4 months of foam, should I quit?


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Minoxidil and hair growth
It is assumed that this issue also with us very soon the doctors come, because obviously the emotional pressures of the "suffering" big. The chance of a potentially effective means to get will be used by many. It was therefore a little more detail about that (1,2).
Minoxidil makes oral ingestion hirsutism and local depositing some increased hair growth. As for the mechanism of action is assumed that the aging of the hair matrix cells delayed (1). To whom and under what conditions lead to minoxidil hair? Unavailable until now have been successful only with androgenic Alopecie. For several larger controlled study shows that daily local application at least 60% of the men no effect at about 30% a mediocre success and is less than 10% is a good success occurs. However, the number of hair even with good success 31/cm2 only during normal 500/cm2. And as mediocre (moderate) is a slight fuzz (mostly fluff). But surely this is the impression cosmetic crucial as relative numbers.
To these "successes" to achieve must have at least 8 months of therapy. Now, however, if the therapy is, a year later, a large proportion of men lost their hair again (1). About the benefits for Alopecia Areata, or with prophylactic administration There are no statements. About side effects, apart from a possible severe skin irritation or infrequent contact allergy, the risk of blood pressure reduction and EKG-Veränderung after absorption to remember. For this, there are some reports that are actually absorbed doses and blood levels in the local reaction to such a risk currently appear low (1). But it is still not clear whether for example Increased local application by patients in expectation of better success, but not to dangerous cardiovascular reactions.
The cost of treatment with minoxidil ointment (in Austria have not yet registered) - chosen for England - is GBP 480, -- also about ATS 9.000, -- (1).
A critical advice to patients is therefore mainly the low success rate (good for less than 10%) and the high cost prominence. With over 60% are also S 9.000, per year spent useless, in a further 30% with little benefit. With disappearance of the hair therapy disappear again. Even with minoxidil hair grow not in the sky.