A comment at work today


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So its raining, and this female coworker of mine is coverring her hair. Then she turns ot me and says "you;re lucky you have no hair, mine frizzes up in the rain." Isn;t that kind of like telling a person that lost their legs in an accident that their lucky because they can save money on shoes?


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You go up to that Woman rip her hair cover up and passionately make out with her like a romance novel cover. Report back to me after and we'll talk about what to tell your bosses the next day. :jump:


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Did you make sure to call her a fatass? or that one of her tits isn't symetrical?

Seriously why do you get so mad? It's like you KNOW you're going bald, you KNOW you have hair loss. But when someone says something about it, you lose it. She was just making an observation, and i will side with you that it wasn't a very nice thing to say, but aren't we all getting a little sensitive?


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some biatches can be so inconsiderate huh?


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I certainly didn't "lose it." I laughed it off. The last thing I want to be known as is the guy that flips out and takes a tantrum when you mention hairloss.


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My Regimen
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That doesn't sound like she was trying to be rude or anything... maybe she doesn't realize how bad you feel about it?


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Yeah especialy if you handled it like you said:
30_going_on_60 said:
I certainly didn't "lose it." I laughed it off. The last thing I want to be known as is the guy that flips out and takes a tantrum when you mention hairloss.
She probably has no idea that she even offended you. Most men pretend that it does'nt bother bother them and thats the best strategy. Vanity and insecurity are not very masculine traits. I've made jokes about my own hairloss plenty of times, if people know it bothers you there are many who will keep on about it for their own entertainment. (Dont take the bait).


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Ugh people that have hair are so insensetive to people who are losing it. Most women think they can just make fun of the "bald man" and its not hurting his feelings. Well news flash, it is!


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well, most girls I know would say sth like that only in a good spirit. They know hairloss just...well happens like any other things, it's natural. Those kind of comments which are nasty come from superficial b****s that aren't even worth a big pile of crap. They might be beautiful but in 10 years they will have wrinkles and have fat asses


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well Kiel..I did it! I went up to her..pulled her hair back and waited for it to come off. Unfortunately..she wasn;t wearing any hair cover...so I tried again..she said "what the F@ck are you doing?" So I leaned in and tried to kiss her like you told me to...she looked at me kinda weird and pulled away. I said "the bald guys I talk to on line every night told me you;d like this!" She mutterred "loser" under jer breath and walked away. Didn;t go as well as I hoped. Anymore ideas?


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30_going_on_60 said:
well Kiel..I did it! I went up to her..pulled her hair back and waited for it to come off. Unfortunately..she wasn;t wearing any hair cover...so I tried again..she said "what the F@ck are you doing?" So I leaned in and tried to kiss her like you told me to...she looked at me kinda weird and pulled away. I said "the bald guys I talk to on line every night told me you;d like this!" She mutterred "loser" under jer breath and walked away. Didn;t go as well as I hoped. Anymore ideas?

buy a cup of coffee, jerk off and c*m on it, hand it over to her. Enjoy watching biatch drinking your c*m.


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errr...don;t know about the psychological immaturity part. I certainly didn;t cry about it. Just came on here and posted it as a topic for discussion.


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Good work my feathered friend! I applaud your efforts.

My next step that I am going to suggest to you is to hide behind her desk at work and go "Der nert".... "DEr NErt"... "DER NERT DER NERT DER NERT DEEEERRRRRRR!!!!" Jaws theme song then run at her laughing and start tickling her right in the stomach smiling and then give her a quick smooch on her neck and then continue smiling at her while chattering your teeth muttering "ehhhh.... ehhhhhhhhh.".

I did this back in 2005 in the office :jump: and it went over... pretty well. Pretty well indeed. Just don't ask me to define what pretty well is.


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todays update:

So i skipped lunch so that I could hide in her office with the lights out. I was tucked under a desk and waited for someone to come in...I heard someone and saw a pair of legs sit in a chair and then I heard the sound of papers shuffling. I snickerred to myself thinking "this is going to be sweet!" So I started faintly humming the Jaws theme song..then a little bit louder...and louder...I popped up from under my hiding spot and ran up to her to kiss her. I leaped really fast, with cat like reflexes and planted her one..right on the cheek.
Only thing is...it wasn't who I thought it was, it was the 65 year old Deloris who has a perfect NW1. Needless to say, she was stunned by the humming, and the sudden attack. before she could say "what the hell are you doing??" I said...." look, I chat regularly with these guys that are losing their hair and..." At that exact moment th original culprit walked in and overheard. She sneered and said "Again? Now you;re hiding under desks? Wow, you;re really psychologically immature."


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Frig! Ehhhhh... effin Deloris still has that NW1 mop. Man she sucks. I'm trying to think of the best way for you to cover your tracks and am having a struggle finding a virtuoso idea.

Alot of times when I'm feeling down and out I'll do drawings for people to leave for them.
I would imagine if you found a paper plate and cut it out like a star and drew a lion on it with a balding mane she would start to understand the signifacance of your hair troubles.

Get this drawing on a little popsicle stick like a puppet and cram it in some marshmallows so you can set it upright on her desk. Next go to the super market and get some chicken skins and let them dry over night with hair clippings sprinkled over them. Put some ketchup on this and it'll look like a piece of scalp. Just a small piece to add underneath the marshmallows to give her heart a little jolt. Get this on her desk before she gets in and see what happens. If she apporaches you on your antics and seems upset just take the whole situation lightly and act mature about it. Then give her a slow train hug. Hug-a-hug-a-hug-A-HUG-A SMMMOOOOOCH SMOOOOOOOOCHHHHH Chug-A-Chug CHHHHOOOOOOO SMMMMMOOOOOOOCH. If you can get tears in your eyes while doing this for the whole shock/guilt affect.


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Kiel gives awesome suggestions!


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RaginDemon said:
Kiel gives awesome suggestions!
*lol* he certainly does! We could all take a leaf from his book and embrace the um... er.... embrace the ah.... something.

cough cough bulbeating cough hack....


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Fortunately she did in front of you. At least you know who she is. Most comment in our back.


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RaginDemon said:
buy a cup of coffee, jerk off and c*m on it, hand it over to her. Enjoy watching biatch drinking your c*m.

I actually think this would be a good enough comeback.