
3-alpha-HSD treatment (interesting)


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I recently came across something that I found very interesting. Credit to "klijom" for writing this/ spreading this information:

"3a hsd is a natural enzyme present within the muscular structure of the body which prevents the conversion of testosterone to dht wherever it is present. Now to me it would seem that introducing an enzyme to the scalp (3a hsd) should in theory be a lot easier than trying to remove an enzyme from the scalp (5ar). I honestly am starting to believe this is a massive avenue which has been completely ignored and I don't see why (ethics aside) 3a hsd supplements for the scalp could not be created to "neutralize" dht as soon as they interact (as they do in the muscles).

Also it seems that many of the "hair loss fads" that we hear about e.g. coconut oil, olive oil etc. may actually be increasing 3a hsd activity (in however small effect). Now if this effect can be harnessed and magnified which may be a lot easier than most of the other methods being developed at the moment (follica, histogen, etc.) then we will have something that although not a cure but would be atleast a permanent topical (worst case scenario oral) treatment. The link of 3a hsd and prostate cancer again seems to solidify this claim as this is the exact route that propecia and 5ar inhibition came from.

Also check this out, isoretinoin, better known as accutane is a drug infamous for causing hair loss. The reason? Isotretinoin causes upregulation of D2 receptors. Upregulating D2 receptors is bound to lead to hair loss (see Dr. Costarelis). Another side effect of isoretinoin? IT INHIBITS 3A HSD ACTIVITY...! It's clear that the antimatter to 5ar is indeed 3a hsd, and if we can make propecia to block 5 ar, then we SURE AS HELL can create something to magnify 3a hsd activity. It is my understanding that formulating a topical treatment is a million times easier when you are trying to boost a function rather than when you inhibit a function (hence the difficulties in formulating a topical propecia). There also seems to be a recently formed team in Israel called Technion who have also identified 3a hsd as the main culprit.

The best chance of a cure coming out is if someone thakes 3a hsd seriously and finds a way to introduce it to the scalp. If I had any sort of background in biomedical science I would be working on it right now as it does not seem too difficult to introduce enzymes to the scalp (no chance of rejection if enzymes developed are taken from your own body), and virtually no chance of mutation (cancer)."

So what do you guys think? Is this guy onto something here?

Pray The Bald Away

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214 iostretinion (or any oral retinoid for that matter) causes hair loss mainly due to the upregulation of TGF-beta 2. This is evident in the lack of miniaturization after ingesting said retinoid. I'm not sure if that pathway is even remotely comparable to male pattern baldness.


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Pray The Bald Away

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But wouldn't introducing 3a hsd to the scalp still have potential?
Perhaps. I was just pointing out that isotretinoin induces premature catagen and instant suspension in telogen (reversible) rather than the gradual miniaturization that accompanies hair cycling in male pattern baldness (not reversible as of yet).


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Yes, that would have potential. But where would one get pure 3 alpha HSD?

Someone wrote in an old thread from 2005 that you could buy 3a hsd in powder form, but they never provided any links.

However, "Ihavethecure" recently wrote the following on hair loss cure 2020:

"SSRIs fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, and paroxetine, the SNRI venlafaxine, and mirtazapine. All current treatments used as anti depressants that can be used to increase 3a hsd levels."

He also claims that:

"All the pharmaceuticals know about 3a hsd and the natural DHT eliminating property it has. But then again, replicating an enzyme is something only the very top pharmaceuticals can do and they wouldn't want to lose such a steady stream of revenue"


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interessting. my uncle had to take psycho pharmaca over a year. he lost all his sex drive and it never came back...


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Klijom recently wrote on hairlosscure 2020:

"SSRI's do increase 3a hsd activity but the problem is that there is not enough 3a hsd present in the scalp. Also, SSRI's are not designed to increase 3a hsd activity, it is merely a side effect. If a drug/ method could be developed to introduce 3a hsd to the scalp then we are on to a real winner"

I am trying to get him over here btw, so he can join the discussion and share his knowledge

Pray The Bald Away

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I don't see what this would do to regrow hair. The absence of DHT does nothing to pull hair follicles out of telogen.


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If someone could make a topical version of estradiol (estrogen) that would stay only in the scalp... I'm pretty sure that person would be very rich soon. Lack of DHT alone mostly doesn't regrow, but with estrogen it's a whole different story. You'd just have to prevent it from getting around the body.


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A whole lot of people dont care about hair regrowth. They want to simply keep what they have right now safely. So if this just did that in a safer way then propecia you still have a winner. I mean anything almost that works is a winner when we have 2 treatments. Stopping DHT in a safer way is still a major goal.
Would taking a supplement of SULFORAPHANE work too? Would it matter if its a softgel of extract verses a powder? I can tell you for a fact taking saw palmetto extract as softgel had an effect and taking the same stuff as powder did nothing.
Is SULFORAPHANE something found in broccoli? So in theory eating tons of broccoli would increase the expression of this 3a hsd enzyme although the levels of the enzyme would stay the same.

- - - Updated - - -

We need Swoop's opinion on this

Yeah or chemical. The brains of the operation


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I don't see what this would do to regrow hair. The absence of DHT does nothing to pull hair follicles out of telogen.

DHT doesn't make follicles sit in a telogen phase. Androgenetic Alopecia essentially reduces the number of DP cells in a follicle which reflects the thickness of a hair... more DPs, thicker hair. DHT alone isn't responsible for follicle miniaturization anyway.


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Can someone please explain this to me as if Im five? Whats all the talk about broccoli? I hate it, but i will even have sex with it if it does something for my hair loss!


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Haha!Throw some carrots into it and have yourself a tossed salad.
Can someone please explain this to me as if Im five? Whats all the talk about broccoli? I hate it, but i will even have sex with it if it does something for my hair loss!