3 months of not treating hairloss - tattoos etc.


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You did, he must have missed it.

Anyway, are there any operations or anything that you could have to try and correct this? I'm sure you'd like to be able to smile...


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You were a model and you cant smile?

I'm sorry, I'm not making fun of you, but thats just strange. I'd be more worried about trying to fix my smile than my hair.


20sometingtoo said:
You were a model and you cant smile?

I'm sorry, I'm not making fun of you, but thats just strange. I'd be more worried about trying to fix my smile than my hair.

he was a foot model, doing mainly ads for foot cream.


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Theres good money in the foot modeling industry, for real.

I was a penis and balls model until I started taking 'roids and that sh*t shrunk faster than if I had swam in the arctic.


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You reaaaally need to GET OVER the model thing man..

That would be the best thing you could do!


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Rage from assholes.. yes.

Not needed really.

Kyriakin: I want to ask you a question.

What do YOU plan on doing. Nobody seems to have asked that yet, all they've done is offer advice ( I think I have too.. )

So, at the end of the day, what thoughts do YOU have on things..

What WILL you DO ?


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we could always use more rage



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I agree with you in a way, Kyriakin. All of us are worried about losing our hair because we feel that it will make us less attractive.

On the other hand, maybe most of us just wish that we looked as good with a shaved head as you do.

I know I'd have a lot less to worry about.


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Kyriakin said:
IwantMyhair said:

You reaaaally need to GET OVER the model thing man..

That would be the best thing you could do!

Well since it ended 4 years ago, and 3 years before hairloss, I have.

Wait, didn't you say that that picture of you with the blonde hair was from your modeling days? It says right under it that's it's from 2003...


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Kyriakin I wanted to mention something. HotorNot is absolutely positively the worst place you can go to get an accurate assessment of what people think about you. Its terrible.

This relates to how people think about everything, including hair loss treatments and "anonymous reports" online about these bandwagon treatments working or not working too ....

People have mood swings, and you get rated low. People play games on there, and you get rated low. People like to make eveyrone attractive have a "1" rating. People like brunettes more than redheads, and you get rated low. The list goes on and on ... and all it proves is that you should never evaluate your attractiveness on anonymous internet feedback.



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Kyriakin, i'm turning 20 next month and i can't honestly believe how baldness has affected us in such a similar way. you're a very good looking guy tbh.

i've got ears that stick out which make me look like a dumb prick with a shaved head. i'm thinking of getting them pinned back which should hopefully help me claw back my confidence.