A Humble Suggestion For Younger Brothers Suffering


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I join RIOT against imperial system on HairLossTalk.com


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LOL, definitely a plus. Try being 45 and realising women and society STILL judge you on how you look. There's no let-up folks. I used to think people in their 40s got to put their proverbial feet up and drink their proverbial sherry - in other words, I thought society would give them a pass, given their age. No such luck. We are judged on how we look all the time. It's ridiculous, but we're somehow supposed to win an unwinnable war for society to accept us.
I think alot of this has to do with the influence of social media. People in their mid 40's and older did not grow up with the social media influence we have today but they still had to accommodate and evolve with it. A lot of that influence might also be directly influenced thru their children if they have any. I have always been concerned about looks. Just part of my personality. I can tell you in my case its not age dependent. I can understand why older women date younger guys and why older men date younger women. Youth in itself is attractive. That is why I feel bad for those guys who feel their youth is ONLY defined by their hair. How people perceive you definitely is defined by your hair but its not the only thing. I think everyone knows aesthetics is top priority if they want to attract a mate.

How well you can accept people's flaws is based on your own security. If you are very insecure, chances are you will not be able to accept your own flaws and certainly not those of any one else. However, if you have common ground with someone you might give them a free pass on certain physical traits. You have to have some type of connection with someone before you are willing to compromise on looks. Looks are the first impression and if you don't like what you see, most likely you will avoid it. We even feel that way when you look at food. If it looks disgusting, you won't even try it.
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I'm 30 and still rely on getting much younger women, as decent 25 year old+ chicks are in serious relationships, living with their partner, married, or have children from a previous relationship (which, less face it, is not desirable, while it would not automatically cancel out the possibility of me dating a woman, it would put a real dent in the chances of that and I'd have to be incredibly into her).

I'm going to be clear firstly that I'm generalising here, and obviously this does not apply to all women, but there's a reason why most are still single into their 30's. If they tick such boxes as being not ugly or of a fairly normal weight, then they could be incredibly hard to keep happy, and even beta guys couldn't put up with them mentally for any serious length of time.

I have also met women around my age who were perfectly fine and just not met the right guy yet, but in a lot of cases, once you get to know a woman who's like 28 and still single, a few weeks in and it's like "oh, this is making sense now".

Sorry to put a dampener on this intended positivity thread but guys aren't going to be loving life anymore when they reach an older age and come to the realisation that it's not all roses.

I will agree that Roberto is correct in that it does get slightly better, he is correct in the fact that older women are more accepting of baldness, but it's worth noting that there's a much thinner field to choose from.


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Its not all about looks.
Its about status,money,powerful position.

Work harder than concentrating on looks.

What should I do? Hold up a big digital sign that shows my bank balance
I think alot of this has to do with the influence of social media. People in their mid 40's and older did not grow up with the social media influence we have today but they still had to accommodate and evolve with it. A lot of that influence might also be directly influenced thru their children if they have any. I have always been concerned about looks. Just part of my personality. I can tell you in my case its not age dependent. I can understand why older women date younger guys and why older men date younger women. Youth in itself is attractive. That is why I feel bad for those guys who feel their youth is ONLY defined by their hair. How people perceive you definitely is defined by your hair but its not the only thing. I think everyone knows aesthetics is top priority if they want to attract a mate.

How well you can accept people's flaws is based on your own security. If you are very insecure, chances are you will not be able to accept your own flaws and certainly not those of any one else. However, if you have common ground with someone you might give them a free pass on certain physical traits. You have to have some type of connection with someone before you are willing to compromise on looks. Looks are the first impression and if you don't like what you see, most likely you will avoid it. We even feel that way when you look at food. If it looks disgusting, you won't even try it.

Absolutely - looks are not age dependent. Young people - listen up: there's no upper bound on lookism when it comes to age. If you feel you're being judged harshly in your teens or 20s about your looks, it'll keep going until your 30s and 40s at least. Probably longer (not that many 50+ people here, but if they are, they can atest).

I also agree that there's a fickle knife-edge between those who have an affinity to other "sufferers" of ugliness or an intolerance to it, though I think most of the time that ugly people hate other ugly people, just as all people hate ugly people. Just because you are bald, it doesn't mean you somehow "warm" to other baldites. In fact, you might have an aversion to them - they remind you of the ugliness you hate. In fact, I think that is the case most of the time. Ugliness is not "warmed to" - it's hated. It's not something people sympathise with at all - they have an aversion to it when they see it in other people. Even if they are ugly themselves.


