'm glad the meds are working. Did you consult a dermatologist? What did he tell you?


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Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)

In a non homo way, your a great looking guy. You could definatly pull off the shaved look with no problem, dude if i had your looks i wouldnt be worried about a thing man...seriously.

Why put a scar on the back of your head, when you can try medications that have been PROVEN to halt hairloss in the correct canidates ? You could very well be one of those guys who can halt it.....and stimulate your hair back to where you won't need a hair transplant.

Me personally im not against getting a hair transplant, but im also 27 and i realize if i want to get one i should wait atleast another 7 to 10 years to see where my scalp is going first. However, maby H&W can find out if you have plenty of good donor hairs to keep touching you up in the future ?

For now take thir advice go with the treatements, and use a concealer of some sort for the shows. Personally though if i had your looks id shave it.


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hey :)

not much to update since my last post, i am much happier now that i use the bumble and bumble hair powder to make my hir look thicker and cover up the scalp areas.

dont get me wrong, i still have a lot of scalp showing when i get out of the shower and my hair is still falling out every single time i shower, but i seem to be quite happy with the hair powder for now. fingers crossed the meds will work soon.

i'm moving from london to la to continue my career so will keep you all posted on how it goes!


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21ukheregoes said:
hey :)

not much to update since my last post, i am much happier now that i use the bumble and bumble hair powder to make my hir look thicker and cover up the scalp areas.

dont get me wrong, i still have a lot of scalp showing when i get out of the shower and my hair is still falling out every single time i shower, but i seem to be quite happy with the hair powder for now. fingers crossed the meds will work soon.

i'm moving from london to la to continue my career so will keep you all posted on how it goes!

good to hear bro i hope everything keeps going good with you

1 question how good is the hair powder from 1 - 10?

i have diffuse thinning and want to use it

can you post pics of your hair with the bumble and bumble hair powder please? thanks


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I first wanted to say that I am happy that your career is going well.

I was hoping that I could ask you a question.

I looked at the pictures that you posted and noticed that you have lost a lot of hair in a very short period of time. In general, I think it is unusual for someone your age to lose that much hair in such a short period of time.

One situation that I can think of in which someone can lose this much hair in a period of about one year is if they are under a lot of stress. Stress is something that can cause a lot hair to rapidly fall out.

You are in the field of show business, which is very competitive. Has the pressure to maintain your looks and book jobs put a lot of stress on you from around the time that your hair started to fall out?

I think the amount of stress that you face in your field might have increased around the time that you began to lose a lot of hair, and this might be the reason for the large amount of hair loss that you have experienced.

If stress is the reason for your hair loss, I think you have to find a way to take your mind off of the competitive nature of show business. That will help you to grow back some of the hair that you have lost.


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Dude what is your ethnicity if you don't mind me asking. My guess in that you are Indian ?


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Hey man

21 and english here as well, i started thinning out two years ago maybe? I grew it out and tried my hardest to cover it up,but that sucks as you feel you're hiding something and's only hair and a good looking guy will still be good looking without hair

I don't know if these would help you,obviously not as good looking as yourself, but I can speak from the same kinda boat that lying to yourself and trying to forget youre thinning on top isn't the best feeling in the world

Anyhoo here's me now..I only just started rogaine and nizoral a few wks back,been taking propecia for about 10 months and that's kept what I still have


