27 month update page 17


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8 Month Update on page 5

Story: 20 years old, I been losing hair since about 18 and a half. Jumped on Propecia. at about 19, but stopped. Realized how bad I needed it, so I jumped back on about 4 Months ago.

I figure these updates help me identify progress I am making, since I can't really remember what my hair looked like 2 days ago.

I've been on Minoxidil and Finasteride for approximately 4 months now. I'll be starting a topical Flutamide as soon as that arrives also! (If anyone has a mixture for making the topical please let me know!, I'm planning to just mix with either my Minoxidil or in a separate container in rubbing alcohol, I am not sure what is best please help)

These are my results!

Couple days after starting:

3 Months:

4 Months:

Month 5

Not sure what to take of this month :S
Last edited:


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

well done , your temples seem to be definetly filling in , about month 4-6 you should be seeing some accelerated growth. Keep up the good work! Hows your crown?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

your hairline definitely looks better . good results congrats .


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Your hairline does look great. Did you experience any shedding? How long had been losing hair for before you started the meds?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

I'm about to hit 2.5 years of me first noticing the balding. ( Though things didn't start to be bad until about 19 )

So far I have zero loss in the crown; looking at my older brothers the crown usually goes awhile after the temples are long gone.

I started the Propecia last summer, but erroneously I attributed the gains to my hairline maturing up and not actually receding, so I stopped. After I shaved my head about 5 months ago I knew I really needed to do something because the temples were going pretty fast. I used to get 20-30 hairs in the shower, but almost instantly and even now I only get about 8-12 hairs in the shower. So no real shed here. ( I think there is shedding because when I look at the base of all the new hairs none of them just grew thicker, they are all the same thickness throughout the shaft, somaybe the shedding was minimal so I didn't notice. )

Somehow I feel like the DHT blocking is rewinding my body's hair clock, because chest hair that was once coming in is now receding.

Also I'm lucky ( and also unlucky ) that I have that little birth mark to track growth :p But when it comes time to bite the bullet and shave it to a 0 it won't be that great any more.

Would rubbing alcohol ( 66%+ ethanol ) work as a vehicle for crushed up Flutamide pills?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Hey champ what dosage are you taking? Side effects?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

ya any sides? It looks like your hair is much denser, and it didnt even look so bad to begin with. And you said you didn't shed at all?? Do you attributte the success to the minoxidil or finasteride?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Positive side effects such as decreased acne and decreased chest hair growth ( The second one isn't as positive for manliness points :p )

I do get the "brain fog" feeling occasionally, but being a person who already daydreams excessively, I don't consider it much of an issue.

On a separate note, does anyone have an answer to the best homemade-Flutamide vehicle?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

whoa brain fog?? you really get that, i didn;t think that was a real side effect, can you elaborate?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

It happens so rarely that it is hard to pinpoint finasteride as the cause. It could be my imagination

The best way I could describe it: A sudden 2 second extreme bout of A.D.D. It maybe happens once a month, and I can only remember one actual occasion when I was talking to my brother and I just completely spaced out for a second. It is probably just correlation, and reading all the other posts on this "brain fog" made me attribute it to the finasteride, when it might not be the cause.


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Great results, and GREAT pictures. Those are probably the best reference pics I've ever seen because you matched the angles exactly so you can really tell what's going on from month to month.

It looks like the Propecia+minoxidil combo did exactly what it's supposed to do - it thickened all the miniaturized hairs. Didn't bring your hairline down much but a thick NW2 looks great IMO.

Just wanted you to know that you've been inspired me to take the plunge again and get back on finasteride, for good this time. My hairline is similar to yours when you first started......not bad but THIN with lots of fine, weak, colorless hairs that will hopefully become terminal again.

Good luck man, and keep us updated!


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

BlindFan said:
whoa brain fog?? you really get that, i didn;t think that was a real side effect, can you elaborate?

It definitely happens to me as well, I was on finasteride Aug/Sep but stopped and I feel much better... Do a search, there are some threads on this. My head is just not the same when I'm on the finasteride.


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Thickandthin said:
Great results, and GREAT pictures. Those are probably the best reference pics I've ever seen because you matched the angles exactly so you can really tell what's going on from month to month.

It looks like the Propecia+minoxidil combo did exactly what it's supposed to do - it thickened all the miniaturized hairs. Didn't bring your hairline down much but a thick NW2 looks great IMO.

Just wanted you to know that you've been inspired me to take the plunge again and get back on finasteride, for good this time. My hairline is similar to yours when you first started......not bad but THIN with lots of fine, weak, colorless hairs that will hopefully become terminal again.

Good luck man, and keep us updated!

Bro, this guy isnt even close to a Norwood 2......What r u sk0king?


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

Hate2LoseIt said:
Thickandthin said:
Great results, and GREAT pictures. Those are probably the best reference pics I've ever seen because you matched the angles exactly so you can really tell what's going on from month to month.

It looks like the Propecia+minoxidil combo did exactly what it's supposed to do - it thickened all the miniaturized hairs. Didn't bring your hairline down much but a thick NW2 looks great IMO.

Just wanted you to know that you've been inspired me to take the plunge again and get back on finasteride, for good this time. My hairline is similar to yours when you first started......not bad but THIN with lots of fine, weak, colorless hairs that will hopefully become terminal again.

Good luck man, and keep us updated!

Bro, this guy isnt even close to a Norwood 2......What r u sk0king?

Eh, he started out as a NW2 and ended up probably Norwood 1.5. Kinda hard to tell with the pics being so close up though.


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

i think he restored his hairline back to a Norwood 1 to be honest


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

has anyone here ever had their acne return in full force at any time during their finasteride adventures? I had no acne for about a month straight, but this week I have had about 5 pimples :(


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

shadowRX said:
has anyone here ever had their acne return in full force at any time during their finasteride adventures? I had no acne for about a month straight, but this week I have had about 5 pimples :(

i think its coz of the change in hormones, because of the finasteride, dont worry give it a few months to level out, your body needs to get used to the change


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

stjimmy said:
shadowRX said:
has anyone here ever had their acne return in full force at any time during their finasteride adventures? I had no acne for about a month straight, but this week I have had about 5 pimples :(

i think its coz of the change in hormones, because of the finasteride, dont worry give it a few months to level out, your body needs to get used to the change

This post has helped me. I never really get spots, but the last two weeks ive had a fair few and was worried. They are clearing now so hopefully I have rid that storm... Cheers

Matt Skiba

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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

I am 21 and this actually reminds me a lot of my own hair. Results look great, beautiful black hair (I think recession affects someone with black hair more significantly than someone who is blonde). It really sucks for me though since I can't use finasteride cause of side effects, damn!

Are you using any shampoo? You should try using revita shampoo and remember to use it twice in the shower like it says.


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Re: 4 Months on Propecia+Min (Pics)

skiba wat kind of side effects did you have and how long into treatment did u get them