3 months on finasteride but no progress


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something new scaring me, anyone knows what's the meaning of a hair shaft; thick, black from the peak, goes thinning, losing it's dye gradually, until it's weak root?!!!!! I was horribly shocked figuring it out.


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verlieber said:
something new scaring me, anyone knows what's the meaning of a hair shaft; thick, black from the peak, goes thinning, losing it's dye gradually, until it's weak root?!!!!! I was horribly shocked figuring it out.

I've been experiencing this too since my second shed.

The hairs start off dark and thick like normal, but then about halfway down start getting thinner. Some lose their color and the hair will become almost translucent when it gets to the bulb.

I don't really understand what it is either. Rapid miniaturization?

I've been on Propecia (not generic) for just 9 months now, and I've been nonstop shedding pretty much the entire time. I had two major attacks at about 3 months and 6 months. The second shed really hurt my center hairline which wasn't thinning when I started Propecia, and I started losing hair all over my head including around my ears and neck. I mainly started Propecia because of thinning on the crown and temples. My goal was just maintenance. I actually think it slowed down the crown loss, but the temples are really bad now. I just looked at them a few minutes ago and there's a spot on the left temple that wasn't there just a week ago.


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generic finasteride from reputable online stores is perfectly ok, dont go scaring yourself lads. finasteride is finasteride.


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i was taking finpecia for 14 months and continued to lose hair the whole time, i was convinced that i was one of the unlucky none responders but i always had a thought in the back of my mind that maybe the drugs werent legit so before i gave up on finasteride completely i went to see my gp and got a prescription for propecia and collected it from my local chemist, i didnt expect much but thought it was worth a shot.
That was 18 months ago and it was the best decision i ever made. It took over a year to start seeing results and for the shedding to stop completely but now my hair is going from strength to strength,

so just a word of advice before giving up on finasteride give the brand name from a local chemist a try and make sure you give it at least a year to see results
after all what have u got to lose


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Thanks david007 for the comment, I've been on proscar for over 7.5 monthes, proscar is original finasteride, doses increased from 0.6, 0.73, upto 1.0mg finasteride,, before starting med obviously, my hair was shedding in way less than now is doing, today in shower I counted 230 shafts, and what really scaring me; from time to time I see hairs darker stronger from the top, go thinning/lighter until the bulb,,
You said that you got progress only after one year, do you mean your hairloss redused only after one year, during the first year have your hair continued to shed out?,
I remember in the 7th month mark, I started to feel my hair start getting better, for few days shedding was lessend to 100 to 110, but only for few days, then rebounded to the normal high shed !!!
Thanks for any info/experiences


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zephyr31 said:
generic finasteride from reputable online stores is perfectly ok, dont go scaring yourself lads. finasteride is finasteride.

oh yah, all those reputable online dealers who sell prescription drugs with no prescription? :whistle:


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i agree 3 months is nothing, i think after 3 months thats when i started seeing the shedidng starting.

it is discouraging and hard when you are taking somethimg everyday that is meant to help but is seemingly making things worse but like evryone here will tell you, it takes time and patience.

i am on 0.5mg finasteride daily, when i started my hair was pretty thick, all over and my receding hairline, bearable although thinning at temples. just over 6 months later all of my hair, back, sides, mid, and hairline is real thin, ive lost a bit of groud, maybe not much but mainly cos its thinned out so it looks worse than it is.

but still 6 months is not enough time and you have to accept that things may get worse before they get better and hopefully for myself and you guys that WILL be the case

you just have to hang in there


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ha! try being on month 9 and still waiting for results. You just have to give it time. I did quit rogaine after 6 months though cause I didn't see any results from it. I don't really need regrowth, I need to thicken up my hair. Its really thinned out.


