do you just mash your face on the keyboard and then hit post
Can this be true?
Teachers ordered schoolgirl, five, with alopecia to remove her wig for PE because it was a health and safety risk
- Apryl Corbett has alopcia areata, or 'spot baldness', which causes hair to fall out
- She wore a wig to Broad Oak Community Primary School after she was bullied
- Teachers at the school in St Helens forced her to take it off during the PE lesson
- They told her mother, Lianne Corbett, 27, that the wig is 'not school uniform'
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All kidding aside, you're Italian, and your name is as well.
In the US, that goes far! Especially if you have MOB TIES (PUTIN TIES).
People who struggle in life to better in their later years. Because they GROW STRONG
to adversity.
Now, I want you to sign up for the Apprentice!
I take it you are mimicking the President Elect?No, I actually put thought to it.
Instead of CONSTANTLY making myself look better BY CRITICIZING OTHER PEOPLE,
I try to make my posts creative with thought into it.
That said, I'm only polite and nice to a certain point. Once the line is drawn, it's there.
I quote every word. We (they?) should stop treating alopecia as some kind of sick joke you should embrace. I had rather we were serious about it.This would be the perfect case to shed light on the devastation of hair loss, and to subsequently find a cure for it. She is a young girl and unfortunately bullied by her peers; plenty of people would show sympathy for such a case. And as they should too. No young child should ever have to experience something so traumatic. I just wish men's hair loss would be treated with some more sympathy, and not as some kind of joke.
I take it you are mimicking the President Elect?
Are you autistic ?Relax, he's not THE ROMAN EMPEROR.
I would ask your permission, before roasting him. Otherwise I might get banned!
Besides, my president is Hillary. To the end!
He will never be my "commander in chief". Just a Gambling Casino CEO to me.
Are you autistic ?
do you just mash your face on the keyboard and then hit post?
how would you even
@rclark I bet you a regular on reddit
If I am, I'm not gonna tell you!
I've seen you troll people by using their personal facebook pages.
u moron?
You need to look at more Jodie Foster images.
This guy jerks off to your previous avatar.
View attachment 47280
it was Maria Katasonova
It it were a boy, they would not have even written an article. Nobody cares if you're a man, but if you're a girl/woman, that's a completely different matter, as if only they deserve empathy and attention.
There really is an element of truth to this, although I think all children's hair loss gets treated with some degree of sympathy. Yet in terms of adults, men's hair loss really does get joked about way too much. For instance, on youtube, I saw a special on the Dr. Oz show about women's hair loss. This woman came on who really didn't have noticeable hair loss to the naked eye. Yet when she exposed it for all to see, she was in tears and so was the audience. Conversely, when they were talking about men's hair loss on CNN I believe, they show footage of Elaine throwing that sh*t nugget Costanza's wig out the window and him running after it like a loser. The contrast is really staggering sometimes.