Long time no update, I've been working on my career as well as doing physical therapy for my knee and shoulder.
Recent, taken today.. maybe a week after 1/2 buzz. My hair grows extremely fast.. Seriously, I need to buzz again because it's getting to 'long'
Scalp is red because I have been sitting at my office with my hoodie on because thats how I roll.
I haven't take finasteride. in over 3 days because I started to get the worst side effect possible, atleast in my opinion= Gyno. I am not going to take it anymore and I know that I will lose some hair gains that I've made.
Not going to lie, my hair is shedding like crazy or I am balding like crazy because with my buzzed hair, I can see those terrible lines and it draws out what is going to happen= feelbadman.jpg
I am not giving up on this battle. I will continue taking my rogaine foam and using revita shampoo.
Never give up on a hair regime.
I have eventually come to the conclusion that I really need to step up on my income and work so I can save up for my appartment, new car, and then a hair transplant.
People may laugh at me for dropping a large sum of money on a couple hair transplants- but if it makes me feel more confident, why not? You live once, live how you want as long as you keep your life together.
aesthetics > male breasts
I was the unlucky guy that got side effects, I knew what could happen when taking this drug and so did my GP. I don't regret taking it because I have learned a lesson.
I am seeing an Endocrionologist to check out my estrogen levels next week to see about my Gyno and when / if it will go away. So, I am not sure if it was the finasteride that caused it or something that I take I use daily that is very lipophilic..
Back story:
Pills are never good for
myself. I had no idea what I was taking at the time. I was encouraged by my trainer to take test boosters and anti estrogens. He told me where to find the good supplements and which ones (6-oxo, 2-ad,4-ad,11-oxo, 1-ad, Arom-x).
That's how I started balding in the first place- prohormones with out any pct from age 16-19. Prohormone's back in 2006-2009 were getting banned because they were Methyl-1-Testosterone related. That is the single most potent porhormone substance in the supplement industry. It also had Diandrone which is DHEA which is something you want to stay far, far away from. They kept getting banned after FDA actually looked at the supplements. Supplements and many other things are usually not FDA approved, look on an Emergen-C drink mixer,
Under the Emergen-C decal, Health and Energy booster is in bold and has an asterisk next to it. The asterisk is then shown in a smaller unbolded font "This statement has not been evauluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"
Which is simply saying, maybe it will give you energy- we haven't looked into it. Kinda makes you wonder what other things aren't FDA approved that you ingest daily.