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treeshrew said:
zephyr31 said:
generic finasteride from reputable online stores is perfectly ok, dont go scaring yourself lads. finasteride is finasteride.

oh yah, all those reputable online dealers who sell prescription drugs with no prescription? :whistle:

The online finasteride is mostly manufactured by "Cipla" which is a pretty reputable Indian pharmaceutical company.
If "propecia" contains the active ingredient finasteride and the "fincar" and "Finpecia" also contain active ingredient finasteride,I dont see how using generic would make any difference ? The binders used by the generic tablets might be different.But different binders should not make any difference.
Having said this I would also add that I used propecia for a year and switched to generics for the last 6 months...none of them worked for me.In my 18 months use of finasteride, my hairloss still continues...shedding still continues


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11 month passed, I can tell that now am so disappointed, shedding continues arround 120-130 in the shower, in 9 month mark, I was really delighted for 10 days shedding dropped to 60-80 hairs, I thought that's it done. I really hate every thing arround, the mood just on and off upon shedding, it's really just crap. the worse is coming, since 2 months back i start see my front hair thinning in more rapid way long hair of the front shedding more I can define them as they are the longest in my head, I see they are falling with thin bottom, could that happen, minaturizing in the same hair shaft?! my frontal hair is horrible, I recieved 2 comments of hair getting thinner, this month!
crown still as thin, I don't know, I feel am lost.


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If it were me...

I would ditch the Green Tea just coz some places report it actually INCREASES dht!! I'd be interested to hear people opinions on this.

Also, get this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWNX:IT

and also maybe Omega 3 if you want, as that will improve overall bloodflow including to follicles!

Other than that yeah, maybe just give it more time! :)


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I just wanna know, DOES ANY ONE HAD MY EXPERIENCE; SHEDDING CONTINUES THE FIRST YEAR AND THEN STOP IN THE SECOUND WHILE ON PROPECIA. There would still be hope? or it's just crap, hair loss devastating really especially when you watch your hair lost so rapid and your forehead get bigger day by day


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verlieber said:
I just wanna know, DOES ANY ONE HAD MY EXPERIENCE; SHEDDING CONTINUES THE FIRST YEAR AND THEN STOP IN THE SECOUND WHILE ON PROPECIA. There would still be hope? or it's just crap, hair loss devastating really especially when you watch your hair lost so rapid and your forehead get bigger day by day

aw dude I'm sorry to hear about that, I feel for you man.

But just properly hammer it, give it finasteride, Nizoral, nutrients ( http://www.hairstimulator.net/order.htm + MSM if you want), DHT-blocking shampoo/conditioner from here: http://www.hairstimulator.net/thinning.htm

Reduce your sebum with coenzyme A. As I say man just hammer it topically and systemically and it will stop, it'll have to! hehe :)

Oh, and minoxidil too if you want but I know nothing about that stuff!


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Thanks Hoppi, how are you doing with your regimin? how bad is your hairloss? have you got any benifit on beta-sitosterol? how long have you been on it?
I was thinking seriousely to shave my head, but the problem of a scar in the back of abad strip procedure.


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hi verlieber,

you said you are cutting up proscar into 6 or 7 pieces. i'm just not sure you're getting the correct dosage of finasteride each day.

if you can afford it I would highly suggest you start taking regular propecia, brand name from Merck, 1mg a day.

i just would not trust generics, or cutting up proscar into 6 or 7 pieces. that just sounds too risky to me.

most people pay $60 or $70 per month for CELL PHONES. so you should not be that shocked to pay that much for a medication that can keep your hair.

my personal experience was a HUGE shed in the 3 to 4 month period (on genuine propecia 1mg tablet a day). but by about month 6 i was noticing an improvement. by month 12 i had grown and thickened my hair and today (2 years later) my hair loss has not progressed at all.

hope this helps!


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I'm cutting proscar into 5, so am digesting 1mg finasteride, Merck make 5mg finasteride with brand name proscar and 1mg finasteride propecia, so they both legit, so many do the same, do you think it's worth to give another one year try propecia?!


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I would definitly give it one more year. I didnt see results untill month 14 and hair has been improving ever since..