6000 posts - how depressing is that?


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Its certainly not a desirable achievment is it :( Maybe its time I left? :dunno:


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Don't leave until you feel like site has completely served its purpose for you. Don't feel bad about 6000...its helped a lot of people...its just not you serving yourself.


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s.a.f said:
Its certainly not a desirable achievment is it :( Maybe its time I left? :dunno:

Yep, jog on SAF, you miserable git. :)

You're still behind Cassin, Css and Bryan I think when it comes to post count. I went on a music forum yesterday and there was posters on there with 25000 posts etc... So you have plenty left in you yet.


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You should be proud of that accomplishment. You have always posted good advice and helped alot of people on here including me. Keep on posting!!!!! :punk:


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To be honest, that is pretty sad. Hair loss must be on your mind like 24/7.


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I shall leave not when my number of posts reaches tens of thousands, but when my number of hair follicles reaches tens of thousands.


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Whatever, nothing to be ashamed of imo. You've been helpful and you're keeping kids from making the same mistakes you did. Plus it's a place for us baldies to commiserate, express our insecurities, cheer ea other up or just chew the fat. I for one, found you a helpful poster when I first got joined this site. Nothing wrong with coming on here once a day or so and dropping a couple posts.


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I don't see anything wrong it that.. this is a hairloss forum, not some game forum etc.

somone uk

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i wish i had 6000 posts
but as said the bigger posters are usually helping others, like bryan with his encyclopaedic knowledge and CollegeChemistryStudent with his invaluable dating advise

uncomfortable man

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SAF, you've overcome baldness albeit at a great price but you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. You've achieved every bald man's dream- to get their hair back to a socially acceptable level. Your safe. You should be happy.


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uncomfortable man said:
SAF, you've overcome baldness albeit at a great price but you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. You've achieved every bald man's dream- to get their hair back to a socially acceptable level. Your safe. You should be happy.

Hmm thats the problem though my 'socially acceptable level' is just a thin (literally) facade. Without the concealers I'm screwed. And the high price I pay for not being the baldy anymore is that I'm locked into this deception. But I admit it is preferable to the way I stuck before was as a slybaldguy.

I just wish if I had to be a top poster on a forum it was for something more enjoyable.


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Petchsky said:
s.a.f said:
Its certainly not a desirable achievment is it :( Maybe its time I left? :dunno:

Yep, jog on SAF, you miserable git. :)

You're still behind Cassin, Css and Bryan I think when it comes to post count. I went on a music forum yesterday and there was posters on there with 25000 posts etc... So you have plenty left in you yet.

There is a forum I lurk on where 2 guys have 100,000 k posts...and probably more when you factor in deleted threads. Crazy.


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That's some serious keyboard action right there.

SAF - Nobody who knows you, knows about your little HairLossTalk.com secret, so what's the problem...? You just need to get laid maybe...


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The crazy thing is that its not even a very active forum. This place probably gets 30 posts or less per day.

Thats what makes you having 6000 posts pretty incredible.

I post on Sherdog.com and they get probably about 30 posts every 2 minutes so its pretty normal to see guys with post counts in the high thousands.


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emex4 said:
The crazy thing is that its not even a very active forum. This place probably gets 30 posts or less per day.

Thats what makes you having 6000 posts pretty incredible.

4.2 posts per day, I remember when I first joined CCS was racking up 50+ a day.


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Do we have the stats on who has the highest post count here? SAF, you're clearly in the Premiership here, but I'm not sure if you clinch the title.


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The stats are available somewhere....
Fuckit! I'm going to take the lead in about a month anyway, might aswell just go nuts with posting.
Top poster on a baldness site what a enviable position that is. :Hmmm:


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s.a.f said:
Top poster on a baldness site what a enviable position that is. :Hmmm:

Not yet Number 4.

I've just broke in to the top 10, I don't see it as a bad thing, but I won't put it on my CV either.