A new outlook on life


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Since turning 24 the day before Halloween, I've undergone a new transformation of myself. One of the big parts is that I'm not letting my loss bother me. Sure, I see people with better heads of hair but you know what? I'll find a way to get it back someday, just not now. It should not be focused on that.

Why? Because there are things that are more important now like keeping in good shape and doing well in the last two semesters (this one and Spring 2008). I refined my study habits and they paid off by a big improvement on quizzes and tests in the last week. I also set up a new study schedule. Plus, after every other week I would take off Friday or Saturday to just take it easy and go out somewhere (one of the days I don't work or have class) and I'm joining a gym once the snow hits. I need to study more to get my GPA up so grad schools can consider me.

Plus, I want to find work ASAP after a needed vacation after I finish college. I'm sick of working in the food service industry, I'm applying to a Barnes and Noble that opened up and then somewhere in Sales or Human Resources once I'm done with school. A degree in Accounting is possible.

It's hard to believe college is almost over, I have 6 months left but learning still goes on until I die.

I can't let my loss control my life. :youbet:


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Sounds groovy, man.

You're an inspiration. Always reward yourself, and keep up the good work.

BTW, where are you thinking about vacationing?


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Yeah that's definitely a smart move... It's sad how many guys let their hairloss control everything in their lives. I've already read way too many stories of how, once alopecia sets its cruel hand on them, they throw away everything else they have - studies & career development, friends & family, hobbies & interests...

Hairloss should not control your life, as you said. Lately I am thinking about it less and less and starting to focus more on the "big picture", and how I'm going to draw it.... (so far I think I have a pretty good rough draft *hehe*)

DaSand said:
It's hard to believe college is almost over, I have 6 months left but learning still goes on until I die.
That's awesome man! ...wish I'd started my studies earlier. My girlfriend just finished her degree and gone straight into a job she loves, and is absolutely over the moon... Learning does go on and on too - I've always said: Once you stop learning, you start dying. No matter what age you are.


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Funny you asked Aplunk, I'm considering a week in NYC, my mom has friends who live there.

It may have taken me longer to finish, but I'm glad. I'm still considering grad school in the future for an MBA. I may not like teaching young kids, but I can think I do well with college students.


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Great post, hope you get a decent job :punk:


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I like your attitude :)

Younger guys aged about 10-15 who have the male pattern baldness gene will be the lucky ones, in about 5-10 years when there hairloss kicks in some really great hairloss options will be available to them. But your right, I share them same idealism as you, one day i will get back due to technology. However in the mean time we gotta stay fit and healthy and keep living our lives. its just hard sometimes :(


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I believe I will get my hair back someday. Just live for the day.


I'd like to believe that there will be a day when I'll finally realize that I don't need hair. That would be a blessing.


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Great attitude!

Growhairgrow...you should learn to smile man.


malibujoe said:
Great attitude!

Growhairgrow...you should learn to smile man.

I will smile, as soon as I finally get something to smile about.


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i don't get it? i thought u were happy and not letting hair loss bother you?

look in the mirror..ur better looking than a lot of guys WITH hair.

either way, not my problem...just thought i'd comment.


malibujoe said:
i don't get it? i thought u were happy and not letting hair loss bother you?

look in the mirror..ur better looking than a lot of guys WITH hair.

either way, not my problem...just thought i'd comment.

Yeah sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm not. It's a rollercoaster with BDD. Everytime I look in the mirror I see a different person. Generally I feel better than I did a year ago, though.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
malibujoe said:
i don't get it? i thought u were happy and not letting hair loss bother you?

look in the mirror..ur better looking than a lot of guys WITH hair.

either way, not my problem...just thought i'd comment.

Yeah sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm not. It's a rollercoaster with BDD. Everytime I look in the mirror I see a different person. Generally I feel better than I did a year ago, though.

I think many people have it that way..Im always a little down in the morning and at night when Im alone..but when Im at school or with friends I dont think so much about my hair..but I think being with people makes a person happy, at least thats what I feel

GHG have your itching gone away?


I admire the optimism of you guys. Why do you think that the solution for hair problems is so close? We should be happy when we get our hair back in 2030. I am gonna be in my late 40s at that time and be a lonely, old virgin....


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Taugenichts said:
I admire the optimism of you guys. Why do you think that the solution for hair problems is so close? We should be happy when we get our hair back in 2030. I am gonna be in my late 40s at that time and be a lonely, old virgin....

lol! yeah but ur right, I think 2030 is a more realistic date that the hairloss problem will have some excellent options. And we will all be to old to give a crap about hair anyway, I dont want hair when im 50 i want hair NOW damnit! I wanna enjoy it while im young. So yeah i have to confess im quite envious of guys just being born now, because by the time they grow up and starting loosing bucket loads of hair, they wont need to worry. Bastards!


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Why would a company wait until 2030 to release their product? Do you people understand they can't keep investors waiting? It doesn't make economic sense. Do you have contacts with the company? Do you know someone who works there?

Provide proof it will come out in 2030 please so we can believe you. A company would wait 23 years for a product to come out... what kind of logic is that? Please, show proof or otherwise I'm thinking you haven't been keeping up to date.


DaSand said:
Why would a company wait until 2030 to release their product? Do you people understand they can't keep investors waiting? It doesn't make economic sense. Do you have contacts with the company? Do you know someone who works there?

Provide proof it will come out in 2030 please so we can believe you. A company would wait 23 years for a product to come out... what kind of logic is that? Please, show proof or otherwise I'm thinking you haven't been keeping up to date.

I'd say HM will be out by 2010. That's soon enough for me, I'll be 28 then. I'm not so sure if I want my hair anymore by then, though. Once the hair is gone it's gone and I got the feeling that the adaptation period cannot be that long.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
DaSand said:
Why would a company wait until 2030 to release their product? Do you people understand they can't keep investors waiting? It doesn't make economic sense. Do you have contacts with the company? Do you know someone who works there?

Provide proof it will come out in 2030 please so we can believe you. A company would wait 23 years for a product to come out... what kind of logic is that? Please, show proof or otherwise I'm thinking you haven't been keeping up to date.

I'd say HM will be out by 2010. That's soon enough for me, I'll be 28 then. I'm not so sure if I want my hair anymore by then, though. Once the hair is gone it's gone and I got the feeling that the adaptation period cannot be that long.

I'll still be in my 20's when it's out in 2010 like you. I'll end my 20's with a bang. I've accepted it for now, but I will find someway to get it back. Plus, life is still beginning for us.


DaSand said:
Why would a company wait until 2030 to release their product?

Is this a joke? When the product isn´t done, they can´t release it......


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Taugenichts said:
DaSand said:
Why would a company wait until 2030 to release their product?

Is this a joke? When the product isn´t done, they can´t release it......

But it won't take until 2030 for it to come out, they have investors they're in Phase II now. It's just my opinion it will be out in 2010. I just interpreted your comments differently.