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What should I do? Hold up a big digital sign that shows my bank balance

Absolutely - looks are not age dependent. Young people - listen up: there's no upper bound on lookism when it comes to age. If you feel you're being judged harshly in your teens or 20s about your looks, it'll keep going until your 30s and 40s at least. Probably longer (not that many 50+ people here, but if they are, they can atest).

I also agree that there's a fickle knife-edge between those who have an affinity to other "sufferers" of ugliness or an intolerance to it, though I think most of the time that ugly people hate other ugly people, just as all people hate ugly people. Just because you are bald, it doesn't mean you somehow "warm" to other baldites. In fact, you might have an aversion to them - they remind you of the ugliness you hate. In fact, I think that is the case most of the time. Ugliness is not "warmed to" - it's hated. It's not something people sympathise with at all - they have an aversion to it when they see it in other people. Even if they are ugly themselves.

Which country you belong by the way?

Imagine you are some good School Teacher?
a professor? doctor? well recognised civil engineer?Interior decorator?Some kind of business owner like car dealer,Mobile shop owner.

Dude,forget about this now?
Even small level jobs like Electrician or Plumber or Painter or anything gives people a direction in Life.

This looks rant will never help your life.

If you are beneficial to society,no one will judge you.

That Guy

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LOL, definitely a plus. Try being 45 and realising women and society STILL judge you on how you look. There's no let-up folks. I used to think people in their 40s got to put their proverbial feet up and drink their proverbial sherry - in other words, I thought society would give them a pass, given their age. No such luck. We are judged on how we look all the time. It's ridiculous, but we're somehow supposed to win an unwinnable war for society to accept us.

As a man, the single biggest factor is how good you look as you get older is your hairline — especially if you're Caucasian.

The older guys, celebrity or not, that women even half their age want are all NW2 at the absolute worst.

My grandfather is nearly 70, but still exercises almost daily and still has a fullhead of hair. People always think he's my dad. If he had hairloss, I guarantee it wouldn't be like that.

A lot of people reason that losing your hair at an older age is "easier', and it may be in the sense that you'll have "hair nostalgia", but this is essentially saying "oh, when you're older you can just let yourself go." Well, there are many married women, well past the age of 30 who are still in great shape and look good; with younger or attractive men chatting her up, but they have husbands at home with receeding hairlines and advancing waistlines who honestly believe that "she'll want me no matter what."

She won't, and keep enjoying your less frequent, in-total-darkness sex while she's probably fantasizing in the shadows.

There is also that fact that at age 30, only around 30% of men are starting to bald. But many people are married off by that age, and if you're a single man with hairloss into that age, you're still in a minority. You don't become more desirable — you become less.

It will not get easier.


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As a man, the single biggest factor is how good you look as you get older is your hairline — especially if you're Caucasian.

Yup, without a doubt.

I'm 38 and redpilled is correct. Being shallow and making judgements on appearance is an unfortunate aspect of human nature, it's a feature, not a bug, and it doesn't suddenly stop operating when you turn 35. However, there are A LOT of white dudes with hair loss in their late 30s though, and a woman in her late 30s is going to be having her own issues and will be much more forgiving, true.


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As a man, the single biggest factor is how good you look as you get older is your hairline — especially if you're Caucasian.

The older guys, celebrity or not, that women even half their age want are all NW2 at the absolute worst.

My grandfather is nearly 70, but still exercises almost daily and still has a fullhead of hair. People always think he's my dad. If he had hairloss, I guarantee it wouldn't be like that.

A lot of people reason that losing your hair at an older age is "easier', and it may be in the sense that you'll have "hair nostalgia", but this is essentially saying "oh, when you're older you can just let yourself go." Well, there are many married women, well past the age of 30 who are still in great shape and look good; with younger or attractive men chatting her up, but they have husbands at home with receeding hairlines and advancing waistlines who honestly believe that "she'll want me no matter what."

She won't, and keep enjoying your less frequent, in-total-darkness sex while she's probably fantasizing in the shadows.

There is also that fact that at age 30, only around 30% of men are starting to bald. But many people are married off by that age, and if you're a single man with hairloss into that age, you're still in a minority. You don't become more desirable — you become less.

It will not get easier.

That's a red/black reality pill there guys. Like you, I thought guys would get it easier as they got older. No - they just get divorced/ignored. I don't even think it's because their wives are working out everyday, but it's just how society is now setup. Guys have to be exceptional to be seen as a good catch - including looking good at all times. Of course, you need to provide, that's a given. That's just a prerequisiste.

