I have been writing a lot about why it's virtually never Telogen Effluvium. So, in terms of being 100 percent sure, eliminate in your mind the possibility that what you see is Telogen Effluvium. One thing is that whenever I see pics of purported Telogen Effluvium, it's always in the crown and temples. Why would Telogen Effluvium occur only there? Scalp tension could be one reason but basically as far as I can see Telogen Effluvium does not present differently from male pattern baldness. I would love to see pics to the contrary but since females never seem to get a Telogen Effluvium diagnosis, I question if 99 percent of males with hair loss have anything except male pattern baldness.
This cuts out the clutter of going on biotin and vitamins and jogging and lifting weights and being "pure" cause none of that will bring back hair. It might lessen future hair loss so everyone should consider a healthier life style but it won't grow hair ever.
So I try to look at this from a Bayesian point of view where we calculate a prior probability and then put it into an equation to determine the post probability. So if 99 percent of people under 25 complaining about or seeking treatment for hair loss have male pattern baldness in actuality and not Telogen Effluvium, then essentially any waiting to see if it's just Telogen Effluvium is counter-productive unless finasteride does all of these bizarre alleged things.
My opinion is that most guys who go on blithely without using finasteride or who have these bizarre sides, deep down don't want to use it because it reduces the male hormone with the greatest binding ability so they invent via the subconscious reasons that they
cannot use finasteride. Guys who say they immediately became dazed and confused or saw visions, I discount entirely.
And not towards OP but it's not your girlfriend, it's not your parents' divorce, it's not the D in chemistry, it's not the stress of first year in college cause women have all of these things too and they almost never lose their hair because of it. Guys need to wake up and assume that only male pattern baldness affects them. Until they do that, they are worthless and this is a spiel stolen from Tyler Durden who changed my life and could change all of yours: