Note that as we enter into our 20s and attend college we start to experience higher levels of stress. That is added ontop of mountains of debt coming out of school, trying to get a job, relationships and drama, marriage, kids etc etc... all that adds up to increased stress hormones.
These stresses are something MOST teens living at home, with everything paid for, and all they do is go to high school do not have to deal with. Those who have a shitty hand delt to them could be early losers of hair. Even kids who are pressured to crazy levels by their parents (my valedictorian) was damn near full bald by 18.
He had to be a model kid, model church boy, model team captain, get into Ivy Leauge schools. And all of us who just laid back and chilled out where perfectly fine.
Alot of the stress (most of it) revolves around our heads (headaches), which could honestly be a reason for the gene expression changing on the top of the scalp. When you have a headache there is a pain in the very region that the DHT floods towards. Next time you have a headache you will notice if you touch your head it is most sensitive on top!!
Even if you do not go to school and the whole 9 yards, once you are in your 20's all of the BS starts piling on. In some cases if your not apart of the demographic that goes to post secondary university than you probably have stresses in many other ways that make up for that stress.
I know from my now stress free life what stress really is looking back at everything. Back then I didnt realize how stressed I used to be because I thought it was "normal". I guess thats why I needed to smoke weed every day eh lol.
Even loosing hair alone is enough to cause anxiety and stress that changes your gene expression on the top of the scalp....
These stresses are something MOST teens living at home, with everything paid for, and all they do is go to high school do not have to deal with. Those who have a shitty hand delt to them could be early losers of hair. Even kids who are pressured to crazy levels by their parents (my valedictorian) was damn near full bald by 18.
He had to be a model kid, model church boy, model team captain, get into Ivy Leauge schools. And all of us who just laid back and chilled out where perfectly fine.
Alot of the stress (most of it) revolves around our heads (headaches), which could honestly be a reason for the gene expression changing on the top of the scalp. When you have a headache there is a pain in the very region that the DHT floods towards. Next time you have a headache you will notice if you touch your head it is most sensitive on top!!
Even if you do not go to school and the whole 9 yards, once you are in your 20's all of the BS starts piling on. In some cases if your not apart of the demographic that goes to post secondary university than you probably have stresses in many other ways that make up for that stress.
I know from my now stress free life what stress really is looking back at everything. Back then I didnt realize how stressed I used to be because I thought it was "normal". I guess thats why I needed to smoke weed every day eh lol.
Even loosing hair alone is enough to cause anxiety and stress that changes your gene expression on the top of the scalp....
First of all no one ever said male pattern baldness is one size fits all. The fact certain people do not respond to certain meds clearly illustrates that!
No one here is saying DHT is not implicated in some way shape or form. We are now just doing research on this thread and realizng that for some unknown reason DHT rushes to the top of the scalp in an overabundent amount.
Like one poster was stating it was found that abundant DHT was found at the site of injury in other body parts. It went there to help wound healing, however, it does this via calcification. That same calcification is what causes the death of the hair follice.
The question is why does the DHT go to that particular area on our scalp in the first place in such higher than normal quantitiys? Wht is signaling DHT to go to the Scalp. Clearly something happens in that region of the scalp (Change) that was not happening before which causes the influx of DHT and therefore calcification = death of follicle.
Prolcatin has also been found in studies to prevent hair from entering the Anagen Phase and also triggering hair in any phase to enter the Catagen Phase.
These are not things that can be over looked.
finasteride - just reduces a very much nessecary and needed Male hormone required for proper and healthy Male body function. It does not address the root cause at all.
Min - just stimulates the scalp to get the blood flow moving and most likely may help in breaking down that calification of the follicles while triggering PGE1 to produce more hair.
Even the Japanese boys are just saying lets take follicles from else where that do not seems to inccur this (Change) and clone/culutre them and replant them in other areas.
A real cure, which is where Gene Editing comes in on a very very very Atomic level, is to figure out what gene expression changes in the scalp that causes DHT to flood there in the first place. Seeing that majority of people even high Norwood had their balls drop considerably before they started loosing hair.
Even bodybilders who have trained for many many years have calcification of tendons and muscles. When they break down muscle to rebuld it, it is wound healing. Thats why many advanced guys suffer so many injuries compared to your newbie. There has been shown in post injury scans a build up of calcification.
One way to prevent that is to do Yoga. The closet thing to that for our scalps I would assume is Massage.
But I can infact say that my lifestyle and lack of stress all around has greatly helped contribute to me maintaining my Norwood 1.5 diffuse thinning. Infact once I came off 8 month Keto (Hair cells cannot metabolize without Glucose or Fructose. Keytones cant fuel Hair cell metabolism) in 2013 I have maintained the exact amount of hair.
So for others it may be more of one thing than the other, but it is stright buffoonary to suggest just DHT and DHT alone is the issue. Just like us saying DHT has 0 role in hair loss.
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