It's a long long rabbit hole fellas. You think you're going to get to sunnier times in your 40s - nope. You're still judged, but this time with nature fighting you every inch of the way. I see a lot of guys with haunted looks on their faces in their 40s+ - they're all but invisible now, with all the responsibilities of being an adult male (provide, provide, provide).

Meanwhile, women watch nonsense media that tell them how special they are. It's a toxic mix with no clear daylight for men.


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That's a red/black reality pill there guys. Like you, I thought guys would get it easier as they got older. No - they just get divorced/ignored. I don't even think it's because their wives are working out everyday, but it's just how society is now setup. Guys have to be exceptional to be seen as a good catch - including looking good at all times. Of course, you need to provide, that's a given. That's just a prerequisiste.

It's a long long rabbit hole fellas. You think you're going to get to sunnier times in your 40s - nope. You're still judged, but this time with nature fighting you every inch of the way. I see a lot of guys with haunted looks on their faces in their 40s+ - they're all but invisible now, with all the responsibilities of being an adult male (provide, provide, provide).

Meanwhile, women watch nonsense media that tell them how special they are. It's a toxic mix with no clear daylight for men.
It f*****g sucks to be male human. All your life is tied to your looks and all your looks depend on your genetics and you can't do anything about them (height, hair, jawline,, etc). Unlike women, they can easily change and improve their looks because they're rarely fucked by genetics like males and they have many options.


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It f*****g sucks to be male human. All your life is tied to your looks and all your looks depend on your genetics and you can't do anything about them (height, hair, jawline,, etc). Unlike women, they can easily change and improve their looks because they're rarely fucked by genetics like males and they have many options.

Men are chasers, women are choosers. Society/media will always have sympathy and empathy for women. Men are just beasts of burden, expendables. We are a source of ridicule, not sympathy. Bald woman? She's brave. Bald guy? Loser. When was a bald women ever called a loser? Never. Always sympathy toward her and ridicule towards guys. We die 5 to 8 years younger than women. When did you last hear society talk/worry about that? No, they worry about stuff that isn't even true, like the "wage gap" (true in aggregate, not true in like-for-like jobs which is what counts).

The real red pill is that men have really gotten the shaft and the big lie is that it's women who have the raw deal. Just observe how society cares for women, but doesn't care for men - there's your answer.


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Men are chasers, women are choosers. Society/media will always have sympathy and empathy for women. Men are just beasts of burden, expendables. We are a source of ridicule, not sympathy. Bald woman? She's brave. Bald guy? Loser. When was a bald women ever called a loser? Never. Always sympathy toward her and ridicule towards guys. We die 5 to 8 years younger than women. When did you last hear society talk/worry about that? No, they worry about stuff that isn't even true, like the "wage gap" (true in aggregate, not true in like-for-like jobs which is what counts).

The real red pill is that men have really gotten the shaft and the big lie is that it's women who have the raw deal. Just observe how society cares for women, but doesn't care for men - there's your answer.
Yeah man it's bullshit. Men are expected to have looks, money, status and be successful and provide for the family forever, but women offer nothing in return, except their vagina or boobs. The life of unattractive man is living hell.


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I have to specify that the hair transplant bullet point is not "alternative" to women being more forgiving of hair loss. Both things MUST happen.

I had much more fun as a transplanted 30 years old than a NW5 25 years old.

I do not think that women forgive bad looks at any age: simply put, at 30 some of them (I wrote 10-15 per cent) do.

With time you learn how to hide this horrible beast, and you live better.

When you are 19-20 and you are balding, you make lots of mistakes that you will not do later in life.

And the hair transplant is ESSENTIAL.


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Pratt was balding?

he was NW3 and worsening back in Parks and Rec 2009 days. jumped on finasteride + transplant

but besides hair


looksmax case study

just hit the gym and grow facial hair bro. PS: have genetics

another guy like Bradley Cooper whose sexual appeal (read: career) is dependent on aesthetics
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maybe thats why they split up

years of eating finasteride finally caught up and killed his dick :D


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They split up because he is now more popular than she is. She wants more kids and for daddy to be daddy. He does not want more kids and wants to be a blockbuster actor who travels the world without his kids or his wife tagging along.


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I see everybody in this thread and on this board talking about how monstrous they look like, and I've yet to see any pictures. Is it a fear of memeing and using the pics against? Or is it to remain anonymous? Combination?

Not that I'm pressuring, but I'd just like to see what we're working with here, I'm sure all the freaks at table 9 cannot be all inhabiting this single